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Sonic 4: Episode 1 Discussion

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Cinossu, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    He's got a point. Unless Ruby's team can prove an established link between our criticisms and opinions and their final results in games that come out, this is roughly a ploy to get us to feel good about the company and maybe buy the games anyways.

    Ruby & co. are cool guys, but they're not SEGA of Japan and they're not the developers of the games. They, as part of SOA's community/PR team, can only do so much to positively impact the games and franchises we like and care about. Besides that, they're just doing their jobs. But if they're willing to make the best of their situation, then we might as well humor them by being active at our leisure. Maybe that'll make a difference at some point, or maybe not. There are other, better games out there that deserve our attention as gamers. Once SEGA enters that pantheon of great games with better, more imaginative, more competent Sonic games, then more people, including us, will buy those games. If not, we're probably just a minority anyways, and SEGA will rely on others less passionate about yet more attracted enough to the franchise to buy any and all of its games, and people will write us off as whiney pretentiously overzealous fans unless we do something about it. Like go suddenly quiet and inactive, serving no one but ourselves.
  2. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    If that's Sega with Sonic 4, what's Capcom with Legends 3?
  3. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    The exact opposite? They even allowed a main character to be chosen by fans, while SEGA didn't even bother fixing the flaws that had been continously reported many months prior to the final version of Sonic 4.
  4. Rokkan


    I'm kind of on the fence here. On one side, it does seem that Ken and Ruby are really taking all the criticism here and trying to pass it on to the developers, but on the other side, I am totally with jasonchrist: the delay on Episode I was just to take out the two stages that nobody liked and add one or two minor things, instead of taking all the criticism we were giving before and are giving now again. Plus, I do remember very well millions of statements from the PR team saying that the game is all about speed gained by being good at the game and by momentum, and what we've seen from the game is sort of the opposite :I

    I'll have to wait for Episode II to see if they really changed a thing or are putting at least SOME effort to make this game feel more like the classics. Also: If this game is supposed to be this frankenstein shit of modern and classic (which are direct opposites, mr. Iizuka), why not have an option to toggle between easier, modern-style gameplay (since the speed boosters, the Jump-Dash and the Homming Attack adds nothing to the game other than make the game a lot easier and less based on being good at it to gain speed) and a tougher, classic-style gameplay (nothing of that shit in this one)
  5. Flip


    I have played the Xbox 360 version recently and while I am overall impressed with the game it seems slower than the original 16-bit games I grew up with. Im wondering have many other people noticed this or is it something I am imagining?Like I have said I personally don't think it is a bad game in any way, it just doesnt seem to have the go that made the other games as great as they were.

    Now although this thread is for episode 1, does anyone think it would be great for episode 2 to link with the first, similar to S&K with S3 or S2 and bring back the super emeralds and Hyper forms?

    I apologize if this has been brought up alot, but I didnt have time to read all previous posts.
  6. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Sonic controls a lot clunkier than he did in the Genesis games, you're not imagining things. I personally found the game to be quite fun and the level design pretty good, but the physics suck pretty hard and the controls are stiff and not as fun as the old games' were.
  7. Flip


    it seems a bit too easy now with the addition of the homing attack. do you actually need this feature to progress? I havnt really tried not using it and if it is not neccesary for game progression I don't really see the need for it at all. I don't see what would have been so bad with a general graphics upgrade. after all there was a reason the originals were great, why try and change something that good?
  8. Slingerland


    Hechoeg Frat
    Sonic Mania
    It's a move that was added to the 3D games for added precision at high speeds. Then, it became a crutch for shitty design. It doesn't need to be in a 2D game because there's no need for added precision. The game becomes infinitely easier because of it.
  9. Flip


    Im really not much of a fan of the 3D games. I've played some of them and I like some of the characters but I think the 2D games were far better. but then thats what I grew up with, im sure there would be younger people with an opposite opinion. I feel an updated version of the originals would have been time better spent than the crap that is sonic 4. its good for what it is but I feel it falls short of what is expected in a 2D sonic. but hey thats me
  10. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    So for fun I tried to finish each level in the iPhone version while holding right the whole time. Turns out this can only be done in the first 2 Acts of Splash Hill.
  11. RubyEclipse


    Works at Squar Inix Member
  12. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I wanted a Sonic 4 Episode 2 Announcement to commemorate the Anniversary of the Sonic 4 Episode 1 Announcement D:

    EDIT: Why do the random bold letters spell Berlin?
  13. RubyEclipse


    Works at Squar Inix Member
    Oh, do they?

    That's odd. It's probably nothing.

    You should probably just ignore it.
  14. Azookara


    yup Member
    Happy Hedgehog Day, Ruby! :D

    Also, can I please tell everyone what "Berlin" means? :3 At least in spoilers? Or do you want everyone to figure it out?
    Nevermind, just silly speculation. Berlin is completely insignificant. :v:
  15. bolt7


    Happy Hedgehog Day!

    I remember that little flash banner thing being uploaded last year and everyone going ape shit over the seven seconds of music it included. Ah, the memories. =P

    Also Berlin clearly stands for; Big Episode Releasing Late In November. Looks like we can experience fishing like we always imagined it by Christmas!
  16. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    And by nothing I have a feeling it means something. But what I must ask

    Oh so it does mean something. What is it Azukara :colbert:
  17. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Hedgehogs, Berlin, and Foxes.

    Boy, someone at Sega had to be giggling when they learned this. :specialed:
  18. Azookara


    yup Member
    Philosophy, that's what Dark Sonic :colbert:

    y u do this :<
  19. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    Hedgehogs, Berlin, AND FOXES?

    Tails and German voice acting confirmed for Episode Two.
  20. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    I can't take credit for this, as I'm not particularly interested in philosophy, but a simple google search of all three terms zeroed in on it.

    It was later confirmed by SS, in her wisdom of things not Sonic.

    @Azukara: because I'm a party pooper.

    (kicks back and awaits the inevitable new meme)