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Sonic 3 And Amy Rose

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by E-122-Psi, May 12, 2012.

  1. Wow, that title art looks amazing and helps to give the hack a very legit feel. (Really wish this could be offered with the official re-releases)
  2. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    It is. Sonic 1 (2013) has a slightly different title screen for all 4 character options. Now whether or not it looks all that great, or matches with the rest of the art, well, that is another story...
    That being said, I do concur. The new title screen for this hack looks beautiful.
  3. E-122-Psi


    Well, it's kinda seven years late, but ANOTHER update, yaaayyyy.

    Amy's controls have been fine tuned to better resemble her Advance 1 gameplay as with the other hacks:

    * Amy can use Giant Steps now, with upward dash moved to up and jump.
    * Down momentum stop is now smoother. I know the lack of momentum stop can make upward dash more finicky, so I can add it to up press as well if you want in the future.
    * Hammer spin is no longer a downward thrust.
    * The on-foot hammer has been fixed so the player is locked into position while it runs.
    * The hammer animation syncs better with items it hits (eg. she doesn't bounce on a spring until the hammer lands on it).
    * I've also restored the greys on Amy's palette line to normal. This makes the other objects more consistent, though it makes the shade on Amy's shirt a little weird. I can edit it back if you guys think it's worse.

    Known new bugs:

    * Giant stepping into some areas like the pipes can glitch the animation.

    The new revision is on the wiki.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2020
  4. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Great work!

    Just a few things:
    -Since Sonic appears in the title animation, maybe it should just be skipped?
    -The proper implementation of Giant Steps now renders the Peel Out redundant and a bit out of place, since the official Amy dash move is now present. I'd just get rid of it altogether.
    -Up + Fire does this brief twitchy animation.
    -Mappings in the jumping animation frames might need some moving around to make it look more fluid (her feet move in a kind of jerky manner).
    -Down + Fire makes the hammer hit the ground a bit too fast, I think? (how did the GBA game handle this?)
    -Optional "Fire with B button" version, pretty please? :V
  5. Dr. Kylstein

    Dr. Kylstein

    In Hydrocity Act 1, the first set of turrets are destructible, but another set later aren't? [​IMG]
    I've attached a Kega savestate.

    Attached Files:

  6. E-122-Psi


    I'm using your savestate multiple times and even playing the level normally and each time the Blastoids and their platform explode as normal.

    Unless there's a specific stipulation that is causing this glitch I think it might just the normal game bugging. Does this issue occur every time you play this part or just that one time? Anyone else having this problem?
  7. E-122-Psi


    You genuinely can't just remap the buttons? :P

    And oh I assure you the peel out is still VERY vital, giant steps are useful but pretty ineffective in key areas of the game. Try doing the start of Hydrocity Act 2 without it.

    Oh, and hasty update, I've noticed a bug where Knuckles can't spindash properly in Competition Mode. That is already fixed and will be in the next revision (truthfully I'd LOVE if I could find a way to make Knuckles' proper moveset work in Competition Mode though, I'll probably look into that).
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2020
  8. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I'm... pretty sure of it. =|
  9. E-122-Psi


    (sigh) Fine I'll look into it later.

    Speaking of that though, from what I know, S3K Amy doesn't work on real hardware (and certain more sensitive emulators), I think this is down to a bad checksum, any simple way of pinpointing the problem in the code?
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2020
  10. AsuharaMoon


    kakyoin did you lay this egg Member
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Sonic Rocket, & others

    Uh... maybe you should consider checking the collision detection for the hammer animations. They feel more broken than I remember.
  11. Dr. Kylstein

    Dr. Kylstein

    I just loaded it again myself, and the standing hammer attack didn't work but I could get a jump attack to work eventually. Could be an intermittent glitch, fair enough. I just didn't want to be stuck there.
  12. E-122-Psi


    It still seems to be working fine for me. Might just be a random bug. Sonic 3 was so buggy the manual warned you about it after all. :P
    Yeah I had to expand Amy's hit box to make her consistently destroy some objects upon touching them. Admitedly I never really figured out how to refine it. It likely needs to expand only in one direction.
  13. E-122-Psi


    Revision 1.6 uploaded (using an improvised link for the moment since the wiki's playing up):

