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Sonic 1 prototype images

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Phugolz, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. LockOnRommy11


    You're absolutely right. I spent 5 minutes going back and forth and doing my best to hear over the sound effect, and it appears that the music seems to have the intro before the music starts as it does normally. Also after comparing the pitch of this little audio clip beforehand to the demo I can confirm that this little bit is the same pitch too, so I think we may have found that the original GHZ music had the extended opening.
  2. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Why would they do such a thing, only in that small screenshot from the whole magazine.
  3. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    Let me see: the original pictures were small images at the bottom of the page that have been scanned and enlarged. There are dozens of scanning and enlarging artifacts clearly visible, and the guy clearly states, and I quote,
    (source) And despite that you want to do a blow-up analysis and expect any meaningful results?
  4. An unsharp mask wouldn't create the darker pixelated areas above the cloud that's overlapping the letter. I just really find it hard to understand why they'd take the time to sprite and program in these words for this one screenshot.

    I don't have a good answer for that, but absence of evidence doesn't necessitate fact. I'm just placing my bets on post production.
  5. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    Look what happens when you overlap a ghz tree with a cloud:

    (using specual stage clouds/palette)

    (using final ghz clouds/palette)

    The darker area is just part of the cloud art so it blends into the background.
  6. LockOnRommy11


    Well then, I think it's safe to say that this is another case closed. I cannot understand why a newspaper would add their own words like that for the sake of it, and the font looks like its coming from the game rather then being used by the publication.

    Seeing as this demo was more or less an advertisement for what Sonic could do, it's not surprising to see the text.

    What does it actually say? Maybe this was discussed but this topic moves so fast...
  7. Shadow Wedge

    Shadow Wedge

    Match-3 game
    It might not have been added by the newspaper. It could be that the text was added by SEGA before the screenshots were sent out.
  8. LockOnRommy11


    Again, why would it make a difference whetehr it was added by X/Y/Z? What we're saying is that regardless who did it, why would they do it, and why would that explain some of the stuff we've found?
  9. Mercury


    His Name Is Sonic Tech Member
    Location Location
    The text doesn't look dissimilar enough from something the MD can display, and also doesn't look like something that's not really simple to implement (considering Naka's other feats in the demo) that there's any reason to theorise that it was added later.

    The most parsimonious assumption is that it's original. (More evidence can, of course, alter this provisional assumption.) But until there is more evidence, any arguments that it was added look to me like attempts to prop up an initial misconception - one which never would have existed if we'd seen hi-res shots to begin with.
  10. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    Trust me, if Sega were sending out screenshots of this particular build, we'd have found a great deal more than four.

    These are off-camera shots of a very early game. Sega are even more unlikely to doctor the images than the magazines are.

    There are quite a few prototypes out there with "COMING SOON" screens of some description... I don't see how it's impossible for Sonic 1 to have had one at some stage. I mean... Sonic CD had one.
  11. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    Chances are it's part of the game, and what you're looking at is decieving artifacts. Keep in mind these are screens of what was a playable demo, so you probably ran through GHZ up to the point where the text said "COMMING SOON!," and that was that.

    "Featuring a well-known mouse and a less renowned Hedgehog"

    Look at today and say that :v: and somewhere in the 90's when Sonic REALLY hit big.
  12. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    For me that jap text was from a larger picture, maybe from the event? And yeah it looks cheaply pasted on!
  13. LockOnRommy11


    I don't see how some of you can even say this. I think some of you are posting what you think here for the sake of being involved, rather than actually looking at the evidence here.

    A lot of us stated that it looks like the sprites for the clouds were coloured in dark slightly, which gives it the appearance of being a cut/paste job. Then our good old friend here made some (unsurprising) comparison:

    Not only that, but I have now done two other things to determine whether it is "pasted" on. Firstly, I have cut and compared how much in line the straight bottom of the text is compared to the classic chequered rocks below the grass, and they line up perfectly. If it was totally straight on the Mega Drive it would have to line up right or it would look at least a little awkward due to the resolution of the games.

    Secondly, although this is a scan of a picture of the primary source, I have been able to confirm that the text's red colouring is identical in palette to that of Sonic's shoes, also taking in to effect the distortion and bleeding of colours due to the low quality of the image.

    Lastly, you have to wonder why the hell someone would decide to go to all that trouble to paste some random text within the confines of the image box in the first place. It's not something I've ever seen before in any other magazines of the time, and considering that this was essentially a tech demo for Sonic- and thus the capabilities of the Mega Drive in the competitive market often dominated by Nintendo at the time- you really have to think that any misguided information or laziness would surely hurt their cause. We already know that this was a multilayered tech demo. If the text counted as another layer, that should help us get to our number (seven, wasn't it?).

    Still, if you want to believe that someone went to all that trouble to insert text way back in 1990 rather than looking at all the current evidence for it, then be my guest.
  14. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    What does the text say exactly? it may determine if it was pasted over an image for the article or it was in the actual game itself.
  15. ashthedragon


    Sonic Paradise Researcher
    Sonic Paradise & Sonic Ages
    It said something about "approaching debut" or something like that. I'm not really sure.
  16. SegaLoco


    W)(at did you say? Banned
    ?????? Which does roughly translate to that, which obviously better translates to Coming Soon :P
  17. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Hmm...I can see it this way. if you were playing that first tech demo at that 1990 toy show and it was just probably just sonic running in a 1 stage thing with mild difficulty and mostly flatland I could see Sonic Team putting a "Coming Soon" as text in the sky before finishing the stage or something like that.

    Just my guess though.
  18. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    That's something SEGA used to do in their old game demos, as you can see here:
  19. 87th


    FOX HOUNDER Member
    I think it's fairly safe to assume this build of the game was just an unplayable rolling demo. That's why it got so little coverage in the magazine. I'm sure it could still be hacked apart if someone dumped it, but I don't think it would be as exciting as many seem to be speculating. I don't expect to see a fully playable version of Sonic 1 based on all the original designs and concepts. At least not an official one. I'm aware of Mr Needlemouse.
  20. LOst


    Tech Member
    You are probably right about it being a very limited demo, but a disassembly of it would give alot of cool stuff. It isn't just art and data, but also code telling a history how the Sonic player was constructed. The Sonic player didn't change much at all between Sonic 1 to Sonic & Knuckles, meaning the player template was seen as flawless at the release of Sonic 1. I am very interested in how such a perfect design could have been created from the beginning.

    I am sure even a very late prorotype of Sonic 1 would still have the Marble Zone planets and possibly the GHZ ball left, even if the rest of the game was completed. So any prototype, early to late are worth quite much for us original Sonic lovers.