So has anybody found a clue to what they were planning in ID 01 With that MEssed up CPZ with LZ's 128 or 256 and Rasters? :P
Debug stuff. Most of this stuff like labels n shiz are leftovers from a debug build, probably done so the debugger would display stuff? Or kinda like controlled program runs.
It's funny how a beta (or other similar builds) has that quite fancy cart label. I'm fucking drooling on my keyboard when I play this. This is an awesome combination of extremely incomplete S2 and leftovers from S1. It's too bad so many levels wee not even created yet...and going into the Final Zone is cool too, how the game freezes with a purple screen when scrolled to a certain point. Probably because it calls for non-existant boss objects. I also wonder why having Tails by your side fucks up sprites and collision.
This cart label had me thinking... Now that we know that this build is very similar (if not exact same) to the Nick Arcade build, maybe it was why the label was a hologram? I mean, Sega wouldn't bother sending a hologrammed proto cart (with a case!) to any magazine. That would suggest the Nick Arcade show...
Right guys, I gave a quick look at the ROM before I left earlier in the afternoon. Turns out that the music driver is more than just identical to Sonic 1's -- it's at the same exact offset in the ROM. Pretty bizarre, eh? Anyway, if you want to hax the music, do it like you would Sonic 1. Not one byte is different, which is certainly interesting. As for the findings so far - great job, guys! I find it awesome we can put aside all our drama bullshit for something that can benefit the community so much. Now I know why they called the finding the last beta the "golden age". I'm gonna need volunteers to help maintain the main site, and update it with this new info. Any takers? If you're interested, state it in here, and PM me for FTP info so I can throw you the needed files to edit.
Just a few of things I noticed that aren't anything big but I thought I would mention: 1) From the little bit of playing around that I did I found that when you smash the invincibility tv (I'm calling it that because I don't know its real name :P ) you stay invincible until the level ends. 2) Sonic can't die unless he falls 3) Sonic has infinite lives when he does fall 4) When you navigate out from behind the rocks, the water level in HPZ Act 2 is higher than it was in the other beta. From what I could tell nothing else had changed in HPZ though Edit: Almost forgot.... Thanks alot drx for doing this!
Well considering S2 was built directly over S1, you should expect a lot of things in an early beta to remain the same as S1. If the sound driver was aligned to a certain position in the source code of S1, this could explain why it's also in the same position in this beta. This would also explain why the ripple effect is still in the LZ slot, why all the S1 music is still in it and why S1 objects are still present. Of course, I'm pretty much stating the obvious here, but some people are still talking as if S1 stuff being present and fully functional is something weird.
I found it in Hidden Palace Act 2. Looks like a sad face. Also, it seems that jumping out of water when the drowning music is playing plays Labyrinth zone music.
I'm certainly interested, and I have HTML [and PHP] experience. Although, I'm hardly one that I believe you'd consider for the job. I can see why they removed this in the final, it'd get a little annoying and slow down the gameplay.
Yeah, I noticed that too. I didn't post about this because it's known from the other beta that the music is screwed up if you come up when drowning. And yeah, I agree with Billy. That "bounce off the wall" thing is cool once, but it gets boring quickly.
Did any of you guys run into a wall with sonic and have him fly backward and lie down on the ground? that's where those sad lying down sonic sprites came from. its kinda' strange to see,if your not used to it. maybe we can ind the sonic pulling backward sprites in use too.
The way the transport tubes are set up in Chemical Plant Zone seem to imply that a different method of enterance was in order originally, and judging by the quantity of tubes, and the way they are placed, played a bigger role in the level - say to make it more maze-like and confusing maybe?