I'm glad you finally came around, confidence in your own action will help a lot. I don't have a comment on the current situation, though. While I'm glad things appear to have been (minus a few wrinkles here and there) resolved, it's gonna take a bit for me to trust you again. But hey, if you have no regrets and act on your own instinct, it'll probably be sooner rather than later.
I'm ok with Tweaker, but we need to hear from Saz, he's the one who put Tweaker up to all this. I have logs, so don't deny plz :P
I personally think Saz owes the board a big fucking apology for being such an ass. I already have half a mind to leave Cult since he's the main offender in all of this.
I will reserve judgment until I actually see what happens, although I am of an open mind to anything which resolves this mess. Just, please, I never want to see something like what happened today occur again. @_@
I just noticed the irony of that statement, who originally made it, and what member group his account is in now. I'm slow.
I fully support this thread. As I now have a job IRL (Walmart, DON'T FUCKING LAUGH), I am liable to be around less than I am now (is that even possible?). As I don't want to shackle my admins, I am authorizing them to make decisions without me, however I do reserve the right to have final say as site owner. If there are any problems with staff behavior with regards to administrative functions then please notify me so I can deal with the situation. I will at least try to be online at least once a day, if not more. I have full confidence that Tweaker will be able to start taking us in the direction back towards the way Simon ran the site initially after returning to the scene (which, I think many oldbies will agree, was one of the better times in the site's history).
Ey, work is work, Walmart or not =P I worked at Target for a while (I almost went insane from the register beeps)
I'll just be hanging back and watching. We'll see if Tweaker delivers, and exactly where he delivers us to. However, that last few days have easily been the scene's most embarrasing moments, if you ask me. It'll take some serious action (or maybe lack thereof) to repair it.
You think Walmart's embarassing? Try working for a waterpark in the food services department. I support admin. Tehy r legion. Taht si lal.
I think Tweaker is a fine admin. Now I'm not aware of what Tweaker and Saz did resulting in Saz's demotion, but overall I think this site is run fine. Seeing as how not much goes wrong here, I think everything is as it should be. Although the messed up text on the bottome next to the reply button is pissing the fuck out of me. Change that for God sakes.
I think Tweaker is a good admin too, but I don't stick my nose up his ass. Good luck at Walmart, god knows your gonna need it. =P