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Sonic 2 Retro Remix

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Thorn, May 30, 2008.

  1. Ashura96


    Ah, glad to see this hack getting back on track, I'll be waiting for the next big release!
  2. amphobius


    not so gone, after all Member
    Thrash '25
    You wouldn't mind re-uploading the visual path swappers? It would really help me out.

    Also, I could do the import but it won't be up to the quality of some induviduals.
  3. Tweaker


    I feel as if it's worth mentioning that the only real reason that the Sonic 1 Penis Special Stage appeared to rate higher than your own is due to a lack of knowledge that you even had any edited stages in the first place! I don't think we found this out until after the fact, so it was a bit too late to try and revise the results after that point. Believe me, though—you were very close to first prize; there were just a lot of factors to consider and it was hard to make a solid decision.

    That said, I'm glad to see new progress being made! The new art revisions are very pretty, and I like the new mission screen as well. Looking forward to future changes, as always. :)
  4. Spanner


    I used to do things... Member
    United Kingdom
    I wish I knew...
    There was a Chute trophy though, so if people knew about it then you would've got it. The plans for the next contest intends to fix some parts of things such as hacks being nominated for awards, thus making the judging easier.
  5. Thorn


    Tech Member
    Sonic 2 Retro Remix
    Haven't you heard? Visuals are for lazy people. That said, they were added to the Wiki when iojnekns made his custom levels tutorial; they just didn't merit their own article. Here you go... spread the word about these; we need more Sonic 2 hacks.

    Here's the XM, available to the public since anybody that takes it for their own hack has to be musically inclined to begin with lest they create ear rape, so it's not like it'll sound really good in an otherwise crappy hack. If you think you can do something with it, go for it. If not, don't. It can't be worse than the ear rape I've created, though, so I'll take what I can get. For comparison's sake:
    OST Version
    GBA Version (Track 25, "Spring Valley")

    @ Tweaker, SOTI: Yeah, I know. Ayla informed me after the fact, but it seemed like the forum would rather read that I lost to a penis; it fit the tone of the rest of the paragraph better (see spoilers). >_> Somebody did post a screenshot of the special stage the day of the contest deadline, though. :( I'll be done cutting myself over the contest by the end of the month, though, so no worries.~
  6. Spanner


    I used to do things... Member
    United Kingdom
    I wish I knew...
    Just downloaded the XM and it seems that it's corrupt. :(
  7. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    SOTI: I tried to download the XM just for the sake of it and it works fine here, actually. The song does indeed sound like crap, but that's not likely to be caused by a data corruption, as the XM format isn't much robust in that regard (an error in the file tends to render the whole song as unreadable)
  8. Thorn


    Tech Member
    Sonic 2 Retro Remix
    I don't know if I'm feeling update-happy or if I just really want to divert attention from that crappy XM -- probably a bit of both -- but in any case, yesterday at around 1:30pm I decided to pull in some Sonic 2 Beta material after I spotted somebody in #soniccenter playing Sonic 2 Delta.

    <div align='center'>[​IMG]</div>
    I'd finished everything but the layer deformation and correcting the Crawl's art to compensate for the new palette by 10pm, and I fixed the layer deformation when I came home from classes today. DNX hasn't touched this yet, so after his edit it should be schweet.
  9. Tweaker


    Neat! Would be really cool to see that version of Casino Night properly finished. :)
  10. Icewarrior


    I'm a member of S.T.A.R.S !!11!!!1!! Member
    Looks gorgeous!
  11. Ashura96


    So is all of CNZ going beta style? Or is it just for one level?
  12. Now that you mention Parental Horn, I totally heard that song in a multiplayer map for Sonic Robo Blast 2(1094) entitled Spring Valley. It was a different(if imo better) version of it. o_o

    That song was catchy. ^_^ Did nothing but listen to the song for the whole five minutes I was there. Then the tally came up on me and I was like "aww..."

