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Sega should remaster Dreamcast Sonic Adventure 1 & 2

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by sayonararobocop, Jun 8, 2022.

  1. sayonararobocop


    As certain titles from legacy consoles get older, the ability to easily purchase them becomes more difficult, prompting some companies to create collections of remasters in order to continue to make revenue on these titles. Sonic Origins is an obvious example, but if it's the start of a trend I say that Sega should remaster Dreamcast Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 as one game. It's been long established significant changes were introduced in Sonic Adventure DX and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. Some of these changes were well received but the majority opinion is that both ports are not as visually impressive as the original Dreamcast titles. Of course, Dreamcast SA1 & SA2 have known issues that are worth looking at to bugfix, but I would say release them as they were.

    If it was my remaster and I had the resources, I'd include the following. The additions to SADX and SA2B are not significant and can be discarded (SA2B removes a lot of really interesting stuff and SADX only really adds Metal Sonic as a skin)

    • DC SA1 + all previously released DLC
    • DC SA2 + all previously released DLC
    • Chronological Story Mode for SA1 and SA2
    • Chao World functionality that connects to both games (The SA1 gardens are inferior, so DC SA2 gardens are used instead and the player can bring the game-exclusive animal friends and items to Chao World when playing either) How is Sega not taking advantage of Chao World as a title of its own? Chao World as a mobile app or console standalone would make truckloads of money.
    Leave out VMU and Network functionality.

    As far as additions beyond that, maybe consider adding Versus as an online feature and extend it to SA1 levels in addition to SA2 but I would have that sold as DLC so it's funded properly and good investments can be made in developing strong netcode for the online experience. Local co-op is mostly dead anyway.
  2. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    I mean that Chao point is actually nuts. I want them to remaster SA1 and SA2 if only so that they bring Chao raising into the 21st century.
  3. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    I think I said something like this in another thread but I'd love it if the people who worked on Better SADX and SA2B improvement mods could get together and pitch something like this to SEGA. Maybe throw Heroes in there for good measure :P
  4. Azookara


    yup Member
    I think Sonic Adventure needs a fresh port from the DC version for modern consoles, but I'm not sure if SA2 does.

    I know it has it's own issues, but unlike a quintuple-filtered SADX like SA1 has to suffer with, the 2012 port of SA2 is pretty much the same game but in widescreen and miniscule differences/issues that can be mostly gleaned over. Emphasis on "mostly" since I know the loudness of the sound effects could use a major tweak, lol.
  5. sayonararobocop


    Half of those mod suites are designed to restore the original Dreamcast lighting, models, textures & fog effects.

    SA2 Battle is inferior compared to SA2 DC from a visual presentation standpoint and made unnecessary layout/texture changes to the Chao Gardens and levels.
  6. McAleeCh


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the problem not so much that the sounds are too loud as that there's supposed to be a position-based audio system controlling their volumes, but it's completely broken in all post-Gamecube versions? Hence why everything's so obnoxiously loud in all modern ports.

    (Seriously, after revisiting the game on PC I gave up playing after the first Tails stage - too much obnoxious noise with all the targeting/shooting noises at max volume the whole time...!)
  7. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    SA2 doesn't need it. It's already perfectly functional on PC and the majority of problems with the battle version, are nitpicks at best. SA1 is a whole different story though, it definitely needs it's dreamcast original ported to PC since DX is an atrocity.

    TBH I think a full remake is a good idea. Both of them are still pretty fun today and they're definitely on my top 10 list of sonic games, but they've noticeably aged in many, many respects and have definitely not held up as well as some of their contemporaries. A modern take on them would be great.
    But that's a pipe dream, I suppose.
  8. It really is fascinating that we have not received a Chao app. They could build a base Chao Garden that is included with every game going forward and allow for transferring between mobile and the game version, and incorporate exclusive incentives that you only receive from the game or the app to use in the other.

    People may not like this proposal, but Sega could make each Chao an NFT that works with both the games and the app, allowing players to sell and trade them like a more entertaining CryptoKitties.
  9. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    No chao NFT's please, ew.
  10. Okay, I won't do it then. :thumbsup:
  11. RainyRoses


    See You Next Post Member
    i would love to race in versus, Green Forest especially if they only fixed collision and smoothness of the level, THATS IT.
  12. sayonararobocop


    I'm with you there - at least there are PC mods that correct the sound effect volume and one that shuts off the mech beeps entirely.

