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Sonic 3 Complete

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Tiddles, Dec 25, 2009.

  1. Any thoughts or ideas regarding Super Tails and the Death Egg Act 2 boss?
  2. Tiddles


    Diamond Dust Tech Member
    Leicester, England
    Get in an accident and wake up in 1973
    I am broadly in favour of both Super Tails and the Death Egg Act 2 boss, and you can expect to see these in the next revision, and indeed all past revisions. :)

    But OK, yeah, I will probably fix the thing I assume you're thinking of, since I already did it for Sandopolis and it probably isn't too hard to adapt it.
  3. Josh


    Sounds awesome, but it makes me wonder... is there any way to throw in an additional save slot? I usually have these cleared files across the eight available:

    Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles with all Super Emeralds ----> Sonic and Knuckles with all Chaos Emeralds ----> Sonic, Tails and Knuckles with no emeralds

    There's never been a reason to have Tails with all the Chaos Emeralds, but if we...
    doh. I just realized you were being sarcastic, and that Tails + Super Emeralds = Super Tails. Duh.

    Okay then, backing up a bit. What about giving Tails a Chaos Emerald-powered form, taking away his flickies and just keeping the flashiness, same as Knuckles'?

    Was there ever any confirmed reason as to why Tails didn't have one?
  4. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    I'm sure in Sonic 2 they did it to keep Super Sonic exclusive to Sonic. But I don't understand Sonic 3K, unless they just did it to keep consistency.
  5. Actually taking away Super Tails' flickies is what happens during the Flying Battery Zone Act 2 boss.
  6. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    Knuckle probably had one to further display the dualistic rivalry thing they had going on with Sonic and Knuckles. Also to emphasize that Knuckles was at the same level of ability as Sonic, and not just a sidekick in terms of ability. It's a bit funny that that happened anyway.
  7. Machenstein


    Would a patch for Turbo Tails be possible? :v:
  8. Josh



  9. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    HAHA, yes, you're right. Amazing how that has just turned right around in more recent years (That being... since 1998 and Sonic Adventure :P)

  10. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    Not cringe. (At least Tails' design/artwork in that pic)
  11. What. The. Fuck.

    On a side note, checked this hack out and do like, and I can't wait to see what kind of future goodies you'll put in! :)
  12. Harmony Friends

    Harmony Friends

    it's the whole gang Oldbie
    Tiddles, I must ask, have you ever considered moving Flying Battery back between Carnival Night and Ice Cap (and still have Knuckles take the teleporter straight to Ice Cap) as was most likely originally intended, at least as an option? I love this hack so much but I always thought that made so much more sense for FBZ.
  13. Tiddles


    Diamond Dust Tech Member
    Leicester, England
    Get in an accident and wake up in 1973
    That's what I'm working on at the moment.

    Admittedly, by "working on", I mostly mean "completely ignoring and doing other things", but most of the work on that is actually done, short of updating Sonic's cutscene at the end of CNZ, tweaking the demo selection, and satisfactory testing.

    It's a menu option that's off by default, as it stands, but please note that Knuckles always gets the same level order as Sonic, whatever that may be - the teleporter takes him to FBZ if you swap it that way around. It's likely to stay that way for the forseeable future, not least because managing savegames is painful enough already with this option, never mind the zone order changing per character.
  14. Liliam


    And certainly because it looks awesome and Neo did a great job?

  15. Tiddles


    Diamond Dust Tech Member
    Leicester, England
    Get in an accident and wake up in 1973
    Goes without saying!
  16. Knucklez


    So.. if I may ask, what are your plans with S3C at the moment? What can we expect to see at any point in the future? Just curious. :v:
  17. Tiddles


    Diamond Dust Tech Member
    Leicester, England
    Get in an accident and wake up in 1973
    I had wanted to have another release done by now, but there's a few things that are taking time, and I've taken a lot of time away from working on it in the past year, including right now - I haven't done much at this point since October/November.

    The option to move Flying Battery is the "big new thing" in the next release, in my opinion, and as I said, most of the work on that is done excluding the Carnival Night to Flying Battery transition (which is in progress, but is not much fun, which is partly why I've been doing other things!) Here are some pictures.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You may wonder, based on the Knuckles shot, if I have gone completely mad and decided to do a random palette hack. Not (quite) so. Take a closer look at that previously unused Sonic 3 Flying Battery icon I've been peddling since the beginning:


    We've tried to create something closer to that (or rather, Neo has done all the work for me, as usual). Of course this is strictly optional, and you don't need to use it if you switch the level order, but I really like how it looks. It also shares its colours with the new outdoor night colours, which was probably meant to happen. The alternate blue colouration of the lozengy bit is not implemented at the moment, but it may be eventually.