    EDIT: Actually, the map was called Geyser Garden, my bad. ^_^;
  13. Thorn


    Tech Member
    Sonic 2 Retro Remix
    ^ Music for six of the seven levels in NiGHTS is actually four different tracks that are split into parts that can be interchanged. Sonic Robo Blast 2's Spring Hill (in both the old v1.09.4 andthe latest v2.0.4) level uses a mix of the four tracks as a throwback to NiGHTS' Spring Valley, while the versions I linked and the MIDI I used (ripped from Sonic Pinball Party) are the original version -- I don't think there's notation anywhere on the Internet for the other three music tracks, and SRB2 simply ripped it from NiGHTS or Christmas NiGHTS because SRB2 can play MP3s and OGGs. You'll notice that if you switch over to the MIDI tracks for SRB2, they don't have a MIDI of Paternal Horn: they use a MIDI of the original version of The Amazing Water, which I've already implemented into the hack here (that video isn't mine -- my official walkthrough keeps hitting items that cut off the music).

    I've pretty much given up on implementing Paternal Horn due to having been told the XM was crap, and receiving a version done by somebody else that would blow it out of the water even if I did implement it... I don't want to be the hack with "the bad version" while another one has "the good version". A few months ago, that same person tried to send me a version of Under Construction he'd thrown together, but the DCC send failed so I'm without that. :P If anybody else wants it, here is the MIDI rip from Sonic Pinball Party. While I'm thinking about it, I should probably pass it to the SRB2 guys for them to fancy up and use to replace their MIDI of The Amazing Water.

    EDIT: Oh, for anybody who was expecting an update and got me responding to the post above, sorry. :( If it's any compensation, I've got a homing attack implemented save a few bugs, and I finished a short layout for Casino Night 1, with more layouts to come if I don't get lazy.
  14. Thorn


    Tech Member
    Sonic 2 Retro Remix
    Right, I kind of have to shower and get ready for work (working in computers at Best Buy now, because Circuit City wasn't good enough), so I'll just drop this here and check after work to see what kind of conversation it stirs up.

    <div align='center'></div>

    Oh, and if you guys could possibly tell me which levels you want me to hurriedly finish before the hacking contest deadline (whose smart idea was it to advance it by a month this year?!?), I'll see what I can do. The two new levels in this vid bring the mission count to 60, and I'l like to make three more and two hubs (for 75 total). I don't have time to make and debug new features, but I got the first of the two new acts in that vid done in about two days, so I can probably get a few more done. I might bug DNXDelta and see if he wants to do anything as well.
  15. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    Beautiful looking stuff. Very nice.

    Only two things in this, to me, take the slight edge off things. 1 is the water palette shown, while it does look like water, it doesn't look like Sonic water, if that makes sense. It doesn't seem bright/vibrant enough under there. 2 is the objectives screens.. something about them just screams they could be jazzed up.
  16. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    A thing of beauty.
  17. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    I'll miss Cascade Speedway, but I'm definitely loving the improved changes in the zone layout. :D

    Neat to see the pulley things, and Casino Night looks splendid so far.

    I'd lower on the "level does everything for you" though
  18. Spanner


    I used to do things... Member
    United Kingdom
    I wish I knew...
    Yeah I see how it is like Sonic 4 in a way, with the HUD and the speed boosters and everything.

    It's okay, but I'm not happy with the first act's music. It just sounds so iffy. Good work with the rest though!
  19. Tweaker


    I'm not terribly fond of the new sections with water in Cascade Valley, nor am I all that enamored by the music for it that replaced the Leaf Forest track. I also think you could do better than using the prototype art for Casino Night, since that's been done several times over since its full restoration in Sonic 2 Delta. Outside of that, though, it's looking pretty cool; I'm just a bit disappointed that you changed the first level more or less entirely again while the other levels kind of just sit there and stagnate.

    Also, do you plan on adding a bassline to that NiGHTS song in Hill Top? I could try and whip up an arrangement that's a bit more fit for the system if that would help.
  20. ColinC10


    Tech Member
    Cascade Valley Act 1 was my favourite level in any hack ever. Are you sure an overhaul was entirely necessary? It seems you've gone from a totally awesome level to another, slightly different totally awesome level! I was looking forward to seeing a bit more progress on the other zones, but it seems you've gone for the approach of adding a bit of polish to everything rather than concentrating on one thing, which is fair enough. I definitely need to give this a play sometime soon.