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Shenmue 3

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Saidian, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Yu said he needs $10 million to see his full vision through.
  2. Captain VG

    Captain VG

    Does his vision include an island off the coast of Greece? :v:

    I mean I get it. He wants to sandbox the fuck out of 3 to the likes Shenmue fans have never seen. But 10mil + whatever Sony's footing? Meh, I shouldn't be complaining seeing as GTA V cost upwards to 250mil (despite a hefty part of that going to the record companies for the music alone...)
  3. Hodgy


    Games programming :)
    stuck my $60 in. A load of us at work are super excited!

    I'm replaying the games on my dreamcast. don't have a vga cable though, and I'm pretty sure my TV doesnt support it anyway. So im probably looking at some sort of VGA + converter setup. does anyone have any recommendations?
  4. Xilla


    Pledging $130 for this on payday. I want a toy capsule.....maybe just one....

    In the meantime:

  5. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator

  6. Hodgy


    Games programming :)
    Well thats my shenmue journey to an end. and not a happy one :(

    Caught Jimmy,
    insert disk 3,
    thrown back to bios.
    try to play again.


    inspected the disk, looks fine. tried it in a different system, no luck.

    after further inspection, there is a light scuff along the very edge and a couple of light scratches elsewhere on the disk, probably happened during transportation :(

    im crushed! think a disk repair service can salvage this?
  7. Vangar


    Its worth a shot, worst case the disc isn't working anyway.

    I took mine to a disc cleaning service and it really buffs out the scratches, even really bad ones. GD-ROMs are particularly sensitive to scratches and for $10(aud...) you may as well try.

    If you still can't get it to work you could burn a ripped copy, however the quality of textures / video is reduced to fit the CD-ROM....
  8. Hodgy


    Games programming :)
    The damage is so minor :( Couldnt even capture it in a photo. I'll take it to a local game shop at the weekend if it doesnt work after that, guess ill try the toothpaste method.
  9. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    I can fully sympathize with your pain. :( The exact same shit happened to me with disc 2 of the first game, although the disc itself LOOKED fine. I didn't want to buy the entire game again just for a single disc so I tried to look for Ebay listings that only had the second disc, but then I got distracted by other things and eventually forgot. Luckily, my console can read games burnt to CD-R, something I didn't learn until years later, so I tried that and it worked. I heard CD-R's can damage the laser, though...

    I hope you can get the disc fixed soon!

    Does that apply to any CD-R's used or just regular 700MB ones? I know you can buy 900MB ones that are said to be better suited for Dreamcast game backups.
  10. Sappharad


    Shenmue 1 doesn't have any videos. (Except for maybe the scene viewer on the Shenmue Passport disc, which doesn't matter) And nobody every down sampled textures for Dreamcast rips. The CD-R size doesn't matter. All of the burnable copies you'll find fit on a standard 80-minute CD. Per the NFO file, the Kalisto self boot rip of Shenmue 1 has nothing removed or down sampled on any disc.

    Shenmue 2 was the one where they crammed the discs full and wasn't possible on CD-R without cutting out voice acting or downsampling it.
  11. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    I hope the series ends something like this:

  12. McAleeCh


    Back in 2007 or so, the same thing happened to me - got a second-hand copy of Shenmue and disc 1 wasn't working. My local Blockbuster Video had a disc-cleaning service - usually cost £10, but they did it for free as they said 90% of the time it didn't work well on GD-ROMs as they're so sensitive even to minor damage. Popped the disc in when I got home and it worked flawlessly! = )

    So yes - it might not work, but it's definitely worth a try as there's the possibility it could fix it for you.
  13. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    I ordered a converter so I could capture Dreamcast footage via component, and it arrived today.

    Of course, it doesn't work. :argh:

    And thus, the saga begins. :specialed:
  14. Sappharad


    If it was one of those cables that goes from VGA to Component without a box in the middle to convert, those are intended for projectors and other equipment that supports component but doesn't have room for the ports. I have one, and that's exactly what I use it for. Devices actually capable of going from VGA to component aren't cheap. Monoprice makes one for around 40USD, not sure if there's an equivalent for overseas. You can also get VGA to HDMI for cheaper, but most of them don't support resolutions lower than 640x480. I've read that some Dreamcast games output VGA at 320x240, like the arcade games in Shenmue. Not sure if this helps, but maybe it's a start?

