Probably old, but found this when Googling around: Basically the challenge was to write the smallest PE (a normal program, c'mon) that would download a file from Internet. The result is a file that is 133 bytes long O_O Yes, that's freaking small. Anybody wants to comment on it?
Impressive. Much like the 4k challenges, it's interesting to see the tricks coders can use for optimising programs like this. This kind of thing is programming as an art rather than as a science =P
I think compressors (like UPX) do the header related things already (along with compressing your code of course). Reminds of the time when I was trying to make the smallest PCE emu. I made it in 16 KB :P .
Ha, I found that a while ago, and yes, I noticed that, since I read the page . I didn't know it was possible until I saw that :P .
No news assembly can make much smaller programs than high-level languages, which are just as powerful, if not even more.
I don't have that binary anymore and my PCE emu has grown massively in size. But I guess trying one more time doesn't hurt so I will give it a shot once more. It will be fun anyway . EDIT: After some trying and removing a lot of things from the emu, I got down to 50 KB. And I haven't used any of the trick mentioned in the doc posted by Sik yet. I'll try those later since I am getting bored now :P .