^ That was fast. Besides Sonic punching the air, there's just two things bugging me (but remember that I have no sense of right and wrong with this stuff). Imagine a cheese wedge, or a small piece of a pie. When I look at Sonic's shoes in your sprite, I see two red wedges with totally flat sides, a flat top and bottom, and a round back -- maybe I'm just interpreting it wrong. The other thing bugging me is that Sonic's torso seems to be damned far away from the wall and his arm and legs are almost straight, like he's just barely touching the wall and not using his elbows or knees to push off at all. It took me a second to find the other arm, too, but it's totally correct. Maybe I'm just being overly critical, because that's ten times better than anything I could do. If you could keep going I'd totally appreciate it, of course. :P
I have to say I'm impressed by the emerald collecting concept... A LOT. I haven't seen that in a sonic hack before but its gives it a new twist, otherwise, this may have got lost in the other seemingly generic hacks out there. I see you also borrowed an idea or two from Sonic 1 extended edition ( ie, the hud level and entering the normal levels by use of a big ring. ) Tell me, are you going to have any of the emeralds in the hud levels themselves, like Super Mario 64? Perhaps some of the other characters could come in here, like having to chase / fight knuckles within a part of the hud level to get him to hand over an emerald. Its cool as it is, though so far. Keep it up.
Yep, no possible way I thought about this while playing Sonic Advance 3. Not a chance. :P There's been an emerald in the first hub since the last beta -- I just didn't include it in the video. While I may have some random NPCs sent you on fetch quests or give you missions or the like, I don't intend to use official characters for much. Like Super Mario 64, I intend to keep character development to a bare minimum. If I so much as give an NPC a name, it becomes a fanfic and nobody will touch the hack again. + - Now watch as I change my mind later, and somebody holds this against me.
Am I correct in assuming you'll be having the various animals released from the badniks as these NPCs, as to save some room instead of having totally new tiles for them?
Nope; that would lead to a bit of furry confusion. I was thinking that since I have no need for enemies in the hub, I can use their spots in the PLC to make NPCs. There's two ways we could go about it. We could attempt to draw people, which might be difficult but would cause the least amount of problems. The other way would be to make, say, a copy of Sonic's/Tails'/Knuckles' standing sprite and use different colors and/or add a few details. If you've ever played Sonic: Time Attacked, think along the lines of the NPCs in Slide City: they're freaky enough to make you stop just to look at each one, but the lack of any character development (or interaction at all, besides turning to face Sonic as he runs by) stops you from going "Ahhh, fanchar!" "AHHH, FANCHAR!" "AAUUUUGGGHHHH! *gouges eyes out*". Truth be told, I thought about the possibility of NPCs on a whim while responding to NHY, and had no plans for any beforehand. Now I've been questioned about it and hafta think about it more. Also, more thanks for attempting the wall kick sprite, since I felt like I didn't express much gratitude in my last post about it.
First off, notice this topic's new description. I think it's a catchy slogan. :P So, I've got two separate wall kick sprites sent to me, by Blast Processing and BlackHole. They're both good in their own merit, but I forgot to tell each of them that probably would have helped: the first sprite in the animation after Sonic jumps from the wall is the following... ...which then shows one more transitional frame, and ends in the Sonic CD "face the camera while falling" animation, where his arms are thrown up and back. Each of their sprites has parts that flow naturally into that sprite, and parts that don't. Namely, Blast Processing's sprite has the arm touching the wall in front of Sonic's head spines instead of behind them, so he doesn't bring his arm right through them to reach that next frame, and BlackHole's positioning of the free arm makes it look like he's swinging said arm back throughout the animation (Blast Processing's bent elbow on the free arm would make it so that Sonic extends, then swings back). Of course, I've said several times over that I'm not an artist, so this is just me trying to imagine the full sequence of sprites in my head. So, here's the sprites I'm choosing from, and I wouldn't mind a few opinions on which one to go with. -- Blast Processing's sprite -- a hybrid of the previous and next sprites -- BlackHole's sprite. BlackHole's already told me over PM that this topic is probably going to be overrun with people changing two pixels and reposting the image for consideration. With that in mind, remember that DNXDelta is the head artist here, and no matter what's chosen, he's probably going to tweak it to fit the full animation, or even do his own sprite. I was going to jump at a wall to see which one was more natural, but there's too many people around.~
Defiantly the middle one. I still think Sonic's head is positioned wrong though, just looks a bit alienated from the rest of his body.
But his arm looks extremely tense, surely if he's just jumped onto a wall it'll look better hanging than all tensed up, right?
Yeah, but it looks alot more like something Sonic would do, with all his fancy posing and bending his arms while running. Edit: I just jumped at a wall, and Blast Processing's sprite is absolutely the more natural one. The hanging arm would be fine if he wasn't (preparing to) jump(ing) off a wall and momentum didn't apply.
So, after a phone convo with DNXDelta, the sprite chosen is... *drumroll* ...all of them, apparently. He wants to make an animation play as you smack into and leap off the wall. You can only stick to the wall for one second, so I'd imagine that if you see the entire animation, you're going to fall. I love you. --- Gracias, mis amigos espaƱoles. Strangely enough, if online translators are to be believed, they sure can find more things to criticize than you guys can. There's a comment saying that the art appears "too flat", a comment regarding the midair moves that isn't being translated well but suggests that the commenter finds something "off" about them or the speed that they move at, a comment saying that the levels are too labyrinthine... I might have to get Eduardo Knuckles to make a special Spanish version of the hack. Also, inb4 "your grammar fails in that Spanish sentence"; I took French in high school so I'm just guessing. >_>
Well, if yer doin' that, make it so that the wall jump goes farthest and highest if you release (or press) the wall jump button at the last frame of the animation! Also, there's about to be a comment regarding a Spanish cap in someone's face. Wow, second-to-last trial post, gotta watch out...
Why not just have Sonic look like he's leaping from a wall instead of... that. It seems like it would look rather weird, especially when there are walls close together.
^ If you mean "use a normal jump animation", it's because I don't want you to be able to jump dash after a wall jump. Otherwise, you could scale a single wall. This effect already happens when you have a super sneaker, since you're fast enough to return to the wall before falling below your original height, but at least in that case it complements the power-up. It would seem kind of cheap to make this the only instance of being in a ball where you can't jump dash. Also, you say it would seem weird, but the last video has the animation for leaving the wall intact, even if the sprite for actually being on the wall was contested. So, why not just state your opinion on if you find it weird or not?
Hello everyone, it's been a while (somewhat) since I've shown anyone any of my work and I know that the contest deadline is approaching, so I thought I'd show a sneak peek just for the heck of it. Thorn and I discussed over on MSN concerning the blur effect that's emitted through that mid-dash trick. He thought that the last choice is best suitable so I thought I'd ask you all for your opinions on those choices above. Some C&C for the sprites in general are welcomed as well.