    Now for some thoughts on the kickstarter so far. It seems to have slowed down more than I expected. At this point, unless they find a way to interest more people, it seems like it could end with around $6 million. If you do the math, the average pledge right now is around $80, and has been near that point for the past week. If you compare it to other game kickstarters, it's higher than the average for the other popular ones that I've checked. Mighty No. 9 for example had an average around $20 less. To me, this looks like the majority of backers at this point are people who have played one of the previous games and have a lot of interest for the new one. All of the higher cost rewards are taken, even the ones they added just yesterday. For people not as interested in the series, I'd expect more of the $30 pledges just to get the game for cheap.
    I don't think they're doing a good job trying to interest people that aren't familiar with the series. It doesn't help that 'awesome japan', the company managing the kickstarter apparently has a really poor history with the past kickstarters they've done. Only about half of them were actually successful, and this is the first large one they've ever managed. I'm not sure how they can attract new fans to the series though. It seems likely that Sega will consider re-releasing 1 and 2 now that 3 is coming, but since that almost certainly won't be announced during this kickstarter they've eliminated one method of gaining new fans. Even more rewards will probably help them milk the existing fans for more money, but that can only go so far.

    I do trust that Yu Suzuki can get the game made, even though the kickstarter won't give it enough funding to be as good as the previous ones. The biggest advantage they have over other games is the fact that the entire thing was planned out over 15 years ago. The script was done prior to the first game, and they already did some work on this back on the Dreamcast. (There are those 2 screenshots of Bailu village floating around from back in 2002. Who knows how much more they had done, considering how far the Saturn version was when they switched to DC.) Everything still needs to be built from scratch for the new engine and current hardware capabilities, but knowing exactly what they want to build is usually a huge obstacle for most projects and that part is done. The projects that fail or take considerably longer than originally estimated (e.g. Broken Age) don't have the story planned out yet and try to scope after the fact.
  15. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    Nah, it's composite to component (with a box in the middle). Ordered an entirely different SCART to HDMI box instead, as I have the necessary cables and adapters for that too (what I really need is a capture device that accepts something less than component...).

    The lack of a Shenmue HD is seriously hurting the campaign. Not many are even aware of Shenmue, let alone have played it. The games being on the Dreamcast meant that all four Dreamcast owners played them (I'm a four-Dreamcast owner :v: ), and I'd say the majority of current fans were introduced by the Xbox port of Shenmue II. A lot of people were put off buying that too (among other reasons, "It's the second game in a story-based series and I can't get the first game on a console I own"), so merely re-releasing the game would bring it not only to those who were too young when they originally came out, but also those blasphemers who didn't own a Dreamcast back then.

    Of course, Yu doesn't have control over that; but no doubt it will happen now that it's been proven to have enough popularity.
  16. Zycor


    Unlike Sonic, I don't chuckle. Member
    Beats me.
    I'm still a bit bothered by the whole kick starter thing. I know why they did it, because that would get them a lot more people talking about it. I'm just worried about what it means for the future of games that are being funded by developers with plenty of dough to back the project. They could have made a like this page on Facebook campaign or a fancier preorder site. You can't really make the argument of "gauging interest" when you can contribute without buying the game, granted most of the backers have gone to the level of payment that gets them a copy of the game... but with the preorder culture we have now for games (for some reason) I will probably never understand. The one and only time I pre-ordered a game, I really didn't need to. It was Super Smash Bros. Brawl. There was no way I wouldn't be able to find a copy of that game at launch. Pre orders should only be for games that aren't common, but even then why would retailers bother? It's not like it's hard to come by games now a days...

    Anyways I still think it's a bit fishy, but whatever, it's none of my business. If they did a port of the two games to PC I might be more interested, but I guess if people want to throw their money to them in advance too, that's none of my business.
  17. synchronizer


    By the way, was the script for the whole Shenmue story ever released?
  18. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    They've since clarified that the Kickstarter isn't to gauge interest, but for funding of the game's development. Shibuya Productions is helping on the production and marketing end, and Sony is providing publishing support.
  19. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
  20. MotorRoach


    Okay, but, like, are they really hoping to reach over ten million in two weeks?