The drills and treads on Grounder look like they'd made of chrome. Everything else looks good though.
Lets say the metal on Robotnik's machine is a weird coated type, I agree it's unusual but it's how that was originally drawn, it doesn't look bad in any way at all though. I can assure you that the other metal in progress for CPZ and all the other objects pretty much is looking more ...metallic, and maybe even some textures, who knows Rubber my friend. This guy is in a rather watery place so they can be expected to look a little damp and shiny. I think they looked even more chrome-y in the OA. Thanks for rather positive comments!
I'm seriously loving this... Is the perspective of the catapult right, though? I thought its top platform was supposed to be tilted, so the characters would start spinning when launched from them, and that's why the shape looked like that when seen from the side.
That being said, it doesn't look like wet tank treads or wet tires. Neither are that shiny when wet. Don't mind me though. You're not going to please everybody.
Loving the updates and this new incarnation of the project looks promising and amazing; but what I'd really like to hear about is a real progress update. As in last time we heard Emerald Hill Zone was complete and the team was hard at work on Hill Top Zone. Any updates on that? Also how close are we to another demo/Alpha?
I must admit, that on screenshots S2 HD looks really amazing. And I really regret, that it's the only one (frome the fan-made games) I've played so far, which is not launching on my PC (I see only title screen, but after this only black screen & nothing more). Probably it's about my laptop (or it's the natural thing for games in alpha stage, that they're not working on every configuration). Anyway, I wish you a lot of perseverance and a bit of luck in creating (& ending) your game!
Those lava particles are stunning. I commend the team on how they are presenting these assets. Just that extra level of detail. Can't wait to see it all in action together.
So game screenshots next right? It's nice someone's gone to the trouble to decorate a page for some lava animations, but I can't help but feel a detailed breakdown of assets would be better once they've been finalised. And they'll not be finalised until launch. Meanwhile it's the engine and gameplay people are sceptical about.
I'm guessing this is just a small presentation to introduce the artist. I'm looking forward to seeing it all in motion... the first demo was lush with the animated palm trees. The new Hill Top flowers look great. Here's hoping we see the next demo this year. Will this be compatible with both Mac & PC? Keep up the good work guys!
This looks very familiar, Jessica Jeansoulin! Is this what we can expect Chemical Plant Zone to look like?
I think the lave looks great, I'm curious how it will look when you see more of it vertically filling the screen as the old lave was more yellow/orange, and this is sorta dark red near the bottom. I posted these images because there was a link to Jessica's site on the S2HD posting and I saw she had some Sonic 2 type work on there. I was wondering if this has anything to do with the official unoffcial project?