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Sonic 1 Brother Trouble

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by MarkeyJester, Apr 2, 2009.

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  1. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    Well if you are happy for more acts to be added to one zone, then yea of course, I don't see the harm in that.
  2. Mikel


    You are awesome!

    Awesome Hack, I played through the first time with Manic, and I've yet to go through the second time as Sonic, I love the Map Screen, the options menu, and many other things (Including the Sound Test, though It's very similar to the one in Megamix).

    Other than that, Awesome job, can't wait for the Second Release.

    Oh, and out of curiosity, I have a question: who sprited Manic?
  3. I would rather you make them extra stages, in case some people would rather just have 3 stages.

    If people want them, they are there, but they aren't required to win the game.
  4. Namagem


    That would be interesting, like alternate exits.

    If you do decide to make more acts per zone, you should probably implement the save feature, because it would lengthen the game significantly.
  5. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    a next release will not be for a long while, I'm not currently working on Bro-Tro (sortof having a small break with something else), and to answer your question, I made the manic sprites however I'm not too sure if I like them, It's probably just me and if all the sprites were finished then I'd probably think differently about it, I mean the sprites are different to what manic SHOULD look like (Less hair strands)
  6. filmzombie


    The real spindash... Member
    England- The Land of Tea
    Sonic Synthesis

    If you incorporate a saving system then I definately think you should. It would make the most of the world map and you could allow players more "options" or "bonuses". Seriously- it would take more work in designing layouts of course, but it would be immense.

    We have seen tons of instances where people whine that games rip off some aspects of other games. Quite frankly I think you should just go all out and copy Super Mario 3's map system altogehter to give them a reason for a change.

    ....which has just provided me with an interesting request...

    ...What About Power-Up Television Boxes that can be used in the Map Section before each zone act? They could be unlockables or something. Or would that be too difficult to work?

    And great hack by the way- (nearly forgot to leave the compliment :)
  7. Bareirito


    Sonic - Mystery of the Chaos Emeralds
    YAY! That could be awesome, more opportunities of getting emeralds!!!
    By the way are you planning make them playable anytime, when you clear them as seen in Sonic Advance?
  8. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    Well, None of this is a problem it's just the question of "What in particular”, basically what specifically do you have in mind? And a good idea you have I'd like to note, as for the save system it seems it's most wanted at this stage, so I guess I'll create some sort of save place on the map (Put more use to it).
  9. filmzombie


    The real spindash... Member
    England- The Land of Tea
    Sonic Synthesis
    Well, I am just thinking. Of course, don't want to overcomplicate things but you seem like a supremely competant individual.

    In Super Mario 3- Many of the power-ups outgame I loved to collect, even if most of them were useless or spectacular. Maybe, in Sonic the equivilent would be the same. You find and keep an invincibility shield and it activates at the beginning of the stage.

    Ten Rings- Means you don't have to worry about dying instantly.

    Running Shoes- A quick start to the level.

    Shield- The obvious. Although if you encorporate the other three more room for power-ups.

    And the S Monitor- A chance to go Super Sonic instantly. If you plan to include such a feature.

    Come to think of it- there are a number of unlimited possibilites of such a sytem. You could even to a certain extent design some of the levels around them, as well as allowing you oppertunities to make the map feel more full then it actually is.

    Of course though, like I said if it makes things too complicated then you shouldn't bother. The hack currently is one of the most potential things I've seen. And since speed is a significant factor in your case I wouldn't want to slow you down :)

    But yeah- keep up the good work.
  10. Maxd


    I just got back from school and saw this for the first time in forever. For a new game, this feels very nostalgic, de-ja-vu to me... the baton/drum stick move seems very familiar... but you sir, have a very good project on your hands. I wish you the best of luck, and to achieve this on your own without help, my hat is off to you, sir. :)
  11. Anthall


    Spambot Member
    Leicester, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog - The Final Showdown
    It's not bad I suppose.....

    Just joking =P, This hack is amazing and professional looking, which is even more remarkable in the fact that it was done in a time scale of 4 months and on your own.

