I understand your example, but spindashing down a downward slope will very easily get you through those two loops. Rolling from a near-standstill, on the other hand...
Is there any word on what time of day it's going to go up on Xbox Live? I just got my baby working in full HD, and I wanna take Sonic 4 for a ride :|
After playing some more, I have another complaint, there really should be an option to turn BEEP BEEEP BEEPBEEPBEEP, and the target reticle. It really gets distracting when I'm launching into the air and the thing beeps like mad when enemies are near.
From what I remember in the past it was 2AM PST, 4AM CST, 5AM EST... but my memory may fail me, so don't hold me to that.
That's like when I played Sonic R so much that I actually got good at it. It's a shitty game, but I have it down pat. It's hard not to, given that it's a sequel and all.
Yeah, usually it updates ultra-early in the morning for PDT Xbox Live users. I'll probably stay up until 2:30 to see if it arrives.
I'm not even going to talk about whether I liked the game or not, but did anyone else notice that in the background of Casino Street Zone, the Ferris wheel that's in the right side says, "Sonic the Portable"?
SEGA Japan just released this trailer. Seems pretty awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqLNjov7Cog&feature=sub Only two more hours until it comes to XBLA...
I wish I could stay up. I gotta get up, and I have things to do when I get home tomorrow, so I'll just have to start the download and play it a few hours later. How sad...
Hmm. Looking at screens of the Wii\PS360 versions and the only graphical difference seems to be the resolution. Or am I missing something?
I don't see it. Comic Jumper is still the newest game for me. EDIT: Nevermind. Just turned off my 360 then turned it back on.
Enjoyed the game thoroughly, besides from BAW GREEN EYES, shitty physics, and other general annoyances, best put here: But once you take the game for what it is, its a good game, not what I would grace with the name Sonic the Hedgehog 4,but good none the less. Another thing: + - The final special stage is a bitch, I've spent 2 days on it now after completing the game in 3 hours including 7 chaos emeralds. If anyone has completed the game on a PAL wii (if its allowed) could someone post a completed save so I can experience supersonic and the secret ending please, I'm on the verge of smashing my Wii over it. Can't wait for episode 2, Please SEGA Correct this game, for the fanboys/girls/furries. :specialed:
I'm gonna grab it on XBLA later today. My body is still set to EST, so I wanna try to fix that first.
It's also up on the UK XBLA now, after a short delay. Just a heads-up for anyone who was waiting. Look it up alphabetically. = )
Just grabbed the Demo, my thoughts so far - - music seemed a little generic - graphically the game is nice enough - animations in the game seem a little wooden - physics are not as polished as retro sonics (sonic seems to lose inertia way too quickly IMO) - level design seemed pretty good I don't feel as though it's an evolution of Sonic 3, it's just a different game with sonic in it. I'll probably buy it when it drops in the UK tomorrow, shame it doesn't hold a candle to the older games.
I saw the good ending. + - and It's plain obvious Metal Sonic is going to be in Episode 2 Not what I was expecting! I'm looking to play it now, methinks that the Sonic 2 Dimps hack is going to come in handy.