Didn't we guess Ep 2 was having Time Travel stuff in it from the FUTURE sign post in Sonic CD's launch trailer? Also, new thread anyone?
http://segabits.com/blog/2011/12/20/exclusive-sonic-4-episode-2-not-fixing-physics-complaints/ This better not be true or I'm going to punch somebody... Also, Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 2 CD, calling it now.
I'm almost positive this is an excuse to bring back "MORE NOSTALGIC STAGES" because of you travelling back in time. Still, if Sonic Team/Dimps/SEGA manages to pull off time travel well enough, Episode 2 might actually be worth playing :P (Also, quite possibly, SEGA could pull a surpise out of their hats, hinting us at the wrong thing to lower our expectations? inb4thenagainitsSEGA </bullshit>) Speaking of suprises, this would be silly: Past and Future signs make you switch from Classic to Modern Sonics, like Eggmanland's hourglasses. *FLEES*
Time travel? Again? It's one and only purpose better be to erase Episode 1's existence in order to explain everything (looking at you PHYSICS...and music) that has changed for Episode 2. But this announcement of an announcement of a hint is killing me. BUT this is something we have brought upon ourselves because we have been driven to be constantly impatient.
Eh, I don't mind if that's true. I enjoyed Episode 1, so if Episode 2 uses the same physics, I'm fine with it.
Is it time to make an Episode 2 thread then? I have zero faith in this being anywhere near decent but I'm definitely curious to see what they've been working on for the past couple of months.
F... I responded before I read the article. I really hope it's fake. Especially after reading: "We have more Sonic 4 information that he leaked, we will be posting something everyday, so come back when you can." If they have MORE information, what are they waiting for?
Which would be their only possible excuse, albeit a terrible one. It would be much better if they just fixed up E1 in the process through 'lock-on'. This is only a rumour though, and currently one with zero backing. So it's a write-off for the time being.
Steam Registery updated again, one thing has changed: Whats Version 2 mean? it was listed as version 0 before.
There will be a new thread when there's actual news. Right now it's nothing but speculation. We don't need a second thread for that shit yet.
If the physics are the same, I am not buying it. After Generations, they have no excuse to have shitty physics.
The funky controls and physics were only part of the problem with Sonic 4. Mediocre level design with completely uninteresting gimmicks is also another part of it. They need to design the game with momentum and speed in mind, like the team of Sonic Generations did. Also didn't Ken Balough say that the game is going to feature levels that are a tad more original and rely less on constant rehash? I'm pretty sure that statement was said.
Sonic 4 may be coming to PC! it popped up mysteriously a few weeks ago in the registery like how Generations did.