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Sonic 1 (2013 - iOS/Android) Post-Release Bugs/Fixes/Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Skaarg, May 17, 2013.

  1. Drex


    Lazy perfectionist Member
    Mine still runs fine. I have a an evo 4 Shift.
  2. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    So post-patch bugs:

    MZ2: Tails can still activate the lava chase when playing Sonic + Tails mode.

    LZ1: Playing as Knuckles, toward the end of the level where the water rises, I was able to get to the top and walk to the left before the water rose all the way. I thought it was just slow but it never came (the water went back down). So the next section of level has a fish swimming in the air.
  3. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Last night I realised that if you use debug in the SBZ2/3 transition and go behind the forcefield, you can attack Eggman as he'sjust standing there. He'll make a hurt animation, but if you walk into him normally you'll lose your rings and he'l start laughing again. Lovely little Easter Egg right there.
  4. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher

    -Activating the level select code overrides the current spindash settings, even outside the "no save" game, which is kind of annoying.

    -Going back to the chameleon problem, not only the blue ones don't give chase when passing them, but also the green ones don't seem to care about Sonic's actual position, leading to some silly scenes:

    -Skid animations keep being played while airborne as if the character was still trying to decelerate (when in the air, they should just loop once then switch to the walking/running animation).

    -You can hear an initial "splash" sound when starting from an underwater checkpoint.

    -Robotnik will keep laughing when he kills you, even if everything else on the screen has stopped moving. This also extends to other objects that won't stop the animation they're playing when the player gets killed, such as springs.

    -The Spin Dash "rev up" sound doesn't get a higher pitch for each consecutive button press (depending on the current speed it will get when released).

    -There's more places than those pointed out where the intended screen lock doesn't seem to take place anymore.

    Updated reports:

    -Tails' "tired of flying" noise will keep playing continously when he gets tired and the "pause" button is pressed, and also will keep playing into the main menu if you exit the game.

    -This doesn't seem to be a per-object problem anymore, as it seems to be affecting both the Buzz Bombers and the Jaws in Labyrinth:
    It can be checked out by just hitting the first red spring in Spring Yard 1 and letting go, or at the underwater red spring near the hidden switch in Labyrinth.

    Fixed stuff:

    -Sonic's jumping animation starts with the correct frame.
    -Sonic's instashield now allows him to recover airborne control, when jumping from a spin attack.
    -Sonic won't do his ledge animation for one frame and face left, when he lands from being carried by Tails.
    -Tails' running animation is now like in Sonic 2.
    -Tails doesn't stop swimming when breathing underwater.
    -Tails can no longer start swimming right after breathing a bubble.
    -Tails' pushing animation speed has been corrected.
    -Tails will no longer enter "ghost mode" when he drowns while in his "hit" state.
    -Knuckles now has his two ledge animations.
    -Knuckles' skidding animation has been corrected.
    -Knuckles will no longer start playing his waiting animation as soon as he hits the ground, after hitting Robotnik with his glide move.
    -Knuckles won't lose his current speed when gliding into the water.
    -Skidding animations keep repeating the last frame(s) while the skid action lasts.
    -Backwards-facing Catakiller in Marble 3's new path is now facing left.
    -Fixed wrong tile collision in Labyrinth.
    -Fixed sprite priorities with Labyrinth's spikes and floating platform.

    I've updated the posts where these were mentioned (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

    Thanks for listening, The Taxman! :)
  5. Chaos Rush

    Chaos Rush

    Just wondering, but why is it so that after you beat the game, you're stuck at the Final Zone forever? Every Sonic game with a save feature allows you go to back and visit other levels for fun (except Sonic CD). It just feels weird not being able to do that.
  6. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Since there's no Super Sonic or anything unlockable, you're not really missing out on anything you can't do with a simple level select on the no-save file. But I don't get why it isn't an option at least. It bothered me in CD '11 too. Just one of the few shortcomings with these remakes.
  7. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    That's something I miss too. In Sonic 3 (& Knuckles), clearing the game with every character in every slot (even twice, if you wanted to) was also a way of having a quick and non-cheatish level select, which also allowed you to get any missing emeralds and see the good ending (and also get more lives and continues if needed).

    While it's not a high priority, I hope it's being considered (for this one and CD), since just adding left/right arrows to the selected save file would do the trick...
  8. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    You could in Sonic CD if you didn't care about time travel (but why would you care about time travel?)
  9. Because Wacky Workbench Past > Wacky Workbench Present/Future
  10. Flipside


    I could always reach eggman from the middle of the see-saw. I've played multiple ports of the game from the collection on the sega genesis to the unlockable from Sonic Generations.

    As Robotnik flies, he bobs up and down. Standing in the middle of the see-saw will let you jump just high enough to hit him when he bobs down. I don't think you can hit him when he goes higher again.

    I don't have the game on iPhone or 3DS, so I can't tell if there is a real problem or difference here.
  11. Rosie


    aka Rosie Member
    Just use Time Attack. If you want Super Sonic, you'll have to cheat since he was never in the game in the first place.
  12. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    You mean by jumping, but I meant hitting him with the impulse you get when a spiky ball lands on the seesaw, which should be smaller if you're standing in the middle (hence the "seesaws are overpowered").

    Not only he didn't even mention Super Sonic, but I'm pretty sure he already knows about the Time Attack mode...
  13. Uberham


    King Of Oblivion Member
    I've managed that in Genesis Sonic 1 too. I'm not sure how it works, it seems very hit and miss.
  14. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I've just tried it again and no, it's just impossible for Sonic to reach Robotnik when the seesaw is in horizontal position no matter what you do. Try it out.
  15. Conando


    Is not, in fact, Raphael Member
    Lynn, MA FTP
    I finally got around to trying this. Top notch work here. Just wish it was released on PC or other platforms like Sonic CD, since my fat thumbs cover up a good portion of the screen and make it awkward sometimes. Managing it, though. Definitely keep up the good work, Tax and Stealth.
  16. Uberham


    King Of Oblivion Member
    I have, nudge towards the empty end of the seesaw, and you go to the goddamn moon sometimes. dunno if it's the slope physics going mental or what, but its possible.
  17. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I'm starting to think that we're talking about different things here. I can't get the results you describe when Sonic is in the middle of the seesaw (when it's in horizontal position).
  18. Chaos Rush

    Chaos Rush

    My main point was, what if I wanted to go back and collect the Chaos Emeralds? The Special Stage controls aren't exactly precise, and I know I'm not the only one who didn't collect all the Emeralds on the first run through. S3&K lets you go back, and I think Sonic 1 and Sonic CD should let you go back and collect the Emeralds/Time Stones, too.
  19. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Also, that instantly accessible level select just felt as a reward for finishing Sonic 3/&K...
  20. big smile

    big smile

    Is there any way to access the awsome Easter Eggs (such as the 7th Chaos Emerald, Sonic 3 shields) in a Save game? There was a way to glitch these features into a save game, but it doesn't seem to work in the latest update.

    If not, then could accessing the Easter Eggs in Save mode be a feature request?
    These features make the game feel fresh and new. However, I am sure a lot of players don't have the time to play the game in a single sitting (especially when trying to access the 7th Emerald).