Hey gang, So I did a wonderful little right up on the front page about SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter Galaxy Patrol getting dumped and released. Someone left a comment underneath pointing out an arcade machine that looks pretty similar to the Popcorn Shop: Along with another link that's got some info on it in Japanese and a whole image of the thing that I think is meant for the manual. I dug around the wiki and Google'd a bit and couldn't find anything... is this actually another arcade game that was in the wild and flew under our noses or am I just outta the loop?
Alright, so keeping in mind I don't know any Japanese, I did the best digging I could through the Astamuse site using Google Translate. Based on what I can make out, it seems that the game was purely a proof of concept/prototype. It details a scenario where, when someone is getting coffee, they will often be left bored during the time the coffee is being made/dispensed. So... the proposed solution is a video game to keep them busy. There's a bunch of diagrams of the game itself, which I have compiled to an Imgur gallery here.
That's not only a proof of concept, it looks like it's a patent describing in detail all the workings of the machine. It says that it's like those vending machines that fix a cup of coffee or cup ramen for you. The screenshot looks like there's an actual game there with Sonic in a plane. Seems like a good chance it was actually distributed.
Or it failed its location test. Mind you there's something about these "food dispensers" that screams "high maintenance for the love of god don't buy this thing"
So here's a genuine answer. This is a game called "SegaSonic Watame Scramble" (????????????????). "Watame" is the Japanese word for candy floss - pretty much every country calls it something different. That photo stems from Twitter, and the related tweets seem to suggest it probably came from Amusement Machine Show 1994, where it probably sat close to SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter (p.s. this probably means the 1993 release date is wrong... unless it was actually the 1993 AM Show) You're not going to find good English coverage because a) everyone knew it wouldn't be released in the West, and b) it was Virtua Fighter 2 season. As with most things, we need more Japanese magazine scans for a clearer picture. p.s. Your maths are incorrect - even from our wiki there's a bunch - CR Sonic - Sonic & Tails Spinner - Sonic Live! - Sonic Spinner - Sonic the Hedgehog (AWP game) - Sonic the Hedgehog (redemption game) - Sonic's Space Tours - UFO Mini: SegaSonic Just because some don't have graphics doesn't mean they don't have dumpable ROMs!
I didn't knew Sonic X was dumped. But it is not emulable, isn't it? The other one I was talking about is this one, it's for didj Leapfrog console https://www.amazon.com/LeapFrog-Custom-Learning-Sonic-Hedgehog/dp/B00134TC6U
I don't believe there is a Leapfrog emulator. The topic for those interested. EDIT: Seems the Didj game is dumped too. Last seen being hosted by Gerbilsoft.
This thing is awesome! Plenty of videos on the "Enshutsu" and "Renzoku" pages on the website- they took the actual models from SA2 (in 2008) and recorded original cutscenes with them. Slick camera work. Also, this can't be a coincidence. Also:
I love the Sonic Live game! I want to see more of it. I love the whole Sonic playing in a rock band thing. I find it hilarious. I also love how they made custom cutscenes with Sonic Adventure 2 models too. It's awesome. The Chao race cutscenes I thought were hilarious. I kind of wish the races were like that in the actual game. Back to the whole Sega Sonic Cotton Candy Shop arcade machine, I believe this is a truly working and playable arcade game. In the one picture you can clearly see an actual cabinet with a guy standing next to the screen which shows Sonic and the Tornado plane. Even if it was just at a location for a test and failed it would still be out there somewhere just like the newly discovered Sega Sonic Bros which also failed it's location test. I actually think there were more of these machines in Japan though because some people I follow on Twitter have also posted pictures of this very arcade game and the pictures were in public places. I would really love to see this game also get dumped someday too.
Damn, Sonic ROMS are like Pokemon -- just when you think you've "caught 'em all", there's always one or two you missed. Seriously, though, this game sounds adorable. If you read the translation of the proposal, there's a full synopsis of the game. After inserting a coin, the player helps Sonic and Tails "make" the cotton candy by launching the Tornado into the sky and flying it through the fluffy white clouds, which Sonic catches on a cotton candy stick. Rainclouds, thunder clouds, and clouds which Eggman is riding on should be avoided. When the cotton candy is ready to be dispensed (after about 60 seconds), the Tornado "runs out of fuel" and lands so that Sonic can "give" you the cotton candy. I wonder if any boards of this are out there...