Okay, so I was trying to do this a couple minutes ago, but it seems that's out of the question... There will be a server move within the next few hours. Within that time, there will be a small period of downtime—however, all posts should be intact after it's done with. Just a heads up.
Umm, like, within Host Gator, or somewhere completely different? Would be nice to know, as I'm one of SS's hostees.
Just an update, the entire sonic retro data has been moved to my server, it's just a matter of turning the board offline and waiting for the DNS updates to take place. That's outside of my abilities.
HostGator sucks and charges too much; Saz's hosting is free. Unless you're willing to pay for a dedicated server, this is the best we've got.
As long as the Party Van doesn't shut down Saz's server again that'll be fine. At least there won't be any host bitching or frequent 500 errors.
Ah, well, no, it's not a merger, I know that. I was just referencing a graphic Saz made a while ago during the Retro/Sonic 2 Beta arguing. Which I still wasn't really sure on until the betas came in. At this point Sonic 2 Beta isn't even a valid 'name' as it's actually an Alpha it was based on, and with so many protos, it may as well be called 'SEGA Prototype and ROM Hacking Land", heh.
Viewing the wiki looks to be fixed. There seems to be an issue with wiki pages starting with index.php that I've yet to figure out.
There seems to be some issues with any scripts that don't explicitly end in .php—approval and IP lookups in particular. Any chance on working those out?
I was kinda nervous about the move as Hidden Palace and Hacking culT both had connection errors after I talked to drx about his site. :huh:
CoreNetworks.com offers dedicated servers for $25/mo, that's not too expensive for someone who has a job.