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Should I Buy Sonic Heroes?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Captain L, Sep 19, 2010.

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  1. Plorpus


    Hog Blue So What Member
    Don't buy it. It's an average game at best and not worth the cash.
  2. Average is worth $7.

    Don't go into it expecting a typical Sonic game in terms of mechanics (like SA2, it's equal parts platforming, exploration, and combat, but all at the same time), but it's a somewhat enjoyable ride. The environments and the story are also pretty Sonic, though, of course, don't expect any kind of thrilling dialog, except in maybe a B-movie sort of way.

    And yes, the music is quite boss. Not as varied as the adventure games, but what's there is catchy.
  3. Dusk Golem

    Dusk Golem

    Where Fear and Cryptic Puzzles lie... Member
    If you can buy it for $8 then go for it, it's definitely worth that much. While I was younger back then I thought the $50 I spent on Heroes was well worth it. The game, don't go in expecting the pinnacle of the series, but I do think it is fun and until Colors releases, it is the 3D game most like the 2D games. The game's main flaws are stages that can be lengthy and requiring you to play through the game with all teams to beat it and making most of the stages the same even if there are small differences. That and I died in Heroes by failed homing attacks more than I did in any other Sonic game.

    However it is definitely worth $8.
  4. Shade Vortex

    Shade Vortex

    The Black Vortex Member
    USA, WA.
    YouTube Memes
    I pretty much think that it is worth the current price, but if it were the original price of 50 bucks, it wouldn't be. Sure, I played through the whole game from start to finish and even 100%ed it when I was younger, but now my standards for quality games deems the game not worth that price, so I feel it was a waste of my money now, but that does not matter.

    Anyways, yeah, if you can get it for cheap, go ahead. Just don't expect anything too great- it gets repetitive and tedious, especially if you want to unlock the real ending. And the gameplay mechanics are kind of wonky, the game suffers from icy controls, death pits, and other flaws. So if you buy it, be prepared and don't set yourself up for disappointment.
  5. Kyuu


    Memory Access Violation Member
    I think it was a fairly decent game - it's got the same bright environments as some of the earlier games, which is a plus as well.

    For 7 dollars, I think it's worth it.
  6. If you really want to buy the game mate, then I would say on you go and get it. It's a good game in it's own rights. I remember when I got it, I don't think it was out of my games console for a month I was that hooked by it.

    Considering the price, I would say buy it
  7. I would definitely spend $7 on the game. Be forewarned though. As some have hinted at here, its VERY hard at points. Rail Canyon jumps out at me immediately. The rails are very thin and very hard to land on if you have to jump onto them. Its not for the faint of heart :) But yes it has the same structure as the 2D games (Act-Act-Boss). And its gorgeous. But hard
  8. BlazyNights


    Too lazy to learn ASM since '06 Member
    Just buy it, the PC version looks best. It really isn't that bad except for some glitches.
  9. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    And the fucking falling. Over and over again.

  10. JLCL00


    Outer Heaven
    Human Instermentality Project
    I say go buy it. If you don't mind switching between three characters or the somewhat simple story, then you might like it. If you end up not liking it, realize that at least you didn't had to pay $20-$60.
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