PROTIP: Jumping in Special Stages is absolutely useless and will probably throw off your groove. Also, don't trust motion controls.
Well, I've been playing it pretty much non-stop since I downloaded it on XBLA, and I'm having lots of fun. Especially CSZ2, which is great because not only is it the only real non-MGZ level with a challenge, but there's quite a few hidden passages throughout as well. I mean, there are FOUR Roads of Cards. FOUR. I bet most here have only found two. Sometimes the physics do distract me, but the game is perfectly playable as it is. I do have my own entry for the contest, though.
Oh, I played the shit out of that level while trying to get the 7th Chaos Emerald, I definitely found all four of them. You can usually hit three of them in a good run, as one is right above another, keeping you from getting all four unless you backtrack on purpose...if it's possible. There's a shortcut Ruby passed over in his CNET playthrough of the level, where one of them is located.
Personally, I'm disappointed by the physics from a retro fan's point of view; had they just told us that it would have been an entirely new engine and not based on the old games, we've had been fine with it. I do think the game is utterly playable though. I just hope they add some extra features next time; I'd like the rolling to be fixed, and the jumping inertia. Other than that, the other changes are welcome, considering the design accomodates them.
You know what makes me sick about the people who say "Just get used to the physics and stop complaining"? They are the reason we have to deal with crap like this. Because of that attitude, SEGA and Dimps just count on this lack of standards to sell a game they made with minor effort. I mean, why waste time and money trying to get things right if 90% of the consumers are going to buy the game anyway just because it's Sonic? Game companies do not want to make good games, they want to make money, and if consumers allow them to make money with poor quality products you can bet your ass that is what they'll keep making. And of course, nobody likes to make bad purchases, so most of them will force themselves to like the game regardless of how bad it is. I haven't heard a single person saying "This game is awesome!" or "The best sequel ever!", they all say "Yeah, it's kinda nice", "It's a decent platformer", "If you don't compare it to the classics, it's OK", and other comments that actually mean "Since I spent money on this thing I better find something to like about it, otherwise I will have wasted money, so I will get some enjoyment out of this no matter what!". This passive behavior is what fuels this stupid cycle of crappy Sonic games. Most of you noticed that "the physics are wrong", so why do you quietly accept SEGA's mistake and make an effort to like the game anyway instead of voicing your opinion in hopes that SEGA finally realizes that they have to improve the quality of their games? Keep doing that and you will forever be playing "nice" games for a few days after they are released and soon forgetting about them, or let them know that you will not settle for "nice" and someday we might be able to play the sequel we have all been waiting for. I'm confident that there are enough people noticing that the physics are off to have SEGA acknowledge they made a mistake. That's the only way Episode 2 and possible future games will have any improvements in this area.
Here you go, the music and sound from the 360/PS3 version of Sonic 4. I didn't convert these (lossless reasons), so get the VGMStream plugin and either winamp/foobar and play them with that. For the sound, you need to have CriWare's free sound tools to listen - someone should still have a link to it somewhere.... Here are the additions/changes from the partnernet leak: 1.) Drowning music added back in (this was removed for some reason in the PartnerNet build but it's been put back in as track #22) 2.) Cutscene (not saying anymore because of spoilers) music added 3.) World map music added 4.) Super Sonic music added 5.) Speed-up version of Lost Labryinth Act 2 added 6.) Casino Street Act 2 music replaced with a new piece 7.) Speed-up version of new Casino Street Act 2 music (the older version didn't have one) All other music is exactly the same, there are no differences to the file sizes so that indicates that nothing else changed at all.
Don't feel like responding to the rest, but, I can tell Dimps and SEGA did put effort into this title. From what it seems to me, at the beginning, I don't think they realized how big of a deal physics would be to the fanbase. By the time they figured this, it was too late, as apparently making the necessary changes to the engine would require entirely remaking it, and in the end, remaking the game. I 100% expect them to make a new engine for Episode 2, and as I'm playing the last level now, I have to say Mad Gear Zone is a prime example of how they put effort into this game. Awesome level, almost regardless of the physics.
Or maybe the world's just not black and white when it comes to quality. That's why, y'know, we tend to rate things on a 1-10 scale instead of just saying "IT'S AWESOME!" or "IT SUCKS!" At the very least, remaking Casino Street Act 3. I guarantee that inertia would have vaporized the playability of that stage.
Right, well, I've not said a single thing about Sonic 4 since it was given that title, and I didn't listen to the naysayers, kept an open mind, and was very excited to get home this evening to play Sonic The Hedgehog 4. I feel so disappointed right now. I can't slam my analogue stick any further right, yet Sonic seems to be barely accelerating? Yet sometimes he'll just land and randomly fly off to the right. Jumping is very broken, Sonic seems to just fall randomly out of the sky. The homing attack is, ironically, the only thing about it that works, and it's kinda necessary because the jumping control is awful compared to Sonic 1-3&K. Everything else about the game is awesome, the startup, the music, the graphics, the levels, all awesome, but unfortunately, the physics mean for me, this isn't a worthy successor. I am a sad bunny, and won't be buying any more episodes.
You know what makes me sick about people who don't accept that others have different opinions to them? They blame any decline of their favourite franchise on people with different opinions, instead of the people who made them. Because of that attitude, SEGA and Dimps realise they have an Unpleasable Fanbase and stop trying to make a Great Game because ultimately, people will whine about it. I mean, why waste time and money trying to get things right if 90% of people on websites are just going to complain about it anyway just because it's Sonic? Game companies do not want to make good games, they want to make money, and if the people they are trying to cater to are going to bitch whatever the result, you can bet your ass that they're going to stop bother catering to that group. And of course, nobody likes to make bad purchases, so most of the people who have been consistently whining about this game have bought it anyway. It turns out that "off physics" aren't enough to stop some of us from genuinely enjoying the game. We're not "forcing ourselves to like the game". We like it. Sure there are flaws. All games have flaws. No game is perfect. I didn't buy the game because it was Sonic. I bought the game because it looked fun, and played fun when I tried it. Please remove that stick out of your backside and piss off.
I can understand people's frustrations, and if you have your own opinion then fine. I think that the physics need work, but I still find it an enjoyable game. It's not as if they made the physics the way they are by accident, it was intentional, and they do work fine. I had to get used to them though, it took a good five minutes, when it used to be instant. I wouldn't say the game is better than any of the classic games, but it's a nice homage in an era where games like those don't exist (at least like they used to). I actually enjoyed Sonic 4 as much as any of the Sonic Advance games, and a lot more than Sonic Rush. The physics aren't terrible, they're different, but at the same time, like the rest of you all, I can't understand why they would change a formula which was already perfect- it's not about adding moves and such, it's why they actually changed the way things work- they're more unnatural. I went to play Sonic 4 with my expectations being as vague as possible, and I enjoyed it. It puzzled me at some points, but I enjoyed it. You could say I actually love it. The way I see it, it's what NEW Super Mario Bros. Wii is to the Mario games- different updated look, different physics, new abilities, same kind of game. I suppose one way of looking at it is that we've played the old games to death, and it's actually nice to experience something new, totally from new, physics and all. On the other hand, there's a fine line. If you're going to call something Sonic 4, then make it as true to the originals as possible. I can see where you're all coming from, but what more is there to say? Let's not create a crappy atmosphere here again. People will continue to give their opinions, and if I'm given an outlet, I'll directly make sure the developers answer my questions, and take note of what I- as a long-time customer, player and Sonic gamer- have to say.
I really don't think that the different physics spoil the game at all. When I started the demo I felt right at home, it was pretty much like playing Megamix in HD.
What's the demo, just Splash Hill? I'd wait till you get the rest of the game. The physics didn't really bother me much till Casino Street.
I see all of these complaints about it being frustrating, but I'll be honest I find the game a breeze. Once I adjusted it was simple. Splash Hill Zone act 3 was the only real difficult stage for me (Mad Gear, I thought it was easy actually... I only got hurt once in act 1 and I died only twice in act 3). Now trying to top leaderboards (going for Lost Labyrinth act 2 on 360, currently hold second highest time and highest with normal Sonic. Though I can get the top spot, so going for it.
If the physics were really that terrible, I wouldn't have beaten the entire game on the 7th October :v: I was even travelling about all day, so I couldn't even charge my iPod much! + - I'm not going to ever drop that, it's my proudest achievement in Sonic, besides getting all the emblems in Sonic Adventure DX and getting all the Chaos Emeralds in each and every game minus the Game Gear ones.
Less broken if you hold "forward" on the d-pad, mind, but yes, that's one of the two most irritating things. That and air inertia.