This exact sort of thing was taken advantage of by users on the Retron 5 console. The system has native support for using IPS patches with physical cartridges, but people would create IPS patches to replace entire games with other ones, effectively allowing them to run any ROMs they want by having a bunch of patches for the one cart they actually owned. That's one thing they will probably want to prevent, otherwise people will be using Steam workshop to distribute games that aren't being sold. (Or ones that are) I don't remember if I saw it on this or another site, but keep in mind that Sonic titles are NOT among the list of supported games at launch.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but... Where's the Sonic games? Nowhere there! I would be genuine surprised if they don't support their biggest franchise, but they mention all these games EXCEPT for a single Sonic game that they offer for their current software.
They're also missing the TJ&E games. What do these have in common? They're sold individually, and not as part of the bundled packs on Steam. What's more, the list is sorted by those bundled packs. This leads me to believe it's probably an oversight.
It may not mean much but in the trailer you can clearly see Sonic 1 being played in the new HUB, so they most likely forgot to put them on the list.
Yeah, they seemingly just copied and pasted the games that are available in the Mega Drive bundle on Steam, which doesn't include the Sonic games. The Sonic games that use the same application as all of the other Mega Drive games on Steam should be compatible. Also in the trailer it shows the game selection menu, and Sonic games are shown there.
I purchased the lot of the Mega Drive classics bundle on Amazon independent from Steam, yet can be played through the same application that I got Golden Axe and Sonic 3&K from on Steam. I wonder if the ones I purchased from Amazon will be compatible with the Mega Drive Hub.
Assuming that this includes models for the box and cartridge and a scanned manual, I hope that this "VR" presentation of the available catalogue will be becoming a standard for old game collections.
I've played a few Portal 2 mods and played a lot of edited maps for that game. That's about it. Does this count? =P
And there we go. They updated the list, and Sonic games are now in it.
Where is this rumored list? I didn't notice any list on segas twitter and only the outdated list is posted in this thread, but not a link to it.
Here It now includes: "Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Sonic 3 and Knuckles Sonic 3D Blast Sonic Spinball" I wonder if we could get away with adding the Sonic in Chaotix hack :v: Might not be a Genesis hack but would be awesome if we could play it on Steam (or the original game for that matter).
It might be considerably difficult if the emulator lacks 32X support, I'm assuming more likely given the claim of "high accuracy emulator" being mentioned, as the higher accuracy emulators put more emphasis on the Mega Drive, and tend to leave addons such as the Mega CD, and 32X well alone (which makes sense given the small library that those addons had, it makes it difficult to define accuracy). Despite the negativity of Knuckles Chaotix, that is one game I do wish got on some compilation somewhere. Not even Mega or Gems collection had it, which is a shocking surprise considering other rare and lesser known games were thrown in, like Sonic Fighters for instance.
Since Sonic 3K is considered one cartridge by the emulator shell anyway, top priority for me would be Sonic 3 Complete. As cool as this is, it drives the last nail in the coffin for a PC release of the Sonic 1 & 2 Remasters. Why bother selling an updated version if they can repackage an emulation?
Update is out, and so is Steam Workshop support. And of course the first rom hack that is uploaded is Shadow in Sonic 1. EDIT: And it's been removed by whoever uploaded it. :v: By the way, this should go without saying on here but please don't upload rom hacks that aren't made by you. Let the creators upload their own work.
Looks like it's out! As far as emulator settings go, it is quite limited. You can rebind the controls to keyboard and controller (with separate profiles for each). Graphically there are options for scanlines (just an on/off toggle though), the curvature of the simulated CRT (many different levels for this one), and an option to enable the HQ2x filter. These settings are unfortunately not per game, but work across every game. The room is easy to navigate through and makes for an immersive experience, but I did experience problems when attempting to use the mouse when my controller was also plugged in. I tried to download some ROM hacks (listed as mods once a game has been selected), but it seems no one has added any yet, so I can't say how that works EDIT: No SRAM support. Truly spot-on emulation, eh SEGA?
Emulated Sonic 1 and 2 have been available on Steam for quite a while now, prior to the release of the Mega Drive Hub.