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Sonic 3 And Amy Rose

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by E-122-Psi, May 12, 2012.

  1. Wafer


    Find me on Twitter instead Member
    Tested and working on PAL Multi Mega.
  2. E-122-Psi


  3. Bit of a bump, but this current build does load on console, but there's a bunch of stuff that still doesn't work. I'll list them here for anyone who intends to play this on console.

    1. Super/hyper amy resets the game

    2. death egg act 2 resets the game

    3. Amy can take knuckles's angel island route, but if she goes down sonic's route and then uses the special stage to backtrack into act 1, knuckles's route will be broken and she can't take it

    4. Super mecha sonic's turning sprites on his last 2 hits are bugged and display his standing sprites

    5. Amy can skip the palette trigger in mushroom hill act 2 with a well placed hammer swing jump at the start by knuckles's switch.

    6. Giant stepping into a spin tunnel glitches her sprites until you get out

    I hope someone finds this useful :)
  4. Vangar


    Hope it gets fixed, i'd love to play it on console
  5. Hackwrench


    I've tried this on console as well using a MegaSD. For me the game resets after getting out of the starting area in Angel Island, just before the first badnik.
    It also did this on Genesis Plus GX on a Wii, but changing one of the settings fixed it.
  6. E-122-Psi


    Did you use the version on the bottom of the previous page? That should be RELATIVELY more compatible hopefully (though as Rhythm Raccoon notes above, still has problems).

    I think I know what causes DEZ2 to bug, though I'll have to check the Super transformation.
  7. Hackwrench


    Just tried out the version that you pointed to. I was previously using rev. 1.5. The new version, 1.6? also kept saves without creating a .cfg file for me.
    There wouldn't happen to be a newer version of S3&Sally would there? That one on MegaSD crashes randomly, and requires a .cfg file to save.
  8. E-122-Psi


    Okay, a very late update, but I THINK the Super transformation and DEZ crashes should be fixed now:

    Special thanx to VAdaPEGA for the fixes.

    If there are any more hardware crashes or bugs, please tell me.
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  9. I'd give it a go if I wasn't deadass swamped by other obligations lol
  10. E-122-Psi


    Never mind, it's there when you can play it. :D

    I think if the game's console friendly now, all I need to add is Amy's slide attack, unfortunately I've reached her sprite limit (and yes I used some unused/duplicate sprites). Any idea how I can get in a few more?
  11. Hivebrain


    53.4N, 1.5W
    Maybe a second set of mappings/DPLCs that are swapped in when certain animations are used.
  12. Hackwrench


    Does this help you out at all? I'm sure that you've seen it before, but I figured that I'd ask anyway.
  13. E-122-Psi


    I feel those solutions might be a bit complicated going level to level.

    I MIGHT be able to sneak in the pratfall by dumbing down a couple animations like the idle to work on less frames, if people are fine with simpler animations.
  14. Hackwrench


    Well, I can think of another solution though not everyone would be on board with it. Maybe add extra moves and animation frames as an A.I.R. enhancement?
    Or if you want it to run on retro hardware, perhaps attempting port your work to the classics on Sonic Jam on the Saturn?
    I'm not into Saturn hacking myself, and I'm not sure how much progress has been made on Jam, but one interesting thing that I've seen come out of it is being able to enable the RAM expansion carts on games that didn't use it before, using it to shorten load times, or add more sprites for more frames of animation.
  15. Psxphile


    Been a long time since I posted around here, glad my account still works.

    First things first. Just wanted to give a long-belated thanks to OP and Sonic 3 & Amy Rose hack author E-122-Psi for all their work in the past, the Amy In series of Sonic mods have been my most played Sonic rom hacks from recent memory. My only wish is that they could be expanded on even more, but that's not up to me.

    The main reason I'm posting here now (and hopefully I don't run foul of any forum rules against bumping old threads) is actually something that's been an issue for some time and only recently have I got up the nerve to look for a solution. The various revisions of the hack always worked fine on my PC (I still run Fusion v3.64) but when trying to run it on a raspberry pi setup via retroarch and emulation station a few years ago the game would auto-reset anytime I attempted to jump in-game, a glitch I think you may already be aware of (this was running on the default Genesis Plus GX core btw). I switched cores to the less-accurate PicoDrive core which did work and worked well (except for some sound issues, especially when grabbing blue spheres in the Special Stage). I completed the game (no emeralds) and went on to do other things. I had already done everything on the PC before so I didn't feel the need to do anymore playthroughs at the time.

    Jumping ahead to last month, when I fired up the hack again on my pi and started a 7 C.E. run only to find that Super Amy was badly glitched (you probably already know about this too). While you can certainly play through stages as a rapidly modulating mass of revolving sprite data, I found that employing her standing Hammer attack would lock her up indefinitely, forcing a reset. This week I was able to make it to Ice Cap before I decided to just look online for a fix. I checked the hack's SonicRetro page (as I often do) to see if any new patch revisions had come out since the last time I checked but 1.7 was still the latest. Today on a whim I came to find this thread and sure enough, there's been some recent bugfixes posted that wasn't advertised anywhere else I was familiar with.