    I don't agree these are "nitpicks at best." There are significant changes and not all of them are objective improvements.

    Also, SA1 and SA2 play better than Modern games. Do you really want to boost everywhere?
  13. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    I would be a lot happy with a official "Better SADX" being a thing. Something similar with the remasters / remakes of Sonic 1-3 but for Sonic Adventure.
  14. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    I used to be against the idea of an Adventure remake but I've really turned around on this lately. I kind of want to see Sonic Team remake Adventure just to see how they would handle Sonic's movement and physics and if any of that Adventure design would carry over to a new game.
  15. sayonararobocop


    I think the camera is about the only thing preferable in modern Sonic gameplay. The level design would suffer, going from what we saw in Sonic Generations and Forces.
  16. No idea how feasible such a project would be, but I'd really love a hybrid of both Adventures, taking the Chao Garden, mission map, and perhaps physics & movesets from SA2 along with the relative non-linearity and hub worlds from SA. New hubs would need to be crafted, but the assets are already there.

    Beyond the pipe dream, I just want a fresh port of vanilla Adventure for Switch.

    [Edit] Ooh, and since Big was unjustly excluded from SA2, aside from his cute cameos, this hybrid should also include new ponds based off of those cameos.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2022
  17. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    SA1 and SA2 both have ports if you want to play them on modern systems, I don't think either needs a remaster at all.

    Despite giving absolutely zero fucks about the things, I do think it's mad Sega's never released a mobile phone game that's a Chao Tamagotchi though.
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  18. Snowbound


    I really want a widescreen Sonic Adventure collection with SA1 (w/ the dreamcast conversation mods), SA2 and Sonic Heroes. I’d like them to add “Nights into Dreams” as well since it’s already been remade, Nights’ cameos in SA1 and 2 and obviously Ohshima and Naka worked on it. I also think it would be brilliant to pare this collection with a chao app.

    Now I’m going off into crazy fantasy land... but since SADX included roms of the game gear games wouldn’t it be awesome if this hypothetical adventure collection included the fan made remakes of SMS/GG Sonic 1 and 2? How about Sonic Triple Trouble 16 bit? It would be wonderful for all these fan devs to get paid by Sega. Heck I’m already in crazy land... so what if Sega got Jon Button to make a widescreen Director’s Cut of the Saturn Version of 3D Blast?

    In my fantasy collection all those games would be unlocked from the start... but what if there were additional emulated games you unlocked by getting emblems. And what if the collection had a total emblem counter so you wouldn’t have to grind out a specific game to unlock most of the bonuses. Additional emulated games could consist of the remaining non remade SMS/GG games, the 16 bit spinoffs not included in Origins, Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic the fighters, Sonic R and Sonic Shuffle. Again: none of this is reasonable to expect lol. I’m just daydreaming on main.
  19. RikohZX


    At the very least the Adventure games need patches and updates. SA2 is still broken jank worse than the Gamecube Battle version despite supposedly trying to be more like the Dreamcast game, and SA1 is still 4:3 with a low resolution and bilinear filtering over the screen, as if trying to pretend it's an emulation of the GC DX release, with the worst problems of all the ports in one fell swoop.

    I don't think they'd get proper remasters, but it's sad how at this point it's become expectation that the fans have to do what Sega doesn't.
  20. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    My position remains "just get consent to shove all the mods that fix the games' problems in there". Yes, the PC versions of SA1 and 2 exist, but they're not exactly bringing in millions of new players after ten years. Most people who even mention they're going to play them get BetterSADX or the SADX mod installer shoved in their face anyway. It's worth getting all of the biggest fixes together and providing them to console players. Not just because more people deserve to play these cool games without having to download a hundred mods (I just checked, my current combined mods is exactly 100), but also because mending their reputations a bit by showing them at their best would be a huge boon to good fandom discourse.

    EDIT: I just checked and I guess if you go for the bare-bones "fixed vanilla game" options it comes out to only about 56, but most of the mods I use make sense as additions for a remaster anyway.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2022