To be honest I enjoy this less than the actual game. It feels clunkier, and the physics are off, exacerbating the collision issues that persisted in the original.
As pointless as it would be, I'd love an "original mode" that recreates the final retail experience everyone knows and loves today, complete with the FUBAR physics and unnecessarily long loading times :v:
So apparently Gistix is stepping down as the leader of project. He's looking for a replacement, but I hope we're still getting that source code at some point
Hope that doesn't mean the project is stopped until a new project leader is found. wish Gistix would come by and clarify, maybe we scared him off?
Making the project open source is NOT going to help the project if nobody is going to pick it up. And whoever is interested and skilled enough in programming it, can always apply to the team, right? If I can make a prediction, releasing the source code would mostly result in character and level model swaps.
This is an awful attitude. The point of releasing the source isn't in the hopes of random contributors furthering the core project. Making it open source gives everyone the opportunity to learn and benefit from it. I want to see the project itself completed more than anyone, but either way its source is useful.
Given how information on file formats and what not hasn't been shared, I don't think they're in the mood for sharing. This isn't anywhere close to being a 1:1, which is quite a shame really.
We still don't have any tools for working with those libraries, though. At least not public ones. Not everyone knows how to just code one up, and nobody that does know how has yet seen fit to do so. And Irixion, I'm not sure how you think this isn't "anywhere near" 1:1. It's pretty close to an exact recreation, with elements messed up in the final game returned to their previous functionality. The biggest issue that I can think of is that you never return to normal falling speed after homing attacking something.
If we're doing bug reports, I notice that I maintain my momentum after a light-speed dash where I should come to a dead stop. I've gone hurtling off a cliff a few times because of that. Oh, and I personally love that someone's taking the time to do this, really enjoyed the demo, and hope to see the project continue.
They're taking bug reports via this form, though I believe the maintenance of momentum there is an intended improvement. Nonetheless, it should probably be toned down. And I agree with that second bit :specialed:
The question was about whether or not there was information on the file formats wasn't it? I'm pretty sure the libraries will be relevant for that purpose and they'd only be of use to someone who can code.
Oh I know, I'm just complaining like an ass because I lack the skill necessary to do anything with it :specialed:
Still haven't tried this game out yet, but I may at some point. It does seem almost exactly like the original Sonic 06 with a few improvements, which is impressive, but at the same time I wish they would do more to make it different. Admittedly, I found the real Sonic 06 to be an okay game, certainly not good, but not as bad as most people say.
Basically this. Though, what you linked is certainly juicy. I haven't been around the community very much but I assume that the SCHG isn't really maintained by the looks of it.
So I've played this and it was pretty fun. Certainly plays like a real Sonic game which is a HUGE step up from a regular 3D Sonic engine. For once I didn't have to play World of Warcraft with 360 degree physics tackled on.
So has anyone heard any updates at all from this or did Gistix stepping down from project leader effectively kill it?
I had contact with Gistix years ago, view him the ideas he had and it is amazing how the project was currently, this idea of creating a 2006 PC is not current. Looked photos of the project through MSN, there are some videos where hewas programming the game using Blitz Sonic as base. I hope this great project will be finalized! The game lacks some polishing in playability but this is the least since it is just a demo, so eager to see Silver and Shadow playable and with a better physics!