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Sonic 1 and 2 getting the Sonic CD treatment by Taxman and Stealth

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Eh, thats what I'm thinking. Not this current gen. but next gen. I would love these to be our representives for Sonic 1 and 2.
  2. Bartman3010


    Site Staff
    The new consoles are coming out next month, and neither Sony or Microsoft wants you to transfer your purchases. They're all worthless on Xbox One and PS4. Because the future.

    They also don't want you paying $3 per game, at least $5 or $8 since they're on consoles. I can output my tablet's video to my TV and plug in a controller, so its no big deal for people like me. =P

    I would like to see them put the conversions on Wii U just to be able to do off-TV play. That'd be neat.
  3. Lord Nero

    Lord Nero

    Resident Nintendo Hater. Member
    Claymont, DE.
    Let's Plays, Work and Animation.
    I'd honestly love a Wii U (despite not liking Nintendo) for Lost World alone, and I'll get one eventually once enough games of interest come out for it, but I honestly don't believe this would come to it outside of a multi-platform release.
    I may be against Nintendo, but even I wouldn't wish these games absent a Nintendo console, thats suicide.
  4. Machenstein


    Can't these Taxman versions of Sonic 1 and 2 be released on PC in the meantime? Unless there's a marketing strategy that entails that all versions must be released simultaneously, I don't see what's stopping them from being released on Steam. The 360 and PS3 are at the end of their life cycles, but I'm sure PCs will still be around for quite a while.
  5. Covarr


    Sentient Cash Register Member
    Trapped in my own thoughts.
    Two stageplays, a screenplay, and an album
    Nah, hadn't you heard? The PC 2 was announced last week. PC is goin' out.
  6. Mr Lange

    Mr Lange

    A wise guy eh. I know how to DEAL with wise guys. Member
    The Land of Waldos
    Sonic Utopia, Sonic Overture
    I seriously do not understand why these were prioritized on mobile devices before PC. I really want to play these but I do not have a stupid mobile device and never will, least of all would I be able to tolerate using them for gaming of any kind. This would be like if Mega Collection and Gems Collection were released on the NGage and never released on consoles.
  7. SF94


    Tech Member
    I'm all for PC versions... as long as they're maintained, and maybe handled a little better than the PC CD remake. I'd rather not have a port of something from another platform that ran natively in the first place, but got "re-ported" because... well, somebody said so. I suppose it would be better than nothing, but I wouldn't be buying if it turns out the way CD did, sorry to say.

    As for the console versions, I can't say I care much for them; the most my 360 gets used for these days is watching movies :v:
  8. I'm not sure if that's sarcasm or not, at least on the Sony side since they have Cross Play for PS3/VITA and now PS4 versions of games. I guess it would be if SEGA want to submit it that way for three versions?
  9. The Game Collector

    The Game Collector

    Washington State, USA
    Being Ted Narcotic's bass player; working on Kelly Kristjanson's tape archive; collecting video games
    Have you ever traveled the alternate route that doesn't even lead you near the pit?
  10. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Does this solve anything?

    I suggested before that the spikes should be removed and be replaced with a bottomless pit. Someone bit my head off for that comment, and I still fail to understand why. If you fall into the pit, you're guaranteed to die since there is literally no escaping it. If it's as regular Sonic, it's as soon as you finally lose your rings without collecting them. If it's as Super Sonic it's when your rings finally deplete, which can be well over a minute. So either way it's just a waste of time. Change it to an insta-kill and it's fine.

    I'm not really sure about what other 'fixes' S2 need really. A couple of extra areas, ala Marble Zone 3 in S1, would be a real treat.
  11. NoNameAtAll


    MY HAT'S ON FIRE. HALP! Moderator
    Needs more Hidden Palace. Yes, we know it's been done to death in hacks, but to have it in an official game would be amazing.
  12. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Naturally. Hidden Palace, Wood Zone and all the works. It'd be lovely. But after SEGA weren't happy to change CD too much by adding in Desert Dazzle or a proper final boss, I won't hold my breath.
  13. Machenstein


    Maybe Sega can make those levels so that you can only access them through the level select screen. It would be no different than accessing Hidden Palace Zone in the final game using a Game Genie code. The only difference is Hidden Palace would be an actual level and not just a bunch of glitched up tiles.

