It looks like ToyLand or something, nice work, I particularly like that checkard curve in the background. Though it feels like something's missing, perhaps some clouds or that feeling of a sky, of course like you said, it's WIP.
In any case, I had 71 songs in my hack (with a custom code I gave myself 14848 music slots) and it was way smaller than one megabyte. I think you can easily add more than 200 songs in a hack without running out of space.
You guys are cobbling together some pretty cool things here! W.A.C.'s post was the first thing I saw, and I'm kind of disappointed that this wasn't a deliberate take on the locales from the Sonic Screensaver artwork. Fun Factory? Try Joypolis Zone.
I'm immediately reminded of a Mecha Sonic edit I submitted to P:SR. But the new Mecha Sonic looks fantastic. I even like your interpretation of the chainsaw spines. Awesome job!
A very fun remix, but may I say on adventure mode the levels are a bit big for all the searching you have to do to find all 7 moniters and the 3 emeralds. Rather then that great job! Loved the artwork and music. Also very nice mecha silver Sonic looks good.
I have to agree that this is an excellent hack. As the hacking contest results stated: this is one of the most addicting hacks ever :D! I really like the level design on this. It's almost completely original and fits Sonic very well. I especially enjoy the change-up with the final bosses. A few gameplay/general critiques I have would be: 1) Add some checkpoints in! Or at the very least have one right before the boss. It's gets old pretty quickly to have to play through the whole level again if you get killed during the battle or late in the level. 2) The Casino Night Act 2 background music is kind of annoying to listen to IMO 3) Boss battles feel overly drawn out ... or maybe I've just been spoiled by only having to hit things 8 times to kill it :P Anybody have any luck getting this to fully work on the hardware? I was able to play through "classic" mode without any problems, but the game just goes to a black screen when I try to start "adventure" mode . Not a huge loss or anything...I have a controller and everything for my computer so an emulator works fine for me. It just always throws me off that something coded for the Mega Drive's processor would work fine on something that emulates it, but not the real thing. You'd think, if anything, it would be the other way around. Also, to settle any fears, wall-jumping works just fine with the Genesis controller :D.
If the game was tested on a MD at each stage in development, I'd agree with you. However, it's being tested on those very same emulators that it happens to work on.
Wow, this is....just great. You guys have really done an incredible job. The controls took a little while to get used to though, but that isn't a big issue.
This is probably the only hack I actively come back to play after I first download it. Unfinished though it may be, it feels like an actual, original game. I can't praise it enough. With that said, if I may offer some constructive criticism... 1. As mentioned probably countless times, checkpoints in classic mode would be a godsend. 2. While I love the soundtrack, the instrumentation in a few of the songs can be pretty grating. This was also the case with the songs you posted on the last(?) page, although those are still in progress so I imagine they'll change a bit. Which brings me to my next criticism... 3. Well, it's more of a request actually. It's cool that you're making an SMPS version of Tropical Resort, but... I really like the Speed Slider music in act 2 of Casino Night. Any chance it might stay in the game? 4. Signs similar to the ones in Cascade Valley would be helpful in the other levels. And I have a couple questions, too. Will the hidden bosses still be there after all the stages are added? And is Death Egg going to remain a final boss level, or will it get an overworld and/or zones of its own?