    I'll be playing this for a while. Good Work!
  12. Sik


    Sik is pronounced as "seek", not as "sick". Tech Member
    being an asshole =P
    I think somebody needs to rest a bit of so many requests... :)
    Well, yeah, or you could do just a saveslot system like in Sonic 3 (including the "no save" slot =P). Er, do whatever seems easier to you...

    Meanwhile savestates will do *shot*
  13. The Shad

    The Shad

    ↑ & ↓ & ↻ Oldbie
    Whats with everyone yelling at poor DXI to add shit into his hack? Seriously, people, take a chill and let this guy do what he wants :P Constructive criticism is one thing but going "ADD THIS" is completely different.

    Everyones yelling "MORE LEVELS" but no one notices that there's still 6 levels that haven't at all been shown. I know you all want more, but jesus. This isn't Megamix, this isn't your fanwankery, so tone it back. There's only so much you can do with everything in one zone, so why don't you hush and wait for some more to be released once DXI gets working on it.
  14. filmzombie


    The real spindash... Member
    England- The Land of Tea
    Sonic Synthesis

    1- I have been the only one to suggest anything. And given it has been part of constructive critisicm to what I've seen I'm assuming that comment is aimed directly at me.

    2- I am completely aware the six levels haven't been shown yet. However, DXI's reply implied that the act count would remain the same to avoid repetition- so I fail to see the point your trying to make there. Plus, it also seemed like he was asking for an opinion, which I was pleased to provide and to which he seemed to appreciate the concept of. He can choose to ignore it or use it, its his hack. Nobody mentioned the words "ADD THIS" or demanded anyting even remotely until you exaggerated it. Your bodyguard approach wasn't needed and I think you jumped the gun a little.

    That said, I will refrain from posting any suggestions in the future since it bothers you so much, I will however pinpoint that had this been another hack with less potential, you would have completely ignored this and chances are it would have been recieved with good will and thanks.
  15. SGR


    Give me the gams. Member
    Forgive me if you've mentioned this before earlier in the topic (I haven't been reading all of it) but are you a one-man team?

    If so, what you're doing is a pretty amazing task for one person to handle.
  16. Ayla


    I shat on your desk ^^ Oldbie
    West Linn, OR
    Hacking Contest, StH Overlooked, Personal Indie game
    Yah, I finally checked this out after hearing about it the other day and I can honestly say this is about on the same caliber as Megamix. Impressive for one person without a doubt. You must have an all around good handle on graphics and assembly.
  17. Shibunoa


    This hack is awesome. I couldn't not play it once in a while for a few days.
    It is really a shining light in a sea full of unoriginal Sonic hacks and fangames, including modern day Megamix (who needs those many characters?).
  18. Not to mention that I don't think it will ever be finished...though using tails' and Knuckles' abilities might have been some fun.
    It's all Life's Fault, if you weren't there, this hack would've been finished XD

    (I'm know that it's going to be finished, I was just making fun of Life :P)
  19. Ayla


    I shat on your desk ^^ Oldbie
    West Linn, OR
    Hacking Contest, StH Overlooked, Personal Indie game
    Not un-original, more uninspired -- and I'm not going to put them all into that category. There's a select few hacks that are truely revolutionary and you know them when you see them. There's no doubt in my mind this hack falls into that category and whether you like it or not, so does Megamix. It was revolutionary for its time and I think when all is said and done it will still remain that way in our memories as Sonic 2 Delta and Sonic 1 Beta Hoax did before it.
  20. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    Oh yeah, it's easy to bitch about Megamix now it's been around for quite the while.

    There's no doubting that BroTro is cut from the same cloth, and could prove to be more interesting. Doesn't go back in time and unbreak the ground so well trodden by Megamix (and some other hacks).

    Instead of the bitching and calling one thing 'better than' or 'worse than' another when there's clearly a gap both in the time of conception and the method of development (One person versus a team, varied Real Life(tm) intereference all around), look at it this way: FUCK YEAH, ORIGINAL CONTENT.
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