    I tried the latest patched version (1.8? 1.7b?) from the previous page and I'm happy to report that Super Amy no longer bugs out when run on the PicoDrive core. I also confirmed the game now runs correctly on the default Genesis Plus GX core too, though I'll have to start over from scratch on there since save data aren't shared between cores (I can at least confirm Hyper Amy works as intended by using codes).

    So again, thanks for coming back to this hack and giving it another once over. Nowadays when I play classic Sonic games I use the modern decomps and the many mods available, but except for Sonic CD Restored's Amy Rose implementation I've yet to see anyone else come close to matching what you did over a decade ago.

    One last thing: I'd like to share the custom box art I put together for the hack on my pi.


    Logo is my own work, everything else is borrowed. Yes I know it still says Sonic & Knuckles in Japanese. :P Didn't feel right to change it.
    Higher res version:
    NA variant:
    Title Logo:
    (free to use!)
  16. E-122-Psi


    That's a lovely mock up, very reminiscent of the Japanese covers. Only critique is Amy is wearing Sonic's shoes, unless that was a nod to the power up sneakers.

    And yeah, I probably should have uploaded it onto the wiki. I intend to make one last revision that polishes up a few remaining details and maybe gives Amy her pratfall attack (intend to do the same for Sonic 2 Amy, there's already a tune up for Sonic 1).

    Either way, I'm glad you enjoy the hacks. If you want some sort of expansion, look up my other hack Sonic 2 Pink Edition, which has Amy along with tons of other goodies.
  17. Psxphile


    That Amy artwork was originally a commission done by @Clarissa_Arts on twitter. You'd have to ask the one who commissioned the artwork why she's wearing Sonic's shoes, though I like to think its apropos for a Sonic game hack that replaces the main character with Amy. "Walk a mile in my shoes" is how the saying goes I think? I don't know, I just liked it and it was a far cry from the usual "Amy stands around looking cute" that most of the official classic artwork I could find online does. Plus I already used some of those for the custom Amy in Sonic 1 and Amy in Sonic 2 box art mock-ups I did.

    I'm looking forward to more updates. As for Sonic 2 Pink Edition, I'm aware of it though I didn't know that was another one of yours.

    EDIT: oh, and by "expanded" I meant including more gameplay improvements like, say, making Amy's jumping hammer attack have additional properties like Sonic's instashield or the various shields' immunity to small projectiles. If she can't knock an ice orbinaut out of the air with a well-timed spin without taking damage despite wielding a magic hammer than we have failed as a society. :P

    Though mind you I don't actually know if that's feasible. Just putting it out there, my muscle memory from playing too much Sonic 3 has me tapping buttons in the air to avoid damage purely on instinct at this point.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2022
  18. Nik Pi

    Nik Pi

    Sonic 2: Archives
    @Psxphile I like it!
    Despite the fact that Amy stands out significantly, and the text seems to be flattened from the sides - it's still great!

    @E-122-Psi I want to ask a strange question:
    Now, when Ralakimus/Devon makes a Sonic CD disassembly, do you have a plans for making something, like "Amy in Sonic CD"?
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2022
  19. E-122-Psi


    Yeah that makes sense, and I know the Japanese stuff prefers those sort of visual metaphors.

    As for Amy's moveset, well the thing is that she already has the largest amount of abilities out of the main four. There's some objects I'd like to refine her interactions with, but I guess I wanna keep some balance with her.

    If a useable CD disassembly ever gets made, it is something I would like to experiment with (though I know that CD is more complicated than the others due to the level programming). I'd need to finish up all the needed spritework first though.

  20. Psxphile


    Just came back to report a strange glitch I ran into with the newer build. Playing on my pi on retroarch genesis plus GX core, making progress with Amy. Got all the emeralds and got to Marble Garden. Made it to the Act 2 boss while in Super Amy mode. Started wailing on Eggman as he descended from above with his drill with rapid fire hammer jumps. Then he came down to drill the ground (through Amy) and... the game reset.

    'Oh shit'. Figured I found another bug but decided I'll just continue playing and maybe NOT fire off hammer jumps like crazy. But when I went to the save select screen my save file slot was empty. Wiped from existence. I started a new game real quick and then reset to make sure it wasn't an emulator save fuck-up but it retained the save that time. Using level select I got back to the act 2 boss to see if it was something that happened with frequency when Eggman struck the ground but nothing happened there. Then I used debug mode and tried to do the same attack tactic as Hyper Amy but I wasn't able to trigger the bug.

    For a final resort I then tried to replicate the conditions on my PC using Fusion and an online save editor to get back where I was before (I long ago wiped my old playthroughs) so I could test, but I wasn't able to recreate the glitch. Which I guess is a good thing but it'll suck if it happens to anyone else.

    EDIT: ugh, I take it back. I think it *is* the genesis plus gx core. I started a new game and just ran through a couple of zones until I got to Mushroom Hill in one sitting. Then I reset the emulator to make sure my progress had saved. It hadn't. It wasn't saving anything anymore. Very peculiar. I switched over to PicoDrive and my old progress was still intact (one complete No Emerald run and one 7 Emerald run in progress at Ice Cap).

    I thought maybe the fact that the file had a bad checksum might have had something to do with it, so I used FixChecksum on it and reuploaded the file to the pi. Same results. Guess I'll just keep to PicoDrive for now. I hope any of this info proves to be useful, this is the only time I've ever had these kinds of issues with the genesis core that I can recall.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2022