Ah GamePlayers.. there will always be a special place in my heart for that magazine. I must have read the Sonic & Knuckles issue about a million times. I'm pretty sure to the point where the cover fell off. Good times..
Sorry for the bad quality, read the description. I found this while attempting to enter that contest. Sorry if old. From what I've played on the iOS and 360 trial versions I can say its an OK game. Definitively not worth its title, though. I never thought physics alone could make or break the game, until I had an epiphany, and realized Sonic is entirely based on physics. I won't go farther than Splash Hill on iOS until I get the Wii Points, however. Don't ask why I can't get the Xbox one. EDIT: A pic: DEM STICK LIMBS
Friggin'... I can't find any place that sells Microsoft points cards, and if I buy online I get 800 more than I need (or want to pay for). Guess I get to wait another day.
SONIC YOU USELESS EXCUSE FOR A HEDGEHOG, STAY IN A DAMN BALL! Sick of losing rings from hitting enemies whilst the Homing Attack fails to lock on.
Alright time for me to be a hypocrite and complain a little. While I was quite excited after playing the demo this morning, I just came home from work and played through a couple more zones and I'm pretty dissapointed. The level design remids me a LOT of Sonic Advance 2, except even worse in the ways that annoyed me about Sonic Advance 2. The levels (that I've played) so far seem very spartan and empty. I got so frustrated with Casino Street I just went back to the map and checked out the over levels instead. I feel exactly the same way that I feel when I try to play through Sonic Advance 2, literally exactly the same way. I feel like I'm playing it in HD and getting fed up at the same types of areas. The vines in SHZ act 2 don't work right and I had to commit suicide several times to finish that level. I also don't like the bottomless pits that you have to homing attack over. What are those supid blue robots just floating there for? They're not even moving, at all. Also I think the level art is pretty bad. It's like they ignored everything that made the 2d games awesome and hyperfocused on making it literally 2d. Detailed hand-drawn sprites would have been a LOT more appealing than this pre-rendered stuff. The overall presentation smacks of a 90s era CD rom game. The physics. I don't mind them that much honestly, though I wish the jump dash was a lot stronger. I'm so used to blasting through Megamix and making heavy use the homing and dash attacks in that engine that in Sonic 4 I'm constantly falling short of targets. Not really SEGA's fault, it's just kind of like flying around a navy jet for a year and then trying to do the same maneuvers in a Cessna.
I don't see how you're messing up with the vines. All you do is swing back and forth with the d-pad a bit then press the jump button. Unless you're playing the 360 version (heard you MIGHT need to use the analog stick for whatever reason).
Oh is THAT what it was. Gentlemen, I give you: The Barrel. 2010. Also, more thoughts on the art: Serious, it just so fucking flat! And did the object placer spend his whole time out sick when this game was made? The levels are so bare! Here's a next gen classic Sonic design done right Why can't we have Sonic Lighting, whyyyyyyy
What do you think the easiest stages to get the emeralds on are? Like, as far as being able to complete the level with 50 rings easily. I've got 5 of the emeralds right now and I don't know where else to go...
I understood how to use the vines after a try or two, but they're still fairly broken. Even if you jump off at the exact moment you end up with half the momentum, which bothers me.
I guess I'll give my quick opinion on the game while I'm here. I like it. I was expecting total crap and I got something of decent value. I was meh on the iphone, hated the wii version (played it on my pc emu), and I'm loving the 360 version. I like most of the music, and most of the levels (frustration aside). The physics are pretty different but I've definately gotten used to them and kind of feel like they give me more control when comes to things like stopping short of taking damage or dieing. Worth 15 dollars? meh, maybe not. Definately 10 though. Now onto that final emeral and my avatar costume...
You know, I started to wonder.. Does anyone agree with me that Sonic 4 should've been built off the 2D areas from Unleashed/Colors, but with classic level design, removal of all extra moves, and giving Sonic a rolling mechanics? Because I think it would've been much prettier and less flat, and the game would've also had much truer physics than this. Not saying I don't like the game right now of course (minus the physics), but it would've been a much better and prettier game if they just did that.
Okay... I'm starting to hate Mad Gear's boss with a passion. I just can't beat him in E.G.G. Station for the life of me. Mainly because after getting hit all my rings fly back off the screen and even when they don't Sonic clips through them. I remember someone saying fall back to the left when the omfg giant Eggman balloon appears, but it's not working for me. EDIT: Aaaaaaaaand of course the moment after I post this I beat it. Great! :specialed: