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Shadow Generations makes me want a remake of Sonic 2006

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Cooljerk, Nov 27, 2024.

  1. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    That's exactly what this topic is about. An entire game made up of Sunset Hills-like second chances in Shadow Generations.
  2. You're assuming they could do decent cutscenes in opposed to just gameplay animation.
  3. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    I know that's your idea. I'm questioning it, and questioning whether that actually makes a good Sonic 06 remake -- what are you supposed to do with Silver here? -- if you're willing to get its abstract core plot points right but not engage with anything in the way 06 actually tells them. I don't think I'd like that remake.

    Also the doom surf sections resemble Diddy Kong Racing -- a fantastic game -- way more than they do any vehicle shooter I've ever come across, or Shadow's White Acropolis for that matter. There's merit in having to adapt the way you have to navigate a level with a vehicle, otherwise why would that vehicle be there? The surf-and-spear sections aren't that. There are a lot of extremely fun things you can do! Fortnite or PUBG or Free Fire weren't out when they made Sonic 06, and I think they do this kind of gameplay transition very smoothly. They can take a page out of that.

    The problem here is just -- if you're simply doing a Boost redo of Sonic 06, what are you actually getting out of 06? A texture pack? If the story wanted to be a grand tragedy that involves a lot of (furry) people doing their own thing and in their own way and coming together in the end to save a world you had to experience from so many different angles, but then you tell that story through a set of mechanically similar levels in which all you do with every character is go from A to B in blazing speeds, is there a point to telling that story?

    It may be confusing, but I think it's necessary to question that. I don't love 06, but I do think it was ever so simple as you want it to be.

    For another example, you can remake Shadow the Hedgehog this way too. But, flawed as it may be, is there a point to turning every stage into a Boost stage, streamline them and make them Good and Action oriented and having Good Controls if the game is no longer about getting to choose whether a cartoon hedgehog gets pointlessly violent in an honestly confusing stage with conflicting objectives?
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2024
  4. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    In my opinion, they can't, but pox tried anyways.
  5. Impish


    Yeah but you've ignored the rest of my point - it was the one new level in a game of reused assets - as any remake would be also.
  6. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    Silver's moveset in 06 amounts to basically hovering and flipping switches remotely. Every single use of his telekensis is for these two purposes. We've already seen lots of mechanics in Shadow Generations that serve similar purposes. Shadow can float forward in Generations with the Doom wings. Shadow can flip remote switches with the chaos spears. Shadow can bungie around floating points with the doom morph. Even his chaos control is shades of using special powers at the right moments to organically create new paths. Silver's moveset has all the basics already implemented, all that's left is the animations essentially.

    What I'm getting out of Sonic 06 is another opportunity for them to pump out boost levels. What I get is another fun game to play. I dont want radically different characters, I want Sonic & Knuckles, I want Sonic X Shadow. I want thrice/twice the sonic gameplay, ideally with minor differences that take me to new parts of existing levels. Not entirely different game modes.

    I'd actually be very down for this as well, but I think there's more to mine in Sonic 06. But Shadow the Hedgehog could work, it would be awesome to see a boost game with an Outrun style level progression system.
  7. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    I don't want to talk about 06 anymore because I think we have basically irreconcilable views about games as a whole, but I'll say I'd absolutely be down for this too. Well, a classic game with this progression system would be fantastic too. Though, the existing game that would make this make sense in a very satisfying way is Unleashed, not Shadow!
  8. Pretty good for a work in progress from 2 years ago...wish I could see more stuff, but navigating the media tab is a pain.
  9. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Why do we need a remake of 06 lol just reuse the few good ideas it had in a new game.
  10. They've already done that.

    It's called Sonic Unleashed.
  11. Wraith


    I think a lot of the asking for an 06 remake is trying to nudge the series back toward the "Sonic Adventure" line of design, in which case making it into another Boost game defeats the point by, uh, a lot. They're probably making another boost game with a moody story and hub worlds right now. Who needs Sonic 06 to also be that? What would be the point?
  12. Yuzu


    Just wanted to say thank you for playing Bionic Commando 09 with me back then (I used to go by Krigo back then). Had a lot of fun, and definitely miss those days sometime even if I was very bad at it. Incredible game especially when it came to movement tech and level design.

    on that note, thank you for gifting me OG Generations too.

    on the topic of 06: I think that I’d rather remake a game that is outright bad or flawed than a game that is already good. Part of the reason why I’ve been wanting a DMC2 remake for so long. The game kinda sucks outside of Dante’s design but theres so much they could do with the game, Dante’s character, Lucia, and the position it had in the DMC timeline. 06 is similar, there's a lot of potential to do cool things with the game, and I think I'm relatively open for them making drastic changes for the sake of a better game, whether that's gameplay, levels, the hub itself, story etc.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2024
  13. Spookss


    Don't ask me to repeat, cause idek what I said. Member
    Sonic 06' in my opinion could have been so much more if they decided to push it back however much to actually release a project they're happy with, I'd take delays for a good project over anything else; a sort of quality over quantity sort of thing. Instead what I think happened is the greedy corporate side of Sega decided to keep pushing for its release instead of letting the people who wanted to work on it and show off what they can do make something that they can actually say is to the best of their ability.

    this has probably already been said on this thread but that's my thoughts on 06 development wise, would've been neat to see what Sonic Team could've made if given the opportunity.


    Wait for Project 06 to finish and leave it at that. That's going to be the closest thing we'll get.

    The scope of 06 is well beyond what Shadow Generations was. There is no other easy way to rebuild the entire game's concept from scratch.

    Besides, if 3D remakes happen, SA1-2, Heroes are still the way to go.
  15. Spookss


    Don't ask me to repeat, cause idek what I said. Member
    Oh yeah no P-06 has been quite cool so far from what I've seen and it'd honestly be a shame to me if Sega just stole the limelight from them by announcing a remake for 06, especially when any Adventure game remake imo would be far more valuable.
  16. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Zeph said it best in another thread.

    You can't fuck up Sonic 06. But you can absolutely fuck up Adventure.

    Those were his exact words, I'm sure of it.
  17. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Alright, hear me out: a Sonic 06 remake directed by Tetsuya Nomura. Sega gives the team all the time, budget, and personnel it needs to make sure the game is living up to its original vision, both artistically and technically.


    Otherwise, I'd prefer a remaster, not unlike what P-06 is doing.

    It took me years to finally get to play Sonic 06, and when I first experienced it, I didn't hate it. Sure, the load times were atrocious, but besides that I had a great time. The more mature visuals and atmosphere kinda sold it on me.

    Sonic 06 was a serious endeavour. I really felt that during my playthrough.

    If only people would stop making fun of it and instead see what could have truly been if the odds weren't against Sonic Team at that time. That would be a good start before even thinking about touching it again.
  18. synchronizer


    Sonic '06's original vision going by the TGS video gave us Sonic Frontiers.
  19. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    That explains a lot.

    Aesthetically, Soleanna beats the Starfall Islands by a mile. Also, it doesn't feel as lonely there, and it has real architecture and goofy NPCs and stuff like that. It's kinda weird comparing the two. I guess you could call the Open Zones the "natural" evolution of hub worlds. Hur hur
  20. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    Really? I've always found 06's hubs graphically ugly and crude. Even compared to the already lackluster level graphics. Don't get me started on the uncanny valley humans.