    What else is going on? Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 Sonics have their full quota of blues restored:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Which means the Robotnik monitors are going to have a blue or flashing background if you use the oldschool Sonic graphics and you don't use the classic monitor graphics, but you know, art has a price. You have That One Jig to thank for redoing the art for this.

    Sonic 3 Sonic doesn't get off lightly, either: nearly all of his Super sprites are now distinct from his normal ones. These are a mixture of flamewing's set from SCH, implemented by That One Jig, and some new art by Neo.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Three digits?????!!?!?? Why, it's so I can fit some S1-S2 music options in there. There's another music option being worked on here too.


    Here's some other stuff that's different, most of which is also really Neo's work.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Bug-wise, the major one that's been squashed is the vertical scroll duck wrap business, thanks to flamewing. I used the same logic to fix up all the bugs with magnetised rings around the level border too (all the ones I know of at least!) A bunch of general fixes posted by the likes of RHS, MoDule and flamewing have made it in too, so due thanks for those. It should also now be much harder, if not impossible to skip the Icecap 1 boss. And stuff.

    You should expect to see quite a few former customiser options move into the internal menu next time too. That's one thing I still need to finish up after finishing with the Flying Battery option. I want to look at some more bugs too, but we'll see how much of that gets into the next release. Hayate's also kindly supplied all his Casual Mode work to implement as an option, but this is also something that might end up waiting until later.

    There's more I want to do in the future, but I don't like to talk about things until they're at least well underway, and I like to leave a few surprises for release time anyway. This release is taking a long time for a lot of reasons, but I'm still on it. Sometimes.
  18. MastaSys


    Oh man, all exclusive sprites for Super Sonic, this is really polishing an gem to the extreme.
    Those transitions look great, it's difficult to do the most "creative" stuff and keep consistency at the same time, I bet.
    I can only dream the day I can use Night FBZ with Sonic and Day FBZ with Knuckles, but hey I won't blame you if you just keep it as it is, after all the order of the levels were always consistent between them, so it's really seems a pain to do otherwise.

    After so many years you still keep working on S3&K, so congrats on your determination, really impressive.
  19. Liliam


    Well, it's kind of weird to wake up and see that all the stuff you've kept under wraps is out of the bag for everyone to see. But okay, I'll play along!

    Yeah, Sonic now snowboards using FBZ's door if you switch the level order around, and it's been that way for a while now. I'll take credit for all the sprite work involved, but you can thank Tiddles for putting up with that and everything else regarding FBZ Night he didn't suggest.

    Super Sonic has new frames for just about each of his 360 animations. This is easily most noticeable in Hydrocity Zone, but I also went out of my way to do the 360 running animation, which has exactly one use and you can only barely see it if you're near-religious with your ring collecting in the first bit of the stage. Currently, I've not yet touched the more complicated rotations (corkscrew, LBZ spinning cylinder) but this may eventually change.

    To shed some light on the more obscure changes: Tails now has his own continue screen (he used to share Sonic's), CNZ2 water now turns dark along with the rest of the level, AIZ1's pre-fire HUD is no longer dogshit fugly.

    There are still some features we're supposed to actually implement, but whether or not those will actually make the next release is a mystery right now, so it's best we don't mention them. Tiddles has been struggling with the CNZ->FBZ cutscene for a while now, and I haven't had the time or motivation to wrestle with SonMapEd and do what I'm supposed to do and go over all 200 of Sonic's sprites and fix all the nagging inconsistencies. Three times. (Sonic 1, 2, 3.) BOTH REGULAR AND SUPER. There's also been helpful distractions. :) (Tiddles: can't help but notice you haven't touched the alt camo stuff yet!)

    As it is right now you can't set it per character, but you can always back out into the game select menu, switch the option, then start the game with the other character. I'd advise you to at least try it once, though. We worked hard to make sure stuff makes sense and is up to par, so give it a chance.
  20. Knucklez


    Wow.. good thing I asked, right? I didn't really expect so much considering you work on it sometimes. Nonetheless, I love the fact that you continue to work on 'perfecting' S3&K considering that you originally only set out to tweak the music.

    Hey Neo, I'm really diggin' the snowboard. :v:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Keep up the phenomenal work guys.