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Small/obvious/misc. bits about the Sonic 3 Prototype music files

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Ramona T., Nov 28, 2024.

  1. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Just because his tune didn't get used in Sonic 3 (after the MJ track replaced it) it doesn't mean he can't add that to his resume. After all his theme had been selected for inclusion and was included in proto builds.

    But anyway, his PSG usage is very deliberate in Sonic 3D Blast and arguably the most developed among the Sonic 3 composer at the time. CN PSG, in both acts, just doesn't sound like Sawada's at all.

    Just disable the YM2612 in one of those VGM players and listen to the Maeda tracks in 3D Blast and also the proto credits. He did put a lot of effort in making the PSG sound elaborate.

    Here's what I think is most likely:

    AIZ1 - Milpo
    AIZ2 - Nagao
    HCZ1 - Milpo
    HCZ2 - Nagao
    MGZ1 - Cube (Takaoka)
    MGZ2 - Cube (Takaoka)
    CNZ1 - Milpo
    CNZ2 - Milpo + Nagao
    ICZ1 - Sawada
    ICZ2 - Sawada
    LBZ1 - ???
    LBZ2 - Nagao
    Competition - Nagao
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2024
  2. T.Q.


    The Sims 2, Tim Drake [Robin] Member
    Just started listening to the J. League Pro-Striker 2 music playlist.

    "Match Setup" has the spitting sound of "Diamond Dust"!
  3. Oof, I definitely have to restructure and overhaul my original post on the prototype stuff with better formatting (like some code blocks) and some big corrections, now knowing what some of those SMPS functions actually are and what they do...


    ... but at least I added the Sonic 3D music credits to TCRF, this time including the exact position in the ROM where the text is found exactly (convert the hex values back to decimal and just have Notepad++ jump to the offset to easily check the positions). I could've done a typo in some places since it's hard to keep track of every single bit.
    But yeah, hopefully that makes it even more transparent.

    Looking at Sonic 3's internal order of songs, both Sonic 3 and 3D Blast got Game Over (16), Continue (17), and Act Clear (18) next to each other (27, 28, and 29 in Sonic 3). This moreso suggests the Sound Team simply having modified the original Sonic 3 bank rather than one "Song by J.Seno." header counting for all three tracks at once. Even further supported by both game's banks also following it up with the the Emerald and Invincibility songs
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