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Sonic 2: Archives

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Nik Pi, Dec 31, 2022.


Which Tails should be used?

  1. Early brown

    11 vote(s)
  2. Early brown with adaptation to orange

    16 vote(s)
  3. Final Tails

    21 vote(s)
  1. Oberstein


    Are you planning to use the EHZ-2P music for it, given it's currently unused according to the sound test?
  2. Paphvul


    I’m honestly surprised people don’t like Ocean Wind’s track. It fits the rest of the soundtrack stylistically, and is pretty darned memorable in its own right. I wouldn’t change it, personally.

    For me, it’s actually Tropical Sun that bothers me; does anyone else hear a lot of suspicious similarities to Cruel Angel’s Thesis? It really takes me out of what’s otherwise a really immersive take on a parallel universe version of Sonic 2.

    Jungle Woods’ track is pretty solidly-composed, but something’s a little jank about the instrumentation that’s hard to pin down.

    Tangentially, you guys did a perfect job rebalancing Metropolis Zone into being as early a stage as it is, in this version.

    The way the time travel is handled rules, too. I do think the buzzing sound is jank, though; the one from the original game’s Casino Night boss already fits that role perfectly. Is the one used here taken from a prototype sound?

    Also, any plans on including Special Stages in this version? I dunno what you could change, since I don’t recall any early or scrapped concepts for those.

    Also also, my compliments to EHZ’s design; it perfectly blends all the prototype and final iterations of the level design into a cohesive whole that feels polished, but in a vastly different direction from the original. It’s a great way to set expectations for the rest of the game to meet, which it does.

    Is the cactus bomb enemy from concept art, or an original concept? It works well, either way.

    Is Bubbler’s Mother anywhere in the game? I don’t recall seeing her.

    This hack’s reimplementation of the wall bounce mechanic is a lot less annoying than the Nick Arcade build’s, I like it.

    I’ve replayed this hack several times, now; it’s hardly even finished, and it’s already so polished and compulsively replayable in a way matching the original game. Well done!
  3. Oberstein


    They're from concept art.
    I'd suggest waiting until the team gets to work on Chemical Plant, since it was intended to appear there.
  4. Jaxer


    I do, and that's exactly why I love it
  5. Nik Pi

    Nik Pi

    Sonic 2: Archives
    Tropical Sun theme indeed was inspired by the Evangelion music, composer is big enjoyer of it. It works at two levels, in my opinion. For people who doesn't know the source- it will be just funny music, for people who knows- it will be nice reference. As you may know, even in Masato Nakamura's music for Sonic 1 & 2 were several references to different music, so why not?
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  6. Oberstein


    The part about 'Spooky GCZ'... does that mean there's gonna be a reference to the Sonic 2 Long Version interpretation of Genocide City?
  7. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    Since the topic got bumped I may as well throw the rest of my notes in.

    Ocean Wind:
    I love this level and I like the music as mentioned previously; fight me lol
    This goes for Aquatic Ruin too, but I'm curious if there are any plans to have extended underwater backgrounds; the blank voids are a little bit jarring. For this level especially, a Sonic 3-esque parallax water surface would be really tight.

    The timpani instrument in act 1 sounds off.
    Overall this level should be longer. I know it's early in the level order now but it's way too brisk in it's current form; if not extending the acts then reintroduce act 3 and give an excuse to use the cool pipes background from last year's demo? Of course I don't think it should be as difficult as its original/final form but it needs some of its teeth back imo; it's the first climax of the game and should pose some sort of challenge.

    Warp Point:
    Love the theme, love the music, just curious if the art is considered "done" or not. It fits in with vanilla Sonic 2 but the more lush/textured detail in your version of Emerald Hill and some of the other levels make this one feel a bit plain in comparison.

    Tropical Sun:
    For some reason, on one of my playthroughs I went from Warp Point right to Aquatic Ruin, skipping Tropical Sun. Curious if anyone else had that happen?
    This level is really cool too but I feel like the bouncy leaves should be more visually distinct.

