I figured it out! Aristotle is not the one that was pictured in the Sega blog, it was Archilochus. Archilochus. Archi- Archie. Sega is announcing the cannonization of the Archie continuity :specialed: EDIT: If they're already starting up the viral marketing, its sounding like we'll be getting an announcement or an announcement of an announcement somewhat soon.
By the way, guys, TheKazeBlade is right. That's not Aristotle. That is Archilochus. And that's considering we've all seen the Aristotle busts before. Now I will ask from what I can conclude from this info..... Ruby, is this game going to be based on SatAM or the Archie Comics?
I was only using that as a joke, the fact that that person is really Archilochus was only to direct us to his quote, "The fox knows many little things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." And I think that that really is to lead us to Tails being in Ep. 2, I think the name of the guy is a coincidence. A game based on Archie is a bit too far-fetched, I think. Though, it would be interesting at least.
Oh, good. Did I just stumble upon The Wacky Speculation Thread? I'd rather have these letters typed in bold, serIously. Come on, so much better. I don't really care for Tails being in Episode 2, I'll just play as Sonic anyway. But hooray I suppose, new info being hinted! Dunno if I should be happy or not, Episode I was a huge shitstorm over here from what I could gather.
I hope for the love of Pete that the Archie series isn't canonized. That's that last thing the franchise needs in a game, an organized group of rebels telling our hero what he needs to do. But since Kaze mentioned it, we already know how horrible a SATAM game would turn out. If there are any words that I don't want to hear when Episode 2 is released, they are physics, and green eyes. Need I mention whining over instrumentation?
I'd hate to have the actual Archie comic series canonized, especially any of Ian Flynns writing. None of it would fit. But I'd love to see the main four freedom fighters put in canon.
Like I said, it would be reaaaaaally far-fetched. Although I think it would be interesting, I would much prefer it if they ever decided to, keep it to a side-story on the DS (or I guess the 3DS, since its coming soon), like Chronicles. EDIT: But back to Sonic 4: the simpler the better. No Archie here, please; Dimps is already having enough trouble getting this thing to play right. Story elements exceeding that seen in S3&K is no good, especially here.
...heh... While of course the Archie thing is entirely baseless and out of left field (why would you even utter that? You know how some people get about the comics), I would be greatly amused if Sega went ahead and did this: -Scourge is introduced into the games —Voice Actor is Jason Griffith doing his Sonic voice. And just let him be a douchebag.
While Roger Craig Smith's Super Sonic voice is the perfect Scourge voice, I would support that decision for the sheer hilarity of it. Shoot, ol Griff would probably do a douchebag Sonic pretty well.
http://www.nytimes.com/1992/07/03/business...a-business.html Think this has anything to do with that subtle hint as well? EDIT: Just realized this is from 1992, and in no way related to whats going on. :/
Can't say I've heard his Super Sonic voice, since he doesn't speak with it in Sonic Colors. I imagine he does in Free Riders.
While we're still in Super Happy Pointless Speculation Land.... The only Archie cross-over I'd like to see here is if it had to do with issue #225... I.e. the return of the Death Egg.
I want the Death Egg to return. Also, Berlin? Perhaps Robotnik ends up building a huge wall whereby animals that enter its proximity are shot on sight. It's up to Sonic to now defeat the wall and return communications to East and Westopolis. The whole process being in vain anyway because a year or so down the line sees humans being murdered by big ugly and previously unexplained and unheard of aliens.
Again, the Berlin thing was just a hint to The Hedgehog and the Fox, a philosophical essay written by Isaiah Berlin. It has nothing to do with the city, short of Sega being sneaky and implying a reveal being made at a big Berlin-based event soon.
And with this; a new generation of complaints. I'm sure we'll be able to tear apart Tail's running animation soon enough. :v:
If you guys are expecting anything like the last two threads, you're going to be in for a rude awakening...
Yeah, I was mainly just kidding around. There are valid complaints against Episode 1, then there's, well, what happened. Past is past, etc., and I'm honestly not expecting anything like the last two threads. I think those who are completely against this game are calmed down and used to the fact that it exists for better or worse. This thread has been pretty chill; hopefully it will remain that way. So, I'm confused. Is there an announcement occurring in Berlin, or was that just the "Hedgehog and the Fox" relation?