It being based in the UK might be a good start explaining why. Besides, we can complain about the stuff Europe isn't getting from the US side if we really want to go down that road like the entire current Sega merch store, so...
Understandable. I'm just underwhelmed with Sega Forever and their tweets about retro things in the UK are the only thing of interest to me. Maybe my wallet will thank me if I just unfollow them until better Sega Forever news arrives.
As much as I do really dislike when products and services only get released in certain regions and think it's unfair whether that's my region or not... there's often (not always) a North American 'bias' from SEGA and other gaming companies so it really sticks out to me when people on the other side of the Atlantic complain about things like this. Complain away cause you are getting the short stick here, but yeah.
I think this really speaks to a larger problem with Sega as a whole. The fact is, every regional branch has been making products for the world but marketing primarily for their own region for years (decades?), leading to this bizarre culture of duplicated work at vastly different quality levels, unintentional self-competition, and a general public-facing presentation of themselves as sometimes one unified company and sometimes several independent companies that merely work together. Really, I don't understand the totally inconsistent levels of autonomy that Sega allows their various regions. Surely they've noticed by now that this is confusing and frustrating to customers, right?
That controller is neat. But don't these sort of things normally work on iPhone, Android and PC/Mac? It's a bit odd that it's Android only. And does it only work with the Sega Forever games? It's also a shame that it's battery powered and not rechargeable USB. A brilliant idea that's been lessened in the execution, much like the Sega Forever line!
This hits the nail on the head so hard, it comes out of the other side of the wood, flies across the room, and into Sega's chest, penetrating it's fractured heart.
I bought a goddamn controller to spark interest because something has to show Sega we want RETRO and not TOAST. EDIT: Oh and that 100-day money back guarantee is pretty sweet too if it turns out to be garbage.
So, re-download the glorious S1 & S2 remasters for my phone, and bah, ads. Clicked restore purchases, nothing happens, still ads. Fuck this shit, deleted. What a way to fuck up all that hard work.
Heads up, for anyone who has ever downloaded the old versions of Sonic 1, 2, and CD, you should be able to look through your previously installed apps and download the original version. They count as separate apps for some reason but the originals seem to still work just fine, even on newer phones. I just downloaded all those pre-Sega Forever versions for my Samsung Galaxy S9+ and they all work great. No ads or freezes or glitches, although the aspect ratio is a bit off (some black bars on the sides but nothing detrimental in the slightest).
Let us know how it is! I'm still checking up on Retrobit's pages every few weeks, seeing if there's any updates at all on those Genesis/Saturn/Dreamcast Bluetooth pads announced at CES in January.
I checked the Sonic 1 Forever version, since it's been updated. It runs at half-speed compared to the original 2013 version on a phone from late 2016. So yeah, that's pretty bullshit.
Also, Sonic 1 on Android now has save files and a Time Attack system seemingly using the Sonic 2 data. As such, a complete save file is listed as "Special Stage 1", I have collected 6 out of 7 Chaos Emeralds when I can only get 6, and Time Attack... (spoiler tag for size) Spoiler
Hey folks, we're aware of the issues in Sonic The Hedgehog and have a fix going through QA right now. Apologies for the inconvenience!
Eggman proved too powerful for Sega, and hiring a professional at dealing with him such as Sonic would require a higher budget than Sega is willing to spend :v:
Found this cool glitch. Decided to try playing this in full screen on my Samsung Galaxy Note 8, and this beauty happened. Was doing time attack on Palmtree Panic Act 2 When I turned off full screen, and the app restarted to apply it, the glitch didn't show up. But no HUD, and then the whole thing disappeared in full screen mode.
Release date for the controller was silently pushed back a month on Merchoid. Their site still says only 5 available for preorder, which is an obvious lie to sell more. Ugh.
Quiet lately on the Sega Forever front. Nothing since Monkey Ball? Must be that directive to focus on native ports which is taking them longer. Hope the next game is coming in the near future.
Why's it called SEGA Forever? Because it takes forever for SEGA to do anything :v: EