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Silencing Sound Clips and Music in Game

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by eskayelle, Jan 7, 2021.

  1. eskayelle


    NBA Jam 2KTE / TMNT of Rage / Pong de las TMNT Dev Member
    Greetings, all. It's been a while since I've posted, and I wanted to say thanks again for the help with my Streets of Rage 2 questions.

    I'm currently messing around with Pac-Man 2 - The New Adventures. I'd like to learn how to silence sounds and music, in particular the "Pause Toon" that plays during the password screen and the chime that plays upon exit of the password screen. I grabbed a copy of the .vgm file for Pause Toon but wasn't able to successfully line up a byte sequence to within the rom itself, so my next thought was to assume there's a pointer table and an LEA function that's called when the music is supposed to play.

    I'm not sure though how to differentiate the call for a song or a sound clip from any other LEA such that I can NOP the correct one.

    Any suggestions on what I should be looking for? From a sound test mode in game, I can see that it's decimal 45 and perhaps #$2D. This value can also be found in RAM $FFFFE5FD or E, but those sound test values only appear to generate in the game's sound test, and the RAM addresses do not appear to activate a breakpoint when the password screen displays, nor do those addresses appear to generate in my tracelog.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2021
  2. eskayelle


    NBA Jam 2KTE / TMNT of Rage / Pong de las TMNT Dev Member
    Potentially solved! I did some research, came across and did a search in my tracelog for offsets in the $00A000 range. I then did some brute forcing and found three LEA commands relevant to register A3, where NOPs appear to get me my silence.