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Some important information you all should be in on

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Scarred Sun, Sep 28, 2007.

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  1. WiteoutKing


    The artist formerly known as WiteoutKing Member
    Worcester, MA
    Two-Bit Pictures and The D-Pad
    I'm aware it's done, just throwing my two cents in.

    I disagree about the importance of a name, but you're an admin, and obviously, it's your call.
  2. Tweaker


    Well, the name is only really importance in the sense that it shouldn't be retarded, and should accurately describe what kind of site you are. Sonic Retro is a much more broad and accurate term than Sonic 2 Beta, which implies our discussion and research ONLY pertains to the beta. We cover so much more, and the Retro wiki is the perfect way to document it all.
  3. WiteoutKing


    The artist formerly known as WiteoutKing Member
    Worcester, MA
    Two-Bit Pictures and The D-Pad
    A retarded name would be, shock, pretty fucking retarded, yeah. (Hence why "Sonic Retro Beta Page Happy Cockteim" doesn't work). Retro is a more appropriate name for what's going on than Sonic 2 Beta, yeah.

    I guess my response is a bit of stubbornness, resistance to losing the Sonic 2 Beta name.
  4. Sazpaimon


    Tech Member
    You should do what nineko did and run away crying
    Right nineko?
  5. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Actually I'm still here. I post less because of my lack of free time (I didn't turn on my computer at all in the last two days), but I'm still here.

    And it's hard to see me cry. I'm just expressing my respect to a website I really used to like. Yeah, respect, and legacy. Something that many people here forgot. Sonic Retro will always look gay to me. Merging with losers is never a good idea.

    Complete support to Witeoutking.
  6. Tweaker


    Still haven't heard that justified reason for calling Retro losers.

    Also haven't heard when you suddenly gained the right to bask in the S2B name like it was some kind of legacy that you're hardly known for more than a year and a half; and then the part that all of the staff here, save for myself, are scene oldbies who have been around forever, who HAVE seen and known the original S2B, and yet still agree that this is for the best. And that's because it IS.

    The only thing this forum has really been associated with in regards to the Sonic 2 beta for the past couple of years is by name. That's it. And an overwhelming majority of the discussion actually had nothing to do with the beta, but rather broader subjects, such as Sonic hacking, games discussion, or whatnot.

    Instead of letting the old main page sit and rot without anything to represent us with fresh, constantly updated content, and to establish that our community's focus spreads far beyond the Sonic 2 Beta, we decided that this merger would better represent this forum as a whole, and establish more respect through our extremely extensive, interactive knowledge base.

    And in case you haven't noticed... S2Beta is still very much alive, but it is a site without a forum specifically named after it. That's it. The forum... is exactly the same, save for a few graphical tweaks. Resistance is just so petty and retarded because nothing significant has changed to keep you from posting exactly how you used to! Do you not get that or something?

    It's like you want to speak of respect... how is this showing disrespect? I'd say providing the forum with a more extensive main page full of dynamic content is showing a damn good bit of respect. And these are still the official forums for the Sonic 2 beta page... they're just not explicitly labeled as such.

    Seriously, I don't see the problem here.
  7. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Right, this seems fair. Reverted screen name and avatar.

    I am posting as I used to do, maybe a bit less, because as I said before, I'm not online very much lately because of issues in my real life. My new job sucks and I barely manage to have some free time anymore. But yeah, I jump here as soon as I can whenever I have the chance.
    And if you notice, my posts outside this topic aren't changed at all. I'm just expressing my feelings about this change in the proper place, like other people did before.

    Needs more glasses.
  8. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    I don't know. I think it's pretty nice to, for once, have updates to the site info.
    It's not like there's much to do in terms of the Beta anyway, which I guess is an issue that I've had since returning... the name is rather pointless since the fora are the only things that regularly update with anything remotely resembling useful content.
    Heck, may as well get rid of the news page on the S2B site or something...
  9. Sazpaimon


    Tech Member
    I haven't seen any logical reason why you dislike this merger. You still have the main site. You still have the same message board, albeit with two new skins and a different name, and as Shakespeare once said: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet." The main site has the addition of a Wiki, and the url is a little different, yet still interchangeable. So what's the problem? Is it the name? Get the hell over it. This is coming from me, a day oner in the community. 1998. I've been directly or indirectly involved with this website for nearly 10 years. A name means nothing. We're all still here. The board still looks the same, different logo, sure, but who cares. The Sonic 2 Beta Page still exists, but oh god forbid, the forum name changes to Sonic Retro. Get the hell over it. What else is bugging you? The content? The content of the site hasn't changed. The main site still exists, and it also exists in Wiki form, so what's the big deal? Come on, tell me.

    Would you rather go back to the old site? The old site that hasn't had any new content update in almost a year? Is that what you call productive? Proactive? I call it procrastination. I call it a dry well. If that's really what you want, you need to fix your priorities.
  10. Mr. Fox

    Mr. Fox

    What's LocalH's opinion on this anyway? He's the owner, and now the forums are not his anymore, all that is left is a stupid redirect, that often doesn't work (for me at least). Google won't index the forums with s2beta link anymore as well.

