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Segasonic the hedgehog Arcade (World ver)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Monstermug, Jul 26, 2023.

  1. Monstermug


    Im new to this forum but have been collecting arcade pcbs for decades now.

    Wanted a valuation on this game as it is an undumped version of segasonic the hedgehog. Its not revision b. That is still missing but its the world revision. How can i tell if its world revision, there isnt any warning " Not to be used outside of X country "at boot up. This is typical for world releases. Its not the USA version as they failed to file thier pstent for segasonic name on time and there would be a winners dont use drugs splashscreen too.

    Anyway i just wanted to see how much u guys value it from a sonic collectors point of view. It could be the only one, there could be more. But at this point in time, this is the only knwon copy of it!. It is still running on battery too! It has a seal on it which i dont want to break but looking through the holes it looks original with mask roms.

    Someone has agreed to buy it for 4k. It has been valued at 6k on klov forums.

    Here is a pic of it. Ignore the Japanese artwork. It belonged to a japanese version i sold 7 years ago. I kept the arts as a souvenir and the buyer of my aero table didnt want nor pay enough for it.
    And video of it.

    Last edited: Jul 26, 2023
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  2. Monstermug




    Just realised you need to have an account to view that post maybe? Reposted the pictures.
  3. Monstermug


    Forgot to mention the buyer wants exclusivity to it so i fear we never gonna see it again.
  4. The best way to find out if your version is an undumped revision is to dump it and check it against the known versions. There are probably folks who could do that for you and make sure that the ROMs don't get out.

    That said, it'd be a serious bummer to never let the world see this revision.
  5. Chimes


    The One SSG-EG Maniac Member
    Oh wow, that's really fucking rare. This is the first ever example of a English board posted online, as far as I know. In fact, I'm willing to claim that board might be a sole surviving example: SegaWorlds in the western part of the world have always used imports of the Japanese version, so seeing a English version is highly unusual. @RyogaMasaki a few years ago spent a few weeks on his blog hellbent on reconstructing said version based on data leftovers in the Japanese boards. Dumping this board's ROMs and comparing what changed might aid him in his research, because up until now no one really knew if a actual English version existed or not.
  6. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    It needs to be dumped.
  7. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Damn, I’ve never seen this game in English, I can finally read what Eggman’s saying. Hope we can get it and dump it, because that’s quite the find.
  8. Monstermug


    The difference and similarities i could tell are

    1. Localised text making it far more enjoyable.
    2. No region warning at boot. No need to wait out that 20 or so seconds as it boots straight into game.
    3. Same sound and music
    4. An additional all clear on the default high score table during attract mode making a total of 4 instead of 3 on jp version.
    5. Eggman is still Eggman and not Robotnik.

    As i dont have a trackball cable that was all i could test.

    I see if i can whack up a cable.

    I agreed 4k with the buyer but that was under the assumption i could dump it at least. Ive been specifically requested not too. Imo 4k is kinda too cheap for such rarity. Considering i had offered 5k for Alex kidd the lost stars on.sega system 16a hardware. Without a single pm or reply. Hence the reason i thought i ask from a Sonic collector viewpoint as apposed to a arcade collectors.

    And 3 other main arcade forums. Although ive finally found a alex kidd pcb, I've left them running to guage the availability of it. Its not even half as fun as sonic is either.
  9. Monstermug


    Thats entirely up to the buyer. Which is less likely than finding another one. Im pretty sure it was one of the later made sonic as it is still running of the original 1993 coin cell battery . I have no idea what happend to this release or was it never distributed?. I will change it for the buyer at my own risk. Ive dozens of games i do this on and never failed yet, touch wood. My hands are as steady as a brain surgeons.
  10. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    Please dump this, I know a few thousand is tempting for your wallet. However, this site specializes not just in fan discussion of the series, but documenting the history, legacy, and development of everything Sonic the Hedgehog.
    This very well could be the only single version of this rom out there. If it is sold it to a prototype hoarder, the chance of us ever seeing another copy is very, very, low. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is to the community.
    I am not a technical member, and have no idea how to contribute towards dumping it, but many of our researchers and tech members would jump at the chance to help you do it.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2023
  11. Turbohog


    It's your board, but I think prototype hoarders are downright gross. Members here and in related communities (see Hidden Palace) have financially contributed to acquire extremely rare prototypes in the past (including the only dumped Sonic 1 prototype).