    Looking forward to the next release with fervor, keep up the great work everyone :oldbie:
  8. Nik Pi

    Nik Pi

    Sonic 2: Archives
    Zone has 3 acts, and why not to make the 3rd one outside and put some terrific stuff on the background? Ofcourse, not in the style of LV, but something like the dead city with the tons of industrial stuff.. ofcource, idea can be reworked, but currently (and back then) I see it this way.

    Thank you for your respond! We are working on the stuff and polishing it, and we have some plans on MTZ as well. ARZ will get deserved attention too ofcource. Currently you can even fight the boss without leaves on fg, and bg itself has parallax. Warp Point? I can't say much about it. And bug with transition between zones was solved too. I don't say how, but you will like it :V
  9. Paphvul



    Ahhhhhh, I getcha.

    Main issue I have is how anachronistic a reference it is; S2 was 1992, while Evangelion began in 1995. It wouldn’t have existed to inspire a track in the game at the time.

    It’s really distracting, because again, this hack is otherwise really authentic to what an alternate timeline Sonic 2 could’ve been like; it genuinely takes me to a world where S2’s hectic development went more smoothly, and all the stuff they wanted got implemented.

    It perfectly recreates the experience of playing the game for the first time and not knowing what to expect, and that’s something truly special. You’re doing an amazing job with this, which is why I care so much about stuff like this.

    I do think the Evangelion reference would work as part of a funny Easter Egg (maybe a bonus track in the Sound Test, or something accompanying a funny image when you put in a particular code a la Sonic CD’s hidden screens?), but not as a theme played in the regular campaign.

    Also, I dunno if it’s an intentional Easter Egg, but when I pressed Jump during the Warp Point cutscene and got out of the resulting glitch, I also skipped ARZ completely.

    Also also! Been working on some “box art” for this alternate version of Sonic 2. Here’s a WIP. IMG_1740.jpeg
  10. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    Just take it as "in this timeline, the funny Sonic 2 song inspired the Evangelion song". Easier fix than replacing a perfectly good song that fits the assignment well.
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  11. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    I get it but also think it's probably a bit too familiar to people...if you want a similar idea that isn't going to immediately get people thinking "haha, is that...what! the eva theme" I'd say look at jpop idol stuff from the late 70s to early 80s like this
  12. Paphvul


    I mean, I disagree, but either way, it's not a dealbreaker for me, personally. The hack overall is too good to let one minor facet turn me off it. ^,v,^

    Been playing as Tails, and holy fuck, I'm coming to appreciate just how intricate the level design is in the new stages. I think it actually tops the original game, in terms of just how explorable it is, and how well the levels flow.

    This hack isn't even done yet, and it's already showing Sonic Mania and Triple Trouble 16-bit levels of polish in the level design and overall package.

    I can't overstate how impressed I am with this hack, so far.
  13. Nik Pi

    Nik Pi

    Sonic 2: Archives
    Another year passed buy, people, now we are two years old! This was really interesting year for project, we participated SHC and got well responses, we've got many cool ideas, and some will even surprise you :oldbie:
    Ofcource, there are still a lot of unreleased things that weren't included in SHC '24 (almostly because of vgm2smps limitations), and we will be working on keep making our project better, and make you happy to play. Thank you for the support you gave us all this time.
    I can't say when next demo will out, cuz team really got tired during this year, and we won't hurry to next SHC, so if we will decide to make new release- we will release. Wish us a good luck and moral health, AHAHAHAHA :eng99:
    I wish you all in this new year be happy, because this is hardest, but most importaint thing in our modern world..
    Anyway, here is some progress screenshots, Rock World and Madness Mountain!
  14. E-122-Psi


    I'm loving the unique level art patterns you have going there. Madness Mountain especially looks like a cool blow up of the concept art.

    Also you used that concept art badnik. Neat touch. Can you bounce off the springs? :D
  15. Paphvul



    Had to draw Winter Zone’s trees from memory.

    Obviously botched that, but oh well.