    Is he OK with it? Has he just given in?
  11. Chimpo


    Hungriest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I don't know, why don't you look a couple pages back there genius.
  12. Sazpaimon


    Tech Member
    Who told you the forums weren't his? He's still an admin. He's still an owner, or at the very least a co-owner. He still makes decisions, granted he actually stays active for said decisions.

    Google also honors and indexes 301 redirects just fine.

    Also what Chimpo said.

    I mean Jesus you guys bitch about something you havent even taken the time to research yet. you just complain on a whim. Do us all a favor and read this topic, this whole topic, before making a complaint about the action taken here.
  13. Mr. Fox

    Mr. Fox

    Hmm, ok. I just remember him worrying about the name. He wanted the original name to stay when you go to the forums via s2b page. But now the forums are called Sonic Retro exclusively. I thought that he as the original owner wouldn't want it, but w/e, what do I know.
  14. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    All right, if we're going to get technical about this, I might as well throw in a couple quarters.

    I think the name Sonic Retro (and not anything else about it) is dumb. It sounds unprofessional. It's bland. It is just like all the other Sonic names of forums I go to (Sonic Classic, Sonic Stadium, Sonic *insert thing here*). When I think of this place, I want a name that will stick out in my head. Sonic 2 Beta doesn't represent it well anymore, I agree, but Sonic Retro's so very vague and bland.

    So it means 'Old Sonic stuff.' But we aren't only about that. We're about the scene. The new stuff too. People hacking stuff. People arguing like this. History and, ironically, the lack of it in some areas too.

    However, all the stuff has been changed, and it's such a little complaint that it isn't really worth going in depth with. I'm just saying that not all dislike of the name is 'retarded attachment to an old name.'

    That aside, by the same rule, Sonic 2 Beta is worse. It follows Sonic (something) convention, but copies directly off a game and its revision. Retro is closer to what the place is about, but still isn't quite there, if you want to nitpick.

    It's all semantics, handwaving, and speculation, but primarily I think it's what happens when you fix something which isn't specifically broken, causing bored people (myself included) and the occasional sentimental person to sit there and pick at it because it's a great time-waster.

    Also, Simon transferred the forums to LocalH. The name, therefore, primarily is up to LocalH to decide. And he did such earlier.

    So in conclusion: Long live Simon Wai's Sonic 2 Beta Ezboard Retro *Shot*
  15. Sazpaimon


    Tech Member
    alright let's break this shit down:

    You have change for a $5?

    I don't think you're getting the idea here. By your logic, if this forum was a complete steaming pile of shit, all that could be changed if the name was changed to something original. Basically: "wow that site sure has the stupidest members but god damn it has such a catchy name!" It doesn't work like that. And just because a few sites that happen to have... less than average members have generic names doesn't mean we can't break that trend; hell, CulT already broke it in the early 2000's, and I'm still trying to remove that stigma today.

    When you get right down to it, it really is. It really is just a deep down stubbornness to accept change for the better.

    If you want to suggest a better naming mechanism, please do so. I think Sonic Retro is very fitting. We like 'retro' Sonic games, we hack 'retro' Sonic games, we live for 'retro' Sonic games.

    At least you admit that arguing about it is a waste of time

    Here's something I agree with, to an extent. In their, and even my, defense, LocalH is really hard to get in contact with sometimes. He isn't always what we would call 'on top of things,' and thus indirectly entrusts the board in the hands of his fellow administrators. I still think he should have been informed before the fact though, even if a reply wasn't expected.

    I always thought *shot* was a retarded meme. Just saying
  16. Tweaker


    Technically speaking, LocalH still owns the forums and the S2Beta main page. Retro is technically Scarred Sun's.

  17. Sith


    The molotov bitch Member
    Nitpicking about a name is really stupid. Just my 2c.

    Focus on content and how to improve things in general.
  18. WiteoutKing


    The artist formerly known as WiteoutKing Member
    Worcester, MA
    Two-Bit Pictures and The D-Pad
    Perhaps an altogether new name is in order? It is a merger of two fairly gigantic sites, one a research and hacking forum, the other a research and hacking wiki. I hate to throw out what could be an utterly campy name (because of its acronym nature), but maybe something like Sonic Hacking and Research Portal (SHARP)? I dunno, throwing stuff out there. I agree it's probably a moot point, but a fresh name can at least give the people inside and out the feel of a fresh (re)start.
  19. Chimpo


    Hungriest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Why the fuck do we need a new name at all when the current one is just fine. And if this thread hasn't proven to you already, the people inside apparently don't want a fresh start, and most of us hate the people outside.

    Honestly, as Tweaker mentioned the forum is exactly the same, all that change was our logo.

    Like this

    Nobody likes it, but that doesn't stop Solid Snake from being awesome.

    Although it's not a valid example.

    A) Our logo is awesome.
    B) We're all a bunch of flaming faggots that go nuclear over a name and logo change that has no real affect on the overall status of the forum or site since it's preserved oh so well like it was from its last update nearly a year ago. So no, we're not Solid Snake. We're Raiden.
  20. stormislandgal


    It's not a phase! Tech Member
    Married life <3
    Okay, okay, stop with the pointless bitching about a name plz. It could be far worse than it is(which I think is a good name, so stfu).

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