    Everyone here would greatly appreciate it if you would reconsider selling to a buyer who intends to never dump it and let it disappear forever. At the very least, I hope you give it some time to see if anyone is able to organize and put together another offer.
  12. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Is there any way we can raise $4001 here on Sonic Retro? People who hoard things should suffer a fate worse than death.
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  13. Pengi


    I would contribute to this. I'd only be able to contribute a double-digit figure, but with enough of us I think we could get there.
  14. RDNexus


    I might manage to contribute as well, even if only a little.
    Mostly to help the community to add another piece of knowledge and history to this fine place.
  15. Monstermug


    Think u guys would be suprised to hear who is buying it.

    When they come over in a few hours I will ask permission if i can disclose this, and possibly keep rights to dumping the roms. But sale wont be finalised until i have invoiced them and payment has cleared in two weeks from date of invoice.
  16. Captain VG

    Captain VG

    Mind if I ask what you're bringing this to us for then? Just curious since if it's already got a buyer then there's nothing we can do right? I mean, it's a neat thing for sure and we'd like to have it dumped, but I don't think there's much of anything that can be gained other than knowledge it exists and cope that it can't/won't be distributed to the public. And I mean, based on the thread, I don't think we have the collective power to outbid this guy so all we can really do is hype it up and maybe increase the valuation.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm very appreciative of your bringing this build to light. I'm just confused about motives is all.
  17. Monstermug


    I was asked to get independent valuations for it from the buyer. Also at the same time provide some information before its lost forever. Although if i am unable to negotiate a deal whereby i can dump the roms then hopefully find a buyer that would.
  18. RyogaMasaki


    0xffffffff Oldbie
    Guys.... Come on. It's almost definitely the English patch that I posted a few years back...

    The thing that stands out to me is the "how to play" screen displays the same english text twice. In the graphics, there is only one English line for this part, while there are two Japanese lines. Hence in my patch it displays it twice. If this were a proper World version, I would really expect it to display only the one line of text.

    Before ANYONE shells out ANY money for this, demand high resolution pictures of the board and especially the mask roms, as well as more video of the cut scenes so we can see if it matches the order I chose in my patch.

    EDIT: Of course, if I'm wrong, I'll eat humble pie and hooray, great for us. But this is really suspicious.

    EDIT 2: I just saw the post above about the lack of region, extra all clear, etc. This is curious, sure, but anyone smart enough to patch in the English (which, may I remind you, is completely present in the JP version) is smart enough to make a couple other minor changes. I remain highly skeptical, however, until more proof is presented. The video alone is not enough.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2023
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  19. Monstermug


    I only see one line of english text not two. What exactly are you refering too please?
  20. RyogaMasaki


    0xffffffff Oldbie
    In the Japanese version, the first line appears, "spins," then displays the second line. As you say, there is only one English line, so you would not expect it to do the spin animation and display the exact same line of English. I would expect, in a port, to change the code to display the one line without the animation.

    Now, I'm well aware that if this was a "quick n dirty" location test, they may have left it as is. I am not fully discounting that this *may* be legit, but I want more proof, especially for such an asking price. Like, a lot of proof.

    EDIT: And as a preservationist, I would be one of the last people to say we shouldn't pursue undumped releases, especially rare ones. But let's make something clear: I did an *extensive* analysis of both Rev. A and C. All of the English assets are present in the final version, enough to fully restore it, as I did with my patch. This description and video bring nothing new. If it does turn out to legit, I am *certain* there is no new content to find. The asking price is simply ridiculous and I don't think this item in particular is worth that cost by a long shot. Based on the facts that we know, even if legitimate, there is nothing within the content of the data that makes it worth the asking price.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2023
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