Download Here! At last, after much delay, the mp3 tool for Sonic 2 is released! Feel free to include this in your hacks and whatever. Currently only Gens and Gens+ are supported, since Kega was being a pain to work with since I suspect it uses DMA ?_?, but meh, most people use Gens so it's not much of a problem. Also tell me about bugs!
There's a bug with speed shoes, if you enter a special stage with them activated, the Special Stage music is speed up too. Other wise the progam works perfectly.
If you want to have the S2 remix project as background music, create a bat file which contains the following code: Code (Text): rename HedgehogHeaven_01_nesper_skulkrusha_EmeraldNights.mp3 02.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_02_Snyderman_ChemicalReaction.mp3 0E.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_03_Sadorf_AquaticProject.mp3 07.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_04_Joker_HouseOfCards.mp3 09.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_05_JaysonLitrio_HillTopHeaven.mp3 06.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_06_IcyGuy_CavernEscape.mp3 0B.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_07_analoq_OilSpill.mp3 04.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_08_analoq_NextMyGeneration.mp3 05.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_09_SirNutS_HighAboveTheSky.mp3 0D.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_10_PsawniK_FortressOfGlory.mp3 0F.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_11_Aeolius_ApocalypticOrbitalOvum.mp3 0A.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_12_FFmusicDJ_HiddenPalaceFuture.mp3 10.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_13_Richter_Robeatnik'sTheme.mp3 13.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_14_Hadyn_TravellingThroughADream.mp3 12.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_15_mario_SonikkuGanbattle.mp3 17.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_16_Blak_Omen_SuperSonicSka.mp3 16.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_17_JonathonStriker_CasinoNightClub.mp3 08.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_18_Hadyn_PartyInTheEmeraldHills.mp3 0C.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_19_analoq_SonikCaves.mp3 03.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_20_Richter_RadioResults.mp3 01.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_21_Richter_BringInTheMachine.mp3 14.mp3 rename HedgehogHeaven_22_DCT_IsThisTheEnd.mp3 15.mp3 Save the bat file in the same folder as the Remix project mp3s, and run, now you can copy them to the mp3 tool's folder. In the next version of the tool I'll fix that Speedshoes bug and hopefully the 1up bug that causes sfx to crash. I'd also like to make it disable music that's been replaced by mp3 only, I'll have to look into that. EDIT: Added .mp3 onto end of HedgehogHeaven_21_Richter_BringInTheMachine
An easy way to check if you are ingame is to read the byte in RAM at $F600 (11A78). If it is $8C, then you are playing "in game". If it is $08 then you are in demo mode. If it is $10 then you are in Special Stage. So by knowing that, you can force the music to never speed up if you are not "in game" or in "demo mode".
That's what my in-game music is. I got permission off everyone and have put it in. What is the .bat file for? Just renaming the MP3s manually will allow the music to play anyway.
Wow. This is amazing. I couldn't believe it when I first tried it. While some of my music seems to just make a scratched record effect, most of the time it is perfect. I can't really express how cool it is to hear Eggman rolling along in his tank to E.G.G.M.A.N. or the final Eggbot to Live And Learn, or the ending to the original Japanese song Sweet Sweet Sweet. Thank you.