    * Amy's hammer collision is fixed (special thanx to Wafer). I've made it mostly forward only, though it can still damage some things RIGHT behind her. She can now also hammer monitors while standing on top of them.
    * Some of the breakable objects have been fixed to work more smoothly with Amy's gameplay. Amy can now smash most of them with her normal hammer attack. Also while you still need to run and hammer through the Icecap loops to break the corks, you will now automatically spin through the rest, making them far less of a pain in the ass. Amy can also hammer switches now.
    * Tails and Knuckles are (for the most part hopefully) unbugged.
    * Fixed some weird collision issues during co-op mode.
    * Tweaked the Knuckles boss to do damage when Amy isn't attacking (when he stands at least) making him a bit harder.
    * Attempted a checksum fix which will hopefully make it work better on some emulators (still doesn't work on Genesis Plus though).

    I turned this game inside out to fix these annoying bugs (and may have even undone some previous fixes while doing so) so if there's anymore bugs you notice, please tell me.

    EDIT: Wiki page is now updated.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  14. E-122-Psi


    Revision 1.7 is now uploaded to the wiki:

    * Finally figured out how to add Amy's hearts from the previous two hacks (the fix was absurdly easy, I feel kinda dumb now). I decided to use the CD heart sprites instead of the Advance style ones. Tell me which ones you prefer and I might edit the three hacks accordingly.
    * More minor collision/animation fixes with certain objects.
    * Amy can now hammer more objects like egg prisons and gravity switches.
    * Fixed a bug that made Amy hammer instead of jump over the egg prisons in end of level cutscenes.
    * Fixed a bug that caused Amy's balance animation to override her hammer attack.
  15. Toothpick


    I prefer the Advance style heart sprites. The pink hearts contrast better with Amy's red hammer, plus they're bigger and make Amy's attack range feel bigger as a result. On an unrelated note, the new gray palette on Amy's shirt looks a bit jarring in some frames. It's unnoticeable most of the time, but some frames make it look like she's wearing a gray shirt with green lighting, her hanging sprites in particular.

    Outside of those minor nitpicks, I'm happy to see this is still being worked on! This hack has breathed new life into Sonic 3 for me.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
  16. E-122-Psi


    Yeah I decided to change the greys back to keep the palette more consistent for the other sprites, the downside is that the more shaded Amy sprites look a little weird. I might look into editing them later.

    Glad you like the hack by the way. Thanx very much. :D
  17. Vangar


    Can confirm not working on real hardware (pal mega drive 1, genesis 1). I don't think it's the checksum as you can get as far as in-game. As soon as an enemy appears on screen the game crashes. Not sure if it's the enemy appearing on screen or just traversing the level a little.

    Did level select and went to a few levels, happens in all of them.
  18. E-122-Psi


    Anyone know what routine might cause the enemies to glitch like this?

    I suspicious whether this is due to meddling with the asm too much or because I used a very early version of the disassembly. I built an unedited S3K rom from the same one and it doesn't load on some emulators either.
  19. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    I popped in randomly to have a brief look, been so busy I've missed so many threads... I noticed the mention of a crash, and after having a look I believe I know the cause of the crash.

    It's the spring object.

    The spring's sub-type is used to reference one of two different spring speeds (one for red, one for yellow), this is copied from a look-up table into RAM $30. This is in all three Sonic games, the two possible speeds being -$1000 ($F000) and -$A00 ($F600) (Red and Yellow).

    In your ROM, you have a second table containing -$1900 ($E700) and -$D00 ($F300), your ROM copies the first table speed to $30 (as it should) but then directly after it copies from the second table to $37 (as it should not). I assume the second speed is for a second character or a second circumstance? Perhaps the hammer hitting it?

    Either way, you're getting an address error, attempting to perform a word operation on an odd address ($37). I don't know if this is caused by an incorrectly setup equate or just casual misunderstanding, but make sure you use an even slot, make sure it's a word, and make sure it's available to be used. I have noticed that the last post was over a month ago, so I donno if you've already had assistance privately in fixing the crash or not, given no mention I assume not, whatever the weather, the cause is explained above.
  20. E-122-Psi


    Really? Random spot, though I guess AIZ does have a spring right at the start. Thanx for looking into that. :D

    Okay I've moved it to $32 instead (I must have been wary before since I didn't know how they worked from routine to routine so worried they were occupied). If anyone wants to hardware test it, here's a ROM:

    It still doesn't seem to load at all on certain emulators like Genesis Plus though.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020