    Come to think of it, why didn't the Sonic CD remake use its level select screen to access hidden levels? The main game would remain unchanged as Sega desired, and the new levels would just be another extra feature such as the Tails campaign.
  14. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    ^ I actually feel like we have a better chance of the Sonic 2 Beta levels (or at least Hidden Palace) to show up than the CD levels ever did since the CD levels never existed and it would have felt like a fan game in some ways, where as the other Sonic 2 levels made it at least slightly into development, especially Hidden Palace (I always thought that level was funny. It was one of the first levels added into the game yet they just stopped working on it and never got around to finishing it. Honestly I'd of preferred that level being finished than seeing Metropolis get a 3rd act).

    Well obviously I've gone a different way and sometimes I don't even land in the pit, but it just shouldn't be there.

    And I can think of at least a few fixes this game needs. Hill Top has some wonky collision with the rising land mass on the top route. You can easily go through the ceiling when you should die instead. There's that strange first hit glitch against the Casino Night Boss. There's the bug in Oil Ocean where you hold right on that spring launcher and miss the air orb launcher section causing some strange jumping and speed glitches. You can spindash off the plane in Sky Chase. There's some collision issues against the Death Egg Robot causing you to occasionally fall through him and thus die. There are those non-functioning diagonal conveyor belts in Wing Fortress. And finally one of those speed tubes in Metropolis zone often causes you to fall through the floor for reasons I'm not quite sure of. That's all I can think of really.

    And given the fact that this was never altered in the Sonic CD or Sonic 1 remakes I'm not going to hold my breath on this but I would love to see the camera scroll up at the end of the level where the sign post is so it wasn't covered up by the score tally and so it's consistent with the Egg Prisons in the 2nd act.
  15. Nova


    Don't take it too seriously Member
    I really don't get this attitude. Not to start a debate on the merits of mobile devices as a gaming medium but what exactly is your concern?

    The controls are extremely well done. Have you played either of the re-releases on a mobile? The touch screen controls are fantastic - they put any and all Android emulators to shame and are some of the best I've ever used. I understand the reservation, I honestly do - but it seems you're unduly upset about this without having even tried it.
  16. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    He said he doesn't have a mobile device (or at least it sounds like he doesn't have one that could play these sorts of games). But anyway, one reason I feel like these are being put on mobile phones is because everyone pretty much has one these days and they bring them around wherever they go. You aren't always lugging a PC around on the other hand. Plus this isn't like the early 2000s where cell phone games were shit. They're actually quite well made these days.
  17. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    I like to think that Taxman gets access to old development materials, as was the case with Sonic CD, and as part of that, somebody somewhere drew out a Hidden Palace Zone layout on a piece of paper. So the level was "finished", but not put into the game.

    I'd also like to say this was the case with Wood Zone, but even if it was... I'm doubtful that the appropriate graphics exist.

    These unfinished levels are a bit awkward. In all the hacks I've seen, the layouts feel inherently "un-Sonic-like". Take a hack like Sonic 2 Long Version and you can instantly tell which levels weren't in the regular Sonic 2, but I suppose the only way to fix this is to to relentlessly study Sonic level design and/or get Hirokazu Yasuhara to coach you through everything
  18. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    I can totally understand why mobile was prioritised as an initial platform - the cost range and age of the game (relatively speaking) fit much better to mobiles, and as such they'd make the most cash the quickest.

    That said, saying these are more playable on devices that have zero tactile feedback and force you to cover the screen to control them is laughable. I've got the demo of Sonic CD on my phone and despise the controls with a passion. Not the dev's fault in anyway, entirely the limitations of the form factor. It plays infinitely better with a pad.
  19. The Game Collector

    The Game Collector

    Washington State, USA
    Being Ted Narcotic's bass player; working on Kelly Kristjanson's tape archive; collecting video games
    The main reason it doesn't bother me so much is that it teaches you to be careful if you go that route. If someone fell into that pit every time, I bet they would really struggle with the Game Gear games.

    But you know how Sega Saturn's Sonic Jam had "easy mode" and "normal mode" in addition to "original mode?" In that game they treated Original mode as if it was hard mode and left everything in. They put a red spring down there in normal and easy mode.
  20. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    That's not the point. It's not "difficult." It's stupid. Don't even put a spring down there. You fall there you were meant to die. Just take out the damn spikes. Why is this even a discussion?