somethings just occured to me, after looking at some beta shots of sonic 1 I stumbled on a pic that looks strangly familiar, take a look: I took the second pic using Genesyst, notice the simialrity between the cliffs? I have a feeling they liked the background and decided to use it in sonic 2, with a few touchups of coarse.
Yep, that's true, but only for the mountains, but I don't believe that they retouched the sonic 1 one to put it in sonic 2.lot's of sonic backgrounds have similities
I posted about it some years ago. :evil: Since the scan quality was too bad already and I altered myself that pic you posted, it's very possible that they just altered those backgrounds a little in order to make what they intended to be Neo Green Hill Zone. Perhaps they wanted to use that old background with the Emerald Hill foreground, originally? Who knows.
you know, I have a feeling that all the really wierd (like the MZ one with the UFOs or with the floating platforms and the feaky lava) are just concept are just like dust hill zone and the hidden palace zone pics.
Remember that in S2B, AQZ was called Neo Green Hill Zone. There may be a few more similarities if they had the original in mind.
yes, good point, ill start lookin throug the level tiles to see if I can find anything familiar, but alas, I doubt there will be
Lots of sonic stages have similarities anyways the pic looks like a mock up but that's just my opinion ... :lol:
It might be in the Alpha, but I'm certain it's not in the final, and probably wouldn't even be in a Beta build.
But, about the S1 pic, what about the bg for Collision chaos good future? I think they look similar <_< and here's my theory on the "concept art" pic, it was a game so early that they didn't have much (Rings, score, lives...etc)
try looking in the tiles using geneyst u might find something eg. ufos in marble zone I cant do it im usin win xp <_<
It is more than likely one of many pics that sega produced just to show off to the public. But then again, I could be wrong.
yes, its widly believe that the GHZ pics and the really wierd MZ with the falling tiles are merely mockups.