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Sonic 2 Delta v0.24 preview

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Esrael, Mar 9, 2009.

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  1. Esrael


    Neto Tech Member
    Brazil, São Paulo, Guarulhos
    Neto Assembler Editor / Sonic 2 Delta / Neto MD-DOS
    Demo release: (Sonic 1 Levels in Sonic 2 Beta Engine)

    All Sonic 1 Levels ported
    All Sonic 1 Bosses ported
    Sonic 1 J Rasters ported and reprogramed to work with Sonic 2 Beta Engine
    Sonic 1 J Objects ported and reprogramed to work with Sonic 2 Beta Engine

    - Title Cards for all Levels
    - All Sonic Bosses ported

    To be done:
    - Objects Art
    - Second Player Detection routines in Some Objects
    - Colision detection in Sonic 1 Levels

    - Random crashes
    - Try Testing With Sonic Alone
    - Colision is not perfect for Sonic 1 Levels.
    - Art is only added for Green Hill Enemies

    Sonic 2 Delta v0.24 Demo Release

    Debug Mode and Level Select enabled.
    To test Sonic 1 Levels enter in Sound Test and Select any Sound between $80 to $FF, leave Sound Test and Press A+Start in Title Screen.

    Other Bugs and Suggestions, please comments.

    Suggestions for new level order are accepted.
  2. Spanner


    I used to do things... Member
    United Kingdom
    Falling asleep for once
    For some reason this doesn't work on Gens, which really is annoying. I don't know why though, sometimes it's because of issues to do with art. :)
  3. Enzo Aquarius

    Enzo Aquarius

    20% Cooler. Member
    Canada, eh.
    Sonic TV Scripts, Sonic Comic Wiki Work
    Indeed, I can't get the demo to work beyond the 'SEGAAAA' title on Gens/GS.
  4. Mikel


    Nice work, Esrael, I found a bug when I was at Marble Zone:

    Sometimes whenever you hit enemies, the game crashes with an illegal instruction, this has happened to me twice.

    Screenshot of where the bug happened (I tried to hit a Buzz Bomber in Marble Zone, then the game crashes with an illegal instruction).

    Other than that, Awesome job, and keep up the great work! :)

    EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to report an error on the Sound Driver, the PSG insturments don't play on most songs, neither do the Hi-Hats.
  5. Hitaxas


    Retro 80's themed Twitch streamer ( on hiatus) Member
    PFFFF buggy hack is buggy.

    Won't play in Gens 32, crashes. If you're in running animation for too long in Kega Fusion, it crashes.

    Some object placement is incorrect, and some objects don't function 100%.

    And I am only saying this after I tried GHZ out. =/
  6. c1owd


    Previously 'CarrascoZX0' Member
    Uh... It just crashed... And I was using Kega Fusion...
  7. Enzo Aquarius

    Enzo Aquarius

    20% Cooler. Member
    Canada, eh.
    Sonic TV Scripts, Sonic Comic Wiki Work
    Okay, got Fusion and played Green Hill Zone. First of all, amazing work! Here's some list of bugs I found -

    - I could jump/roll through the first ring monitor in Act 1 with no hesitation?
    - Waterfalls create a mechanical noise.
    - I could walk through the second Moto Bug in Act 1 -
    - After using the 'Spike Bug', the title card for Green Hill Act 1 had some transparency issues. I couldn't get this issue to redo with a normal enemy kill.
    - I finished an invincibility spree while a cliff was falling. The music for Green Hill turned kind of 2-D for the rest of the level. It fixed after I paused the game.
    - Not a bug, but cool lampposts.
    - Falling platforms after lamppost 1 in Act 1 disappear rather than fall.

    In the end, this is very neat!
  8. Esrael


    Neto Tech Member
    Brazil, São Paulo, Guarulhos
    Neto Assembler Editor / Sonic 2 Delta / Neto MD-DOS
    Fixed Gens Crash. Wrong Code alignment after level select menu.

    Edit: This code alignment fixes Moto bug and Monitor Hit.

