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Sonic 2 (2013 - iOS/Android) Post-Release Bugs/Fixes/Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by D.A. Garden, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.
    Will the amazon app store version be updated? It has been stuck at version 3.0.2 for a long time
  2. Covarr


    Sentient Cash Register Member
    Trapped in my own thoughts.
    Two stageplays, a screenplay, and an album
    I hope so. It's also crashing on achievements (at least on a Fire stick, I haven't tried on a standard Fire TV or Kindle Fire).
  3. It also crashes on achievements on a standard Fire TV.
  4. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    I'd like some help with this too.
  5. big smile

    big smile

    When you open the Play store app, it should just appear in the Updates tab. If it doesn't, search for the App in the Play Store and click on the update button. If there is no update button, then it means something has gone wrong on your device, so uninstall and reinstall making sure to reboot the phone after the uninstall.

    Back up your data before uninstalling. You should just be able to copy it from the SD card, but the fool proof way is to purchase Titanium Backup, which is a really useful backing up Apps (it's only a couple of dollars)
  6. speedyink


    Titanium backup requires a rooted device. If the phone isn't rooted, just resort to backing up the SD card data.
  7. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Successfully updated and hooray it works! Using a Z3 Compact running Android 5.0 for reference. Previous builds failed to launch so thank you Taxman. I used the level select cheat thinking I could jump straight to Hidden Palace zone but when trying to access the zone I get an error sound. I take it this is intentional? Is it possible to access the zone via Mystic Cave Act 2 if you just jump to the level via the level select or do you have to play through the entire game before being allowed to access the level?

    I know this sounds insignificant but I was really looking forward to playing the zone. Any assistance would be appreciated.

    EDIT: Nevermind. Accessed Mystic Cave zone Act 2 via the level select and then jumped down the bottomless spike pit and hoorah Hidden Palace zone! Excellent work there Taxman. It's such a wonderfully designed zone that's easily on par with the other zones if not an accurate representation of what the zone would have been like in the real game. Feels like playing a part of gaming history. Such a fantastic idea to include the zone in the re-release. Excellent work.
  8. Fantastic


    Born on an island, in the heavens. Member
    I'd just start a save file and play up until you reach Hidden Palace Zone via Mystic Cave Zone Act 2. If you do that, you'll unlock a Time Attack version of the level and you can play it as many times as you'd like then.
  9. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Good to know! As I wrote in my edited post I managed to access the level but your idea sounds much better. I'll give your idea a shot. Thanks.
  10. Still doesn't work for me. I have no update feature in Play Store for Sonic 1 or 2. Sonic 1 is stuck on 2.0.4 version and Sonic 2 just keeps crashing. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling them with the backed up save file after rebooting the phone but that did nothing. Am I doing something wrong?

    EDIT: I've managed to find an updated APK file of Sonic 2 and that solved it. Unfortunately I still can't update Sonic 1.
  11. big smile

    big smile

    If you are having problems updating multiple apps, it probably means that something has gone wrong with your phone.

    Personally, I'd be tempted to do a full wipe and reset of the phone (you can usually find this in the Settings panel), but of course back up everything first.
  12. Nova


    Don't take it too seriously Member
    Ah, I see! Thanks for the notes! Completely forgot about the Sega ID thing, guess it didn't take off as they hoped, huh?
  13. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I never really could figure out what SEGA ID even was. I'd signed into it before, but I dunno what it ever did.
  14. Nova


    Don't take it too seriously Member
    I think it was mainly intended to be a central hub for all their games to connect to so you could use the same profile among all of them?
  15. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Much like all things Sega, it fell flat on its face. :v:
  16. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    All I ever did was sign into it using Facebook. It wasn't something that I could ever figure out how to use.
  17. Lilly


    United States
    Shang Mu Architect
    Darn it, SEGA. Just like everything else they make, it's good and dead well before I get a chance to mess with it. :argh: Too bad SEGA ID was never fully realized before it got the bin.

    And I'm happy the update is online! Might buy it tonight or tomorrow, all depends on how comfortable I am with using Paypal on Mobile.
  18. big smile

    big smile

    If you are talking about the Android version, you can buy it on Desktop (via the Google Play website) and, within seconds, it will appear on your device (provided you have logged into your device using your Google account).

    I rarely buy any apps on mobile. It's so much easier to do all purchasing, updating and even uninstalling from the Desktop website. That's not to say the Google Play mobile app is bad (it's actually very well designed), but the Desktop to Mobile integration is seamless, it doesn't make sense not to use it.
  19. Lilly


    United States
    Shang Mu Architect
    Thanks for the idea. I just bought it via my notebook on Google Play, added Paypal long enough to buy it, then removed the payment method. (I want to avoid any accidental purchases, like my cousins have done on the PSN.) My phone automatically started downloading it, wow. :specialed:

    It's running great too! The touch screen controls are faring me better than I thought they would, and this feels so much more solid than the original; can't wait to get to Hidden Palace Zone. Thanks for all the love you show these classics, Taxman and Stealth. I'm not much of a Sonic fan anymore, and I still had to have this game on my device.

    Edit : I got as far as Hidden Palace. While my hype and excitement for the zone has long since simmered down, I'm really satisfied to see more water in Sonic 2. The water slides, geysers that spring you up, and all the enemies, easily utilize water as an element more than anything the classics did, besides Hydrocity. I need to see more of it in Time Attack Mode.

    Also, that little dino from the betas breathing fire really caught me by surprise. Nobody ever thought to make him do that, it's hilarious.
  20. Lilly


    United States
    Shang Mu Architect
    Double posting because I have no idea what I'm doing, so I thought I'd ask about this within the context of running Sonic 2 before doing anything potentially stupid. :specialed: I'm not even sure if it's running entirely with Software rendering or not.

    I recently got a 7in RCA tablet running Android 4.2.2. It's really nice, does everything I could expect from a tablet. (1GB RAM,1GHz Dual-core CPU.) The only thing it isn't running at full speed is the Sonic 2 Remaster. 3D effects on the menu are full 60 FPS, although the game itself is running at Sonic 1 PAL speeds; odd. The game looks gorgeous on that bigger screen, regardless.

    I'm not sure if the GPU or CPU are slightly weaker than my phone, or if it having to display the game at a higher resolution is an issue. Either way, the game doesn't give any video options to turn off, so I turned on Developer Mode in System Settings to see what I could do there. Yet, I don't enjoy risking breaking toys like some people do, would forcing GPU rendering or something be helpful?

    EDIT: Upon closer inspection in Time Attack Mode, it's playing at the right speed, but it's skipping a lot of frames, instead of the full 60 I get on my phone. So it doesn't look as smooth.