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Sonic 2 HD General

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Lanzer, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Uh, it did?
  2. Sappharad


    Yes. I recall using the same trick any time I played the Chemical Plant boss in the S2RR romhack, because it was a quick way to get more hits in without having to retreat.

    On a related note, are the flipping floor tiles for the boss on a global timer instead of being relative to when they appeared on screen? I seem to recall the floor tiles never being flipped when they scrolled onscreen, whereas here I noticed they'll already be flipped sometimes when they scroll onscreen.
  3. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    Yes, there was this bug in the original: the Mega Mack's Y position would happen to go from just before hitting a ducking Sonic to hitting the floor in the space of 1 frame, so it never collided with him. Tails' hitbox did not shrink when ducking, so he still gets hit in the original, though.
  4. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Quite loving and adoring comments on NeoGAF overall. Some criticism sprinkled in too but it's mostly constructive. Seems like the demo is being well-received so congrats to the team.

    To iterate I fucking loved it and I'm very much looking forward to future releases with more zones. Out of interest is the plan to release iterative demos with more zones or are you guys just focused on finishing the full game now? From what I've read there are more demos planned for down the line as you complete more work. Could have swore I read that somewhere. Probably here. Correct?
  5. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    ...does this apply to future games as well? It'd actually explain some hits I took as Tails in Mania.
  6. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    In S3&K, neither Sonic's, nor Tails', nor Knuckles' hitboxes shrink when ducking; only Taxman and Stealth know what they did on Mania.
  7. Retroman


    For bug reports, setup an email and have reports sent and even create a forum for users to submit reports.
    Not everybody likes Facebook.

    Also setting up a forum is needed, along with finding volunteer moderators to have everything including Suggestions (Pending approval), Bug Reports, Discussions and other topics.

    For my bug report:
    #1 In EHZ in the waterfall background hidden wall section, the Red Spring doesn't bounce you back if you go slowly to the right.
    It just bounce spams the sound but the physics stays still.

    Wasn't able to reproduce with the yellow spring.

    #2 In the settings menu, switching an option causes the game to crash. I would need to reproduce to show the error.

    #1 Make the Spiny badnick's eyes look in the direction of Sonic when entering the detection radius.

    #2 Don't like the Hill Top Trees. Make the edges rounded, more leaves and bendy leaves like this. (Yes, I know it's WIP and I know the shitstorm surrounding this issue):
    or this

    #3 For EHZ Act 2, have the background change like in Sonic Mania to be Emerald-Shaped rocks with flowers and waterfalls.

    But rounding off any edges since they look sharp. I'm aware that this caused the community to go overboard etc.
    Also I'm aware it's WIP but it's not fitting.
  8. Game runs at a snail's pace on my craptop (Mania runs fine) so I'm not sure what's happening there, any suggestions?

    Regardless, the game looks absolutely stunning, and you guys have really nailed the 90's box art and brought it into life. Congrats, now I want to see Sega fund a full release.
  9. winterhell


    If you want an excuse/explaination, Mania has 2x graphics, 2 HD is 4x so the art takes 4 times as much space. Also one renders at 448p natively while the other at 1080p, or 5.8 times more pixels on screen.
    It has much room for optimization though, we are working on it. There simply wasn't time for that this release, we barely made it with only a handful of bugs left to fix.
  10. Ah, fair enough. Makes sense. Keep storming ahead
  11. flarn2006


    From the FAQ:

    I assume you'll be including those tools in the final version?
  12. T.Q.


    The Sims 2, Tim Drake [Robin] Member
    Will there be an option to customize the music played on zones? Like will there be a folder in the game's directories to replace the music with ones we choose to listen to? Or is such an option not feasible?
  13. via Facebook:

    Team S2HD would like send a huge 'thank you' to everyone who downloaded and played our 2.0 release! Seeing your reactions and messages of support has been an amazing source of joy and encouragement. In particular we would like to thank all of you who have reported any issues or bugs you may be encountering with the demo. Currently a patch is in the works which fixes many of these issues; also included are improved physics, overhauled object art and more. The project has now entered 'phase 3' with work on Aquatic Ruin Zone well under way. You can find some of the relevant concept work for this stage below:

  14. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    I hope they finish this project no matter how long it takes. The demo was so good.

    Can't wait for the next playable demo.
  15. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Very pleasing news to see work is steaming forward and their work looks fucking fantastic as usual. I absolutely loved and I mean loved the demo. It was amazing and incredible.

    Like, the one thing that always surprises me about the Sonic 2 HD team is just how much effort, energy and love they're pouring in to this. Kudos to them and hope the complete game releases one day.
  16. Yeah it looks great.

    One thing I'd suggest to the team once it's all finally done (hoping that one day Sega picks it up), is to rename it. 'HD' is starting to sound a bit dated, and will be when 4K is the standard. SE (special edition) or something along those lines could work...
  17. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    That name is already taken:
  18. winterhell


    There are way too many games with "remake' and 'remaster' in the title that are just ports of the original product. Most of the time what they changed is just the 2 values that decide the render resolution of the game, so it looks like you are running it on an emulator. Its not rare that PS2->PS3 'remasters' run slower, introduce bugs, and even downgrade graphics settings.
    Its even more insulting when they re-release the same game on the same platform, and the main menu runs at 640 x 480... Case in point Worms World Party Remastered
    So greedy companies trying to make a quick buck ruined those two terms.

    Special Edition and Director's Cut are more in line with the mobile versions of Sonic 1, 2, and CD which are... enhanced ports? Those terms don't depict drastic changes. Maybe something akin to a port from Dreamcast/PS2 to Xbox/PC where it looks better.

    Personally I think 'remake' would be the proper term, but again the industry ruined it. Reimagined perhaps?
  19. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    That's because a remaster is just that, a port. In the music world mastering music is post production work that gives the music that extra bump in quality. Same goes for porting old games to more powerful hardware and just like mastering music, not everyone is good at it. I'm sure the folk here that write music can tell you as well that mastering music is something you've got to be gifted at, it isn't a simple case of slapping on a compressor and ignoring the clipping just for that extra boost in loudness.
  20. Well I wouldn't say this was a remaster. A re-imagining, but I still think a name change would be a good call. Maybe as it's a direct call back to the old JP promo/box art, the name could reference that in some way...