    Please download file again
  9. Namagem


    I've run into various collision holes in wood zone 2 (not to mention the lack of a boss, more than likely intentional, though), and although it's not a bug, the placement of those rock platforms in dust hill annoys me, because if you aren't going slowly and paying close attention, you WILL fall into the abyss. Also, while browsing the music test, I found the S&K final boss music sped up about 200%. Although it does sound cool, it doesn't sound right.
  10. Enzo Aquarius

    Enzo Aquarius

    20% Cooler. Member
    Canada, eh.
    Sonic TV Scripts, Sonic Comic Wiki Work
    Correction, the 'invincibility' issue fixes itself once you make a movement like a jump. I find that if multiple sounds are going off at once, such as multiple rings and such, the music turns 2D as well.

    Bugs with SYZ1 -

    - Sprites are all messed up, including bumpers and badniks.
    - Invisible springs.
    - All top edges of upward curve can be stood on and stops you from going up the wall unless you do a spindash or go fast, with or without a spring.
    - After the bumper area, on the downwards ramp, after you have to go down the first set of blocks, you can fall straight down under the ramp to a platform below it. -
    - After the second block sequence, in the dip, Tails fell through the floor to the secret ring area.

    Bugs with SYZ2 -

    - Game crashed. Heard a spring effect then a bounce, then crash.
  11. SMTP


    Tech Member
    Very awesome I must say.

    Though it would have made much bigger impact had all the issues/art had been fixed before being released.
  12. Hez


    This smells like a good hack as soon as the bugs are ironed out.
  13. djdocsonic


    Testing YOUR Hacks Since 2005... Member
    Emerald Hill Zone
    Looking for a Rom Hack to Test.
    Esrael, good work as ever my friend! I particularly like your idea of changing a sound test number means the levels you can access change. Its a great idea, will you be implementing an actual menu to select Sonic 1 Levels or Sonic 2 Levels? perhaps you could put it on the title screen.
  14. Nice!

    I got up to the boss of Winter Zone...where I couldn't damage the boss.

    Also I hit a buzz bomber when it was shooting and the game froze.

    Nice job nonetheless though!

    EDIT: Few issues...

    - The end of all the 2P Zones have no end!!
    - Tails randomly dies at the end of the zone if he appears below the stage...
    - HUGE slowdown at Casino Night 2P, mostly in the pinball areas.
  15. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    You can, but its hitbox is surprisingly tiny.
  16. Esrael


    Neto Tech Member
    Brazil, São Paulo, Guarulhos
    Neto Assembler Editor / Sonic 2 Delta / Neto MD-DOS
    Some random crashes fixed. (For some reason some objects was loading with incomplete parameters into Ram). ex: Dust Object in SYz 2 / SLz 2 was not loading mappings for Miles and references to Offset $0 crashing. (Fixed)

    Fixed a bug in Sonic 2 "Levels" Level Select Menu which do not Load in Real Hardware:

    move.w #$0000, ($FFFFF7B9).w (odd address with ".w" works in emulator but not in Genesis)
    move.b #$00, ($FFFFF7B9).w (changed to ".b" and menu loads in Genesis)

    Updated Sonic 2 Delta v0.24 Demo

    Now I have a flash card and will try to get Sonic 2 Delta full compatible with Genesis.
  17. Just tested it.

    Game froze when I hit a buzz bomber when he was shooting. (or very close to)

    Also at the end of Act 2, I got invincibility, then beat the level. The invincibility wore off during the ending score song, and it was cut off and the normal song started again!
  18. Ice Sonic

    Ice Sonic

    Ice Cap
    No, I am not working on any hack, fanart, or website.
    Link doesn't work.
  19. neonsynth


    Previously 'SonicVaan' Member
    Germany, Stammbach
    gaming and music production
    The server can't be found. :colbert:
  20. Hitaxas


    Retro 80's themed Twitch streamer ( on hiatus) Member
    Invulnerable motobug for the lose:
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