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Sonic 1 PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Hez, Nov 17, 2007.

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  1. Hez


    A repost from the CulT for those who don't go there...maybe this will liven things up.I figured it's been a while since I've ever showed anyone what's happened with Sonic 1 MMF since a few months ago. To be honest, I didn't work on it for a good month or two. Well I started up again and I have screenies and info! For the are the features so far that are different from the original sonic 1

    - 4 Characters Playable with their different moves
    - Super Forms
    - Different special stages
    - 3 New levels
    - Save Feature
    - Custom Music (Your own, original, and midi)
    - Extra monitors
    - New badniks
    - Boss attack mode
    - Time attack mode
    - Difficulty modes
    - Random settings (Such as NO RING mode, LEVEL FLIPPED mode, and NO MONITOR MODE)

    Possible Features
    -Custom Characters (OMG I CAN PUT MA FURRY IN IT?!)
    - Level Editor (about 5 percent chance of happening)
    - 2 Player mode (outlook is about a 50 percent chance, online is even less)
    - Boss attack Sonic 2-3k bosses (dunno?)

    And now on to new screen shots.

    Looks a lot like sonic 1...
    ZOMG GIANT ENEMYS! Wonder what purpose these serve besides being all big and what not.
    Well shit! It takes more than one hit to kill this bitch...3 to be exact.
    Giant enemys poop out a nice colorful ring. Collect all of these to get a surprise somewhere in the game =P. There is one giant enemy per level. Have fun finding them!
    Something that none of you should ever need to do...It's basically self explanatory. This part of the game shows you how to play Sonic. This would be good for all of those parents or little kids who always stumble when they come to a loop.
    A plus side for advanced players going into the tutorial mode is that you can freely mess around with all the items in the games, such as new monitors.

    And now for a few videos...
    Here are the new special stages...yep...Sonic and Tails. I had these put in the game about a month before Cinos did so fuck you all. To collect all of the emeralds you most Indore all of the Sonic and Tails Game Gear special stage levels. Sound fun? It might be...
    Here is a sneak peak at Boss Mode. Go ahead and see how long it takes you to beat every a row! No going through any levels...its just hard core boss attack! You can either choose with rings or no rings. You only get three rings in the beginning if you choose.

    Hope you guys like what's going on so far...I didn't know which forum this belonged in. I hope to have this done by early next year. A lot of the levels are done. I just need to place things.
  2. Zenor


    flip the chessboard over Member
    Awesome. I'm loving the Tutorial Zone.
    but, I think there's something wrong with the GHZ boss( the way the ball swings).
    And when you defeated the Marble boss, one flame kept there, and didn't hurt you( them all should've been destroyed).

    Also, one of the images' link is broken.
  3. Hez


    I have one answer to all of those. Beta Video/Screen shots =P. Trust me, all of those will be fixed...there just minor things that I don't feel like screwing with.
  4. SMTP


    Tech Member
    Looks great but one question. what's the point of the last screen shot..?
  5. Zenor


    flip the chessboard over Member
    Maybe to show Marble's progress.

    I'd llike to see the caterkiller badnik done( Because it's well, hard to do and get it working properly).
  6. Flare


    I don't think it would be that hard, MMFG had a tutorial for the Wigglier enemy. All you need to do is make it so if you hit the spikes they jump about using a routine similar to the ring loss.
  7. Zenor


    flip the chessboard over Member
    <!--quoteo(post=173385:date=Nov 17 2007, 05:42 PM:name=Flare)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Flare @ Nov 17 2007, 05:42 PM) [​IMG]
  8. Hez


    May I steal that?...=3

    The reason I didn't have one was because...well...sonic chaos only had his standing animation for it as well. I can always change that though.

    EDIT: The wiggler enemy was actually easier than the MZ boss. I just need to put the wiggler guy in there. Demi did one for me but it was easier just to redo it myself since then I knew what did what.
  9. Sith


    The molotov bitch Member
    The giant enemies are a nice touch. Reminds me somewhat on Tekken big head mode hehe. :)
  10. Zenor


    flip the chessboard over Member
    Use as you want :)
  11. Blue Warrior

    Blue Warrior

    Sonic 1 soundtrack
    Those are my GHZ and Title midis I smell. :D

    I plan to update my site with more Sonic 1 midis sometime. You're free to use them when I do, but be sure to give credit too. ;)
  12. Hez


    Your the guy who did those?! I was meaning to find you to talk to you about them!!! I can't believe you're on this forum!
  13. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Needs moar TWO PLAYERZ

    Red vs. Blue, go!
  14. JDAdams


    Is this still alive? I do hope so, but there have been no posts on Cult or here for some time :) Assuming you are still working on it, will the following features be included please? I've been looking at different versions of Sonic 1 and all existing releases are missing one or more features present in other versions:

    Spike bug fix (present in Jam and MC)
    Water / cloud effects (present in JP cart, Jam and MC)
    HD support (present in MC on 360, Genesis Collection on PS3 and Live Arcade on 360)
    Original / enhanced audio (present in all except Genesis)
    Spin dash (present in Jam and Genesis)

    I reckon the best version currently available is the Sonic Jam release, as it has the added spin dash plus the spike bug fix and extra effects, and non-butchered audio. SMC can be played in HD on the 360 but has no spindash support and I'll take a gameplay enhancement over a graphical one any day. If Sonic 1 PC has all the features of Jam with HD support it'll be unequivocally the best version, any other features are a bonus :D
  15. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    By HD support, you mean terrible filter applied on old game to make it blurry like a motherfucker?
  16. JDAdams


    Blurry > pixellated IMO. It's the 2D equivalent of anti-aliasing, which again makes things a bit blurrier but also gets rid of jaggies. I'd much rather have a game smoothed than all chunky.
  17. Hez


    Honestly...I haven't had much interest in the project after things like extended version have been showed, and megamix have been released. After playing Sonic 1 on the Ipod it does show that they can port sonic 1 correctly...making this somewhat pointless. Also, hacks nowadays can do almost everything I wanted to do.

    I may take the levels that I did originally and release that. It will have a resolution of 400 X 240...if that's anything to you?
  18. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    That's too bad, some of the new stuff you were adding looked awesome.
  19. JDAdams


    Indeed - I was hoping to see this have a release as the definitive version of Sonic 1. ROM hacks are nice and all but I'd rather either be playing an officially-released product or a proper port (enhanced or not) than a ROM I can only only use via an emulator or flash-cart. For instance I'd rather play the SMC versions of the original games than run a PC emulator, although the latter would allow me greater choice of resolutions and other features.

    I guess I look for the best official version, and then there has to be marked improvement (e.g. the many C64 and Spectrum games that have PC remakes) for me to consider an unofficial one. Megamix is impressive but leans a little too far towards adding new features rather than enhancing the original in my book; it's an extremely nice piece of wirk though. EE will be great if it's ever finished. With the feature list posted this would have been great for me though, shame it's no more :cry: It would be nice to play what there is though - did you finish the boss attack mode?
  20. Hez


    Well to be honest, I didn't think that many people were looking forward to this at all. If I would have known this, I probably would have kept it going. I may continue it from the looks of this. The only levels that actually aren't done are SYL and SBZ...aside from the new levels. Which I really only wanted to put BZ in.

    There are other problems with the game besides just the reasons I listed. If I can get around these, I may release what I have so far.
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