Seeing the 3 Sonics together never fails to make me smile, at first I kinda felt bad that I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition but seeing that print legitimately makes it worth it. It's the small things that matter, sometimes. and besides boom needs all the attention it needs because sega can't be bothered to do so
I'd prefer a 2-Sonic variant, but whatever, the rest of the Collector's Edition will make up for it :v:
I'm freaking out a little over the Sonic CD preview pages. We've never seen official illustrations for the firefly, antlion and Caterkiller-esque robots before have we? It looks like it might even have their official names. Not the mention all the concept art for them. And the Tidal Tempest boss! And the familiar Sonic cover art pose with TEETH?
I'm excited for the Art book, but I very much dislike the neon green which appears to be throughout the book. It's hard on the eyes, has nothing to do with Sonic, and reminds me of that green-screen background which is replaced with an image in video post-production.
Do you mean like how it is on the "Sonic Jam" page, or am I missing something else? Because if you're referring to that - then yeah, it's pretty blinding. And it actually looks gross with that shade of pink, in my opinion (I don't think it'd actually be so bad if it was paired with a colour that wasn't also really vivid) x_x It's hardly the nicest colour combination I've ever seen, it has to be said. Hopefully it's just a one-off and the rest of the pages are a little easier on the eyes.
Cook and Becker showed a WIP today on their instagram today. Link to pic since it doesn't want to show up
I preordered the Collector's Edition way back when preorders first started. I really can't wait to get this art book. This is like a dream come true to me because I love concept art. I always wanted Sega to make an art book like this. For years I always wanted this. I'm so happy that it's finally happening. I hope that we get a really good amount of concept art and also a lot of art that we haven't already seen before. That WIP photo on Instagram looks great! I can't wait to see those Shadow illustrations in better quality. Also, I think the Uekawa illustration looks really nice whether it has the two Sonic's in it or the three. It doesn't really matter to me. ^ They posted some teaser images on Twitter. The Metal Sonic concept art is amazing! I am not sure how I feel about the Sonic CD pull out. It is very pretty, but I'd much rather the book saved space for things we hadn't seen before. Although it looks like the book will have plenty of new stuff, so it should be amazing. Excited for the release.
Wow, this book isn't going to be very good, is it? The white space on the Metal Sonic concept pages is killing me. At least the level art is being represented in some form. Only reason I'm not cancelling my preorder is that there's still some use in having this book sitting in my cubicle so I have some visual reference to justify my obsession to coworkers that have never played a Sega game. There needs to be a spread like this for all of the 2D games.
The book has been delayed until late May because they were not satisfied with the way their first prints came out. They will be of a higher quality so this of course leads to a delay.
I believe it, seeing as they need spot inks for every page to get those garish neon color backdrops down. They've probably never printed anything this saturated before.
I can see more of SM's influence in the old Classic Sonic artwork than in any Modern stuff... So, basically, "Sonic has seen so much grass that his eyes turned green". :specialed:
Delayed until June 26th because they still weren't satisfied with the print quality and thus changed printers.