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Shadow Generations makes me want a remake of Sonic 2006

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Cooljerk, Nov 27, 2024.

  1. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    It is said the human brain is really good at filling in missing information and I tend to believe that.
  2. Jaxer


    It's truly incredible how Sonic Team managed to make what was essentially Venice look utterly dull and miserable.

    And don't get me even started on the "forest" hub.
  3. Bluebobo


    Weird take central Member
    One guy I know who likes Sonic 06 was ready to argue with me for hours when I wasn't fond of 06's hub worlds.
    I called them G-mod maps.
  4. Kilo


    Starting new projects every week Tech Member
    Changes with the weather
    ... Huh.
    06's hubs would make for good G-Mod maps...
  5. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    Aesthetically, the Starfall Islands are a mixed bag to me. There are times when the lighting hits just right and they really do look quite cool and like something from Sonic OVA. Maybe slightly more saturated colours could make it feel more "Sonic-y"?
    but then there are other times when the sky is overcast/raining and I swear the combination of grey skies + empty lifeless environments + sombre music makes the locations straight up feel like they came out of Half-Life 2, a game that was intentionally designed to have a very bleak/oppressive aesthetic. Like, it's so weird for a Sonic game lmao, I don't think '06 ever reached Frontiers levels of bleakness
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2024
  6. I think the main problem with wanting any remake of the pre-Unleashed games is that I don't even think Sonic Team even know HOW to make those types of games anymore. It's the same as the people who wanted Classic 2D gameplay back and we got Sonic 4 and Generations for our trouble.

    A lot of the people from that 1998-2006 period are likely no longer at Sonic Team with the exception of a few notable figures. It would be fundamentally be an entirely different game than what people expect.

    *But P-06* All that's doing is just taking the base game polishing up the parts that suck so that they don't suck... or at least, suck less. It feels more like a remaster than an out and out remake. The creator even said that his goal was to maintain the original vision of the game while fixing it's issues.

    But when you really get down to it, I feel like this longing for an 06 remaster/remake/reimagining is a a combination of fans (particularly Silver fans) still being burned almost 20 years later and wanting the game to get a redemption of sorts.

    Shadow Generations, for better or worse, opened the floodgates in how it redeemed Shadow 05 to a lot of people and people want that for Silver too. That being said, I think those people should understand that Shadow Generations doesn't exist to right the wrongs of a game from 20 years ago, but to simply promote his upcoming appearances in the movie and serve as an introduction to Shadow for newer fans. The fact that older fans liked it too is probably incidental.

    Sega/Sonic Team have been pretty adamant about appealing to younger fans for quite a few years, so that's kind of the vision you have to operate on when considering a potential 06 remake. It wouldn't be trying to "fix" anything, but bringing in newer fans to the product.
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  7. Ura


    We just gotta wait for that Sonic X Silver Forces then


    I mean, the Silver Boss Battle in Generations was legitimately a partial redemption for the character.

    But it's tough, the nature of his story means bringing him back for any other reason is somewhat questionable, with Rivals being the only game that really tried...

    Then you have the voice. Pete Capella is a really fun guy who I know would return to the role in an instant (he loves showing up at the con scene, teaches classes, and has fully embraced the memes), but I can 90% guarantee that in a new serious sounding remake, the voice would be recast with someone more... young modern shounen sounding, no matter how good Pete is. Likely a Johnny Yong Bosch type.

    And ironically, I don't know how well that'd sit with people. Silver has such a distinct voice... I guess Pete could try it in a lower register with a more "serious" tone, but I don't know if he'd even want to. He's fully embraced Silver as we know him.
  9. None of that stopped them from reusing the parts of Shadow's story that were unpopular, so I'd assume the same is true for Silver.

    Truthfully, Blaze is the real casualty here. Her entire story and character got fucked over for Silver, but because they've been associated with each other for so long now, fans would definitely feel some type of way if they excluded her or replaced her with another character. But it is what it is.

    I'm honestly over the series going back into its past and would prefer something new, but I also recognize that we are deep in the 2000s nostalgia cycle.

    Also, Bryce Papenbrook is Silver's current voice as of TSR.
  10. Silver wasn't really mean to be a part of Sonic 06 I was told. That was all meant to be part of a new Shinobi game on the PS2 before work stopped on the game and staff and its producer, were brought over to Sonic 06 and the Ninja reskined to Sliver
    That was a massive part of the problem with Sonic 06 production with the producer not being able to handle a project or team size of Sonic.

    I like the idea of the team fixing mistakes of the past, but I rather the team continue with their current roadmap. However one day I love the team to remake Sonic ADV, It remains the most fun I ever had in a 3D platform game to this day, its not the best made or has the best level design but it was so much fun and so captured the sense of adventure
  11. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    I'm not certain how much of this is true but I think Silver probably came into being as naturally as possible for as rushed a development schedule 06 had.

    Sonic Team was already experimenting with psychokinesis physics with the FPS Fifth Phantom Saga, which obviously didn't go anywhere, as seen here:

    Another nugget shared by Shun Nakamura via Q&A recently is that Silver was apparently originally conceptualized as an Alien, which makes some of his concept designs make more sense.

    So it really seems like they just wanted to work with the physics thing and then made a character to match.
  12. I could say it was very much true, but leave that up in the air

    The plan for a new Shinobi game was that he would have psychic powers and the game was to use Havok physics as the big selling point for the new Shinobi game, before all that was carried over to Sonic 06 instead and Sliver changed instead of Shinobi and where it was Mashahiro Kumono who lost control of the project/team and wasn't used to working on a game as big as Sonic with a massive budget

    Not that I think anyone at Sonic Team was helped with the stupid 15th Anniversary street date pressure
  13. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
  14. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    It would be really funny if they remade Sonic 2006 in the style of Colors. Make the game 60% 2D. Have Pontac and Graf write the game. Get rid of all of Sonic's friends. Remove the hub world. Make the 3D sections Boost corridors.

    Just have Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Elise, Eggman. Keep the story the same but have it written in the tone of Lost World.

    Now that would be something to witness in terms of fan reaction.
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  15. Kilo


    Starting new projects every week Tech Member
    Changes with the weather
    Elise jumps from Eggman's ship
    "I did NOT expect that"
  16. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    I think they should do that with Unleashed and then remove the Xbox backwards compatibility for the original
  17. Jaxer


    I unironically support this 100%.

    It'd only be fair, given how Generations was already butchered to suit their needs.
  18. I think a simple script rewrite isn't quite the same as what Laura is describing, but that's just me.
  19. People want a 2006 remake? Help. I'm getting old.

  20. Zephyr


    Yeah, I think this is an extremely simple and straightforward ask, and people are really over-complicating it. I'm also glad to see someone else acknowledging the clear resemblance and evolution between 06's Mach Speed sections and the Boost gameplay. I'd go a step further, and point to their resemblances to racing gameplay, and extend this thought experiment to levels from other games being imagined as race tracks in big IP racing games, like Mario Kart or the Sumo racing games. That's a thing that gets done, it's a thing that people like, and so it shouldn't be difficult to imagine how it would be accomplished or why they might possibly bother. And yeah, also echoing the sentiment that you can do this with Shadow 05 as well; and with that game having an OutRun-style level progression system? Yes, please, remake Shadow 05 as more of a racing game!

    But I digress. You can take stages from games in other gameplay styles and Boost-ify them. It's the very premise Generations is built on. You can also take characters who were previously not featured in Boost gameplay before and Boost-ify them. It's what The Final Horizon did with Tails, Knuckles, and Amy. You can do that with Silver! No, it super does not matter that "Sonic is meant to be the fastest!" I don't care about that when playing the Classics, I don't care about that when playing as Tails in SA1, I don't care about that when playing the 2P mode in SA2 as speed characters, I don't care about that when playing Heroes as speed characters, etc etc etc.

    And no, it also extremely doesn't matter that 06's story sucks and is cringe. That is Sonic stories in general, baybee. The Fearless Year of Shadow has ignited a lot of discussion on how much of a fucking mess SA2's story is. People were recently up in arms about how shit Superstars' story is. It doesn't matter bros. It doesn't, I'm sorry. This isn't the IP you come to for good storytelling, outside of a few exceptions you can count on one hand.

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