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Sonic 1 Megamix

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Tweaker, Dec 22, 2005.

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  1. Tweaker


  2. Xkeeper


    lgkdfvlbjepasvdjzcvpaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Researcher
    the bone zone
  3. P.P.A.


    Sonic MD (Currently: Art for Zone 3)
    Without Big, S1MM will be forever incomplete anyway!
  4. Granville


    I wanted to say something in case more asses come on to complain and the topic is closed again:

    Tweaker, thank you for your work. Regardless of whether you intended your work to be enjoyed by others or not, I love your work and respect your decisions whatever they may be. If you discontinue it, I think you should be respected for that.

    So good job and good luck with whatever you decide! I just wanted you to know that some people appreciate you no matter what you decide. Not all of us are asses. :v:
  5. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Agreed, sorry for spamming (it was not my intention) :v:
  6. GasparXR


    I'm back! Member
    Yeah, really, if anyone starts bitching at this hack or whatever the situation was specifically about(I didn't read the entire thing), not only might Tweaker close the topic again, but I(and the other non-asses I suspect) might start a little hater tribe against these asses. =P

    But, to be honest, let's just end the conversation about this situation... Talk more about the hack and it's progress/questions etc.? After all, that's what this topic is for.
  7. SoberMilk


    South Lanarkshire, Scotland
    Moderating Nocturnal Engine
    Nor mine, I apologize also. It is your decision, not mine or anyone elses. I very much admire your work on previous Sonic Megamix builds and thank you for the fun they brought! This is in no way menat as an ass-kiss. Im just trying to be respectful.

    EDIT : I agree, thats a good point.
  8. Tweaker


    I've got it! You're all going to post complete and utter bullshit unless I give you something to talk about! Okay, uh... let's try this.

    It's an invincibility theme I whipped up based on the Sonic CD 510 proto's title screen music. It follows the pitch raising scheme used by Sonic 3D, which turned out pretty well.
  9. Eduardo Knuckles

    Eduardo Knuckles

    Not a loved one, but the most hated person. Banned
    Someplace somewhere
    Project S.A.M.G.
    I love Sonic 1 Megamix so much, and, I do not want to see it in a bad end. This hack is the best hack of the community in my opinion. Team Megamix is working awesome on this hack, certainly.

    This invincibility song is really awesome, as the filename says. Great work, Tweaker! ^^
  10. Granville


    That sounds different. I think I like it! :)
  11. Shoemanbundy


    Chicago, Illinois
    selling shoes
    Heh, you guys are major pussys. So afraid to upset the higher ups so you gotta apologize in every post. I mean come on. I'm not afraid to say this is actually a pretty dumb ass move IMO. It's basically just mimicking nineko and his uptightness just because some people say something. Whatever that something may be doesn't matter, it's breaking down because of what people say, which shouldn't matter to begin with. Anyone who stats a project that's gonna get attention should expect stupid comments and crap. if you really expect everything to be all flowers and puppy dogs, you shouldn't eve announce anything till the final project is done maybe?

    Now the leak is a factor here aswell, but I can honestly say besides the first level(which, uh duh, was already spoiled completely in one of the millions of videos that just want to show off the whole damn game so by the time it's released everyones already seen it), this was like the same thing we saw in the last release already.

    I personally don't care about where the project heads. I just hate seeing the people in charge always losing their heads when they should expect shit from the get go. Maybe you should re-evaluate how you handle things to begin with, as I've seen a few tops blown one too many times over too many things people say, that can be easily ignored, and handled with a bit of calmness rather than being the typical power crazy admin. I guess it comes with the territory though, which really is too unfortunate.

    Aww don't take these words to heart. I'm sowwy. I wuv you!

    *I'm losing it*
  12. 87th


    FOX HOUNDER Member
    I'm really disappointed that I'm not going to be able to play a new version of Sonic Megamix without someone releasing one behind Tweaker's back. That sounds quite selfish, but that's my opinion, and not one that seems out of place on this site, anymore. I don't personally agree with Tweaker's reasons for deciding against public releases in the future, as it just sounds like a emotional response to being fucked over by a handful of people, while it seems the majority have tried to support the team in their endeavours.

    Maybe I'm ignorant of the facts, and I don't know just how serious some of Tweaker's reasons are? It's not really for me to judge, but I greatly enjoyed the previous releases, and if there's still progress being made on the hack, I'd love to have access to it.

    I hope Tweaker will reconsider, but not if he's reluctant to do so. I don't want to feel like a dick for playing this.
  13. Tweaker


    That might be a valid post if you had any idea what any of the factors that led up to this were. I guess I can't blame you, but it helps you from looking like a prick.

    When it comes to Megamix, whether you consider what I've done a "dumb ass move" or not, that's my decision, and that is what I don't give a damn if you like or not. If you had never cared in the first place—about the project or its direction—then why did you even bother to post in this thread? Why are you pulling assumptions out of your ass over it? And why are you being a complete dick?

    There's a fine line between being helpful and being a dick. Your post doesn't help the situation in any way whatsoever, and all it serves to do is be condescending. Your utter ignorance yet complete willingness to reply regardless is what does little more than make you a prick in this situation.
  14. Granville


    No one apologized. We're saying we respect his decisions. Get back on topic and lets discuss the game.

    Sunny Shores and Misty Maze look great. Am I mistaken in assuming the other levels would eventually get similar facelifts? In other words, not just palette edits right? An overall edit in the art.
  15. D.A. Garden

    D.A. Garden

    Sonic CD's Sound Test Member
    I finally completed 3.0 the other day with all three characters and I have to say I will still be going back to it. It's a great hack and I thoroughly enjoy it.

    Um, just a question I've been meaning to ask. What was the inspiration for Megamix in the first place?
    I mean, I know hacking a Sonic game into something else is always a fun task but surely there is some reason as to how this project got started? I was just curious.

    Oh, and nice choice of music for the super forms. I especially like Mighty's. It really sets the mood. :)
  16. Shoemanbundy


    Chicago, Illinois
    selling shoes
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be helpful and be the one that saves the project or changes your outlook on things. This is just one of those situations where you respond on impulse, as all the shit that's flying around needs some saying about it.

    Pulling assumptions and being a dick are what make up any responses to a thread that's wreaked with emotion already. I personally don't care(hmm I've said that a lot and it gets me being called a prick). I can't stand from any view point other than my own so whatever may appear to be an assumption is the best you can expect from anyone here who is bewildered how much someone can crack under pressure.

    Either way the project goes, I wish the best of luck to all the members of the team. And hope you enjoy the game you're only working on for yourselves now. :p
  17. Eduardo Knuckles

    Eduardo Knuckles

    Not a loved one, but the most hated person. Banned
    Someplace somewhere
    Project S.A.M.G.
    I agree. Discussions and assumptions about the things that Tweaker decided will not lead to anything. Therefore there is no time to lose because it since it took its decision the same respect.
  18. Sith


    The molotov bitch Member
    I hate to see where this thread is going.
    Stop it people, you're not helping anything.

    Smartest line written today.
  19. Tweaker


    Well, Dark Fortress has new art as well, which some people seem to overlook, but yes—every level will recieve a complete graphical facelift (or at least to the extent you've seen so far, anyway :P).

    That's an interesting question. I think everyone has their own aspirations to make a great hack that they can call their own, and that other people can play and legitimately enjoy. Megamix started out as that, but it evolved into something further—it evolved as an example that collaborative hacking efforts were, in fact, not impossible to manage, and that proper leadership and the balancing of individual skills among people can create something absolutely spectacular. We've broken down tons of technical barriers and surpassed the expectations of a lot of people as to what they thought could be done in a Sonic hack. The only limit one has is creativity, and the ability to make your ideas real.

    You'll see people make fangames for this very reason. They want their own game, but they either don't have, or don't want to learn the skills involved in making a proper console game. With people like Stealth, Puto, Chimpo, Aquaslash, Upthorn, Nova, etc, we show that anything is possible, given proper skills, creativity, and management.

    I would encourage people to use Megamix as an example, but I've questioned how good of an idea that would be more than once. I've seen a lot of people try and start up team hacks because Megamix worked so well as one, but then they fail like teams did before Megamix hit the scene. And the reasons are always the same—they try and force an alliance and don't pay any mind in who they let on their team. Team Megamix is a natural alliance; it started as a small mutual agreement between me and Stealth to help each other out, and it slowly evolved into taking advantage of the talents of more and more people. Musicians, artists, coders, level designers—all banded together to create something that they believed would leave a mark on not just the hacking scene, but upon Sonic enthusiasts as a whole.

    As Sonic fans, we see the new games that make us cringe; the games that make us ashamed to like the series. People say Sonic is dead and that he's never coming back—I disagree. I think that all it takes is someone with the right ideas and the means to achieve them in order to create a modern Sonic game that can truly be considered great. There are many factors involved, but one thing is clear—Sonic will not die as long as we don't let him. Every ROM hacker who has ever achieved something great knows this. Design is key; management is even more vital.

    People will see me get upset over what seem to be inane things. The Sonic formula, in my opinion, is something very delicate, and must be treated as such. When you deviate too far from what makes Sonic such a fun game, you get stuff like Shadow the Hedgehog, Secret Rings, and Sonic 06. Games that are made by people who clearly don't understand what Sonic was about. This makes me very defensive and picky about what people will try to do to Sonic sometimes, and as the coordinator of Team Megamix I make it my duty to not become one of those people. The goal is to create a game that all fans—new and old alike—can appreciate, and see Sonic as a respectable franchise that can be fun in the modern day.

    So to answer your question... what inspired Megamix? A lot of things. But they all came together and created something great. And I think that makes it worth it. :)
  20. SoberMilk


    South Lanarkshire, Scotland
    Moderating Nocturnal Engine
    On the same topic, will each boss also get a make-over like the one in Dark Fortress? Cos that was awsome. ^_^

    I remember a S3K megamix also, or am I mistaken?
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