There is so much hype and drama associated with this project, until something is shown worth noting I really won't see this as any other fangame or hack "announcement". That this already has a 4-page topic (now 5 with this post, hoho) in the General Sonic Discussion of all places shows its popularity, though. We'll keep things in here for a day or so before moving it over to Fan Games. Yes, I get the point about posts in there usually being from the creators or associated, but it has happened before where it's someone else announcing it. That way all discussion about it can be kept in one place, and if the people making it want to announce changes they can do so in this topic. If wanted, the first post can be changed to be the author of one of the creators, so they can alter it themselves, if desired. But let's wait and see for anything else before we even get there. That said, let's keep discussion in here civil and on-topic, okay? Discussions/debates/arguments about the Taxman/Stealth ports can stay in their respective topics.
You know, to be honest, I wouldn't even mind if Sonic 2HD had multimedia fusion physics. The entire spectacle of S2HD for me isn't an HD resolution and 16:9 aspect ratio or whatever, it's the re-done graphics. The graphics done for S2HD look pretty damn snazzy, and seeing them in motion was even snazzier. It's much in the same way of Perfect Dark HD to me; PDHD didn't use the same game engine, but was still a really good approximation (it even kept strafe-running or whatever the PD community calls it). That said, I have played Sonic 2 a million times and major differences would be more than annoying, but I can easily look past minor differences, even if there's a lot present. However, due to the project's goals from the onset, I really doubt any of these major (to me) differences would show up. I'll be excited if this project continues regardless.
Do whatever you guys feels best. as people have pointed out the only reason I started it here was because of that rule of creators starting topics in the fangames area.
I surprised this is coming back but is it something that people want? I for one don't have any vested interest in the idea and don't understand why Sonic 1 HD hasn't happened yet, either. That doesn't stop me from seeing why people like the idea though. Generations had some very nice HD-ified remakes of older levels (with some expected liberties taken) and a whole game in this way is a nice idea, if a little novel. Also, maybe I'm the only one but I read the title as "Sonic 2 LD returns" and was sorely disappointed when I opened the topic.
If SEGA have any intention of bringing the Retro Engine version to consoles and PC I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled the trigger on this. But I do wish them the best of luck. Hack detection code as the date of the demo, anyone?
I'd like to see some more of these:—Objects.html They had charm. Forget it, Retro changes the link. Replace the big dash with 3 small dashes.
I'm still bitter about me posting what could have been a hobby project becoming this monstrosity drama roller coaster. I'm not happy about this text announcement.
I'm not terribly satisfied with a text announcement either, but it's better to me knowing that the programmer has been replaced this around. The entire hilarity of the original drama storm was caused by one pompous hack of a programmer, who doesn't need to be named in any capacity, so I don't think the rest of the team deserve any disdain for one man's poor choice of actions; actions so pathetic, that the whole Sonic hacking scene was shamed by certain news sites, and a few industry professionals commented that they would have fired him on the spot. With such a waste of talent out of the picture, (Whom I hope has learned from all this, and moved on to bigger, better things.) there's some hope the remake will eventually be finished, fuss-free, and DRM-free. The rest of the team were good-hearted fans that wanted nothing more than to beautify one of their favorite classics, so I don't have any hard feelings about the whole thing, personally. That was over two years ago anyway.
That's a pretty good question, actually. I wouldn't mind contributing a few tiles for Chemical Planet Zone myself if I had time, and knew how to vector better. That form of advertising is much better than being nagged by the Sonic 3 HD team on multiple occasions, because it got me so annoyed that I blocked their account on deviantART. (That's before I was even decent at digital art too.) I'm not the type to touch a potentially doomed fan game project with a 10ft pole, especially if their standards were low enough to bug me to help them with it.
So in other words....they have nothing? They are literally blowing smoke up everyone's asses? How is this better than any other bloke posting ideas in the fan-game forum asking for everyone's help?
All they are looking for is for new members to join their team to replace the ones that now have other commitments. It's not that they have nothing because I know Vincent has been solely responsible for the sprite sets of Sonic and Tails in the alpha. The remaining team members can easily do this all by themselves but it would take much longer getting the assets done and the game released. I kinda hope in time all the artists come back to finish this game off. By the time the project was cancelled, the artist team really was in full swing with a set art style that was all uniform that didn't clash and had amazing fluid animation. Getting back to that level is going to take time as what Vincent is asking for a few people to be godly at drawing/animating and do it for free. Finding a needle in a haystack is going to be easier than this.
The last thing they need is more art assests. Make the damn game with the base art they already have. This whole project drama revolves around people looking at pixels being slightly out of place.
To be fair those guys were not part of the team, just a bunch of groupies that because they have registered account on the game forum think that "we"(them included) are making the game. The actual team didnt contact any people with subpar portfolio. I guess the actions of this deviantart group explains why we had so many mediocre applications.
Applied to that. Made a Badnik in like... 2 hours max. I work damn fast now, and adding that I got my time management in order, I'd be a beast at this. That only happened when the project was a community one. That's good, as long as it isn't 'we have changed this pupil' kinda thing. It seems like they are going into this realising previous problems, so I have faith.