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Sonic 2 HD General

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Lanzer, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. I'm excited to play this but the art style seems a bit inconsistent at times. I was only able to briefly watch the trailer on low quality but some art seemed either underdetailed or overdetailed, and overall my eyes seemed to drift to parts of the level that they shouldn't. I'm rushing this post before work, I might do a more detailed write up if I find time.
  2. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    The Tails render for the for the desktop wallpaper has quickly become one of my favorite Tails drawings ever. I wish you guys were legally able to make a shirt with that art. I'd wear the hell out of it. lol Also super hyped about the demo.
  3. VectorCNC


    CNC Sculpture/Artwork
    Well, there you have it folks, this is exactly the art direction the follow-up to Mania needs to adhere to. S2HD looks stunning. It's so so so much better looking than 3D renders. It really caught me off guard when I came across the video. I wonder what sort of position this puts Sega in? On the one hand Sega won't want to shut it down and look like jerks, but on the other hand a new Classic Sonic game will probably need to evolve beyond pixel-art (not because pixel art isn't an art form in its own and deserves appreciation, but because HD art will ultimately expand the consumer base). Sonic 2 HD perfectly succeeds at updating the classic look, while retaining the classic aesthetic. Not to diminish S2HD, but it serves as a proof of concept for further Classic Sonic art.
  4. kullenberg


    HD graphics may or may not be more commercially viable, but I for one hope that a sequel to Mania will feature more beautifully crafted pixel art. The art styles aren't really that comparable at all in my opinion.
  5. VectorCNC


    CNC Sculpture/Artwork
    First of all, you do realize that Jared Kasl and Tom Fry, some the initial artists from Sonic 2 HD, went on to start PagodaWest, which made the graphics for Sonic Mania, right? They have also made new classic-styled official artwork, which has been undoubtedly the most authentic reproduction of that style since the Genesis-era.

    Secondly, let's take a stab in the dark and say there is a 50% chance that Classic Sonic maintains the retraux-pixel aesthetic going forward, and likewise there is a 50% chance they go "modern" be it HD or 2.5D, etc.. This being Sega, there is no telling how badly they could miss the mark, so ideally we want Sega to be informed by our opinions.

    Therefore, let's be realistic about what a faithful modern adaptation of the classic pixel-art would look like. Obviously it is hard to say at this point how well the new assets of Sonic 2 HD will mesh with the previous assets, but to say "The art styles aren't really that comparable at all" puts you in the unappeasable Sonic-fan camp, and opinions like that are the last thing our community needs.

    I understand your main point was that you prefer it remain as pixel-art, but considering Sega is a business foremost and pixel-art may ultimately hinder future sales, stating that these 2 styles aren't comparable at all is tantamount to throwing the proverbial baby out with the bathwater. Look for yourself, can you honestly say these aren't comparable at all? Then consider the second image, this is how bad it could be. "50%" chance Sega moves toward one of these directions, so voicing unrealistic hyperbole only serves to hinder progress.


    Stating S2HD's art is not comparable to Sonic Mania's pixel-art is hyperbole, and makes the opinions of our community appear unappeasable. Despite one's preference to maintain the pixel aesthetic, the two styles are not mutually excusive, as implied in the statement "the art styles aren't really comparable at all". If Sega moves toward a more modern look for business reasons, we would hope our community can provide valuable insights, rather than a plethora of unwavering idealists unwilling to form a consensus.


  6. DarkVDee


    Duke Of Palettes Member
    Sonic DVD [CD2]
    Saw the new trailer and I love it, everything look beautiful, the art are amazing. What really got my attention was Chemical Plant zone.
    So quick question, will any of the cut levels be added? It would be nice to see some of them redrawn into this HD style like Hidden Palace and Wood.
  7. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Kill me if you want, but I prefer the original versions in both examples. Not saying I always need low-res pixel art, but the HD version of the first screenshot isn't fully appealing to me.
  8. VectorCNC


    CNC Sculpture/Artwork
    Which would you prefer...

  9. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member

    Anyway, I was talking about that particular example. Let's take those two screenshots from chemical plant on the big image posted in the previous page: The one with the spiders looks much better to me than the one with the buildings behind because of 2 reasons: the badniks shading and the contrast between the foreground and the background. The background with buildings looks gorgeous, but it blends a bit with the foreground, resulting in a worse visibility, and the ball popping badniks have some shading that clases a bit with the level's lighting, making it feel weird. The background behind the spiders makes a clear contrast and it still has that level of detail, and the spiders themselves while not looking exactly as their original counterparts, look better shaded and fitting.

    In the screenshot you posted, the eggmobile has similar issues with the colouring and shading, and the clearer background from the HD version from Emerald Hill has also that blending effect with the foreground that makes for a worse visibility and a least pleasant sighting. Other screenshots from emerald hill, like the one in the same collection as the chemical plant screenshots, looks really appropiate because the level tiles take the most space from the picture and the contrast from the background is better.

    Conclusion: it's just a matter of tweaking, the work is overall great but has its flaws (in my opinion, at least).

  10. ugh I forgot how beautiful that shot was :specialed:
  11. kullenberg


    I don't claim to speak for the community, only myself. I was also involved in doing some art for Sonic 2 HD so it's not like I hate it. I actually think it looks quite cool. Definitely one of, if not the, best HD remakes I've seen. :)

    All I am saying is that the aesthetics are different no matter how you slize it. You can't have pixel art aesthetics without pixel art just as you can't make a acoustic guitar solo sound like a grand piano even if you play the same song on both instruments. Apples and oranges.
    In the best of worlds you could have room for both HD graphics and pixel art. The commercial aspect is a separate discussion entirely, though. What's the best busines move is not up to me to decide. I'm just an artist.
  12. LukyHRE


    The only one who has a Portal-themed avatar Member
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Bitching and complaining about my country -.-'
    Completely agree. Can we all dream for a minute with a Sonic 2 Remastered by Taxman with a button a la Monkey Island HD that switches between the original pixel art, and HD art, in realtime? :eng101:
  13. MegaSuperab


    Does anybody have a virus-free download to the alpha build? Sorry if this question is stupid.
  14. A: If you're thinking how I think you're thinking, this is the wrong S2HD project you're thinking of, as that one has been long dead.
    B: The demo release by *this* team in this thread is on September 30th.
  15. winterhell


    There was never a virus or a trojan or a keylogger in the Alpha or any other version of Sonic 2 HD. Please stop spreading 5 years old rumors.
  16. Lapper


    Lappering Tech Member
    Sonic Studio, Sonic Physics Guide, Kyle & Lucy, Freedom Planet 2
    Could possibly mean without an 'official' link, most links would be from risky sources with potential viruses?

    Either way, it's no longer supported by the team.
  17. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    So the demo release date is approaching fast. 1.5 days from now. Hyped and excited to play it and also to read all the impressions that'll inevitably arise on here.

    Do we know the time the demo will be made available this Saturday? Would love for it to go up around midnight the eve before.
  18. winterhell


    It should be up by the SAGE 2017 schedule, so sometime on the 30th.
  19. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Thanks dude, but I meant whether there's an exact scheduled time as to when the demo download will be available. It's the 30th in four hours from now here in the UK.
  20. winterhell


    6AM at GMT, so when you get up