Actually because I didnt put SRAM in the prog in the first place and don't know how to :P Also I think that could potentially break compatibility with flash carts I will look at it though, but first I will have to get the one remaining issue out before doreco :P
Most flash carts contain SRAM, as far as I know. Puggsy's "copy-protection" was based solely on the fact that most flash carts, and therefore most pirated carts, contain SRAM.
Why do two things with almost identical function have to be so different? Still, I'd think that flash carts have SRAM too.
Not all. The Tototek ones don't - my Mega Cart crashes with <ROM I'm not sure I'm allowed to mention to protect features> in places due to it loading/saving SRAM and my cart not having any =P
Remember that flashcarts only contain SRAM accesible from odd addresses, while emulators support both even and odd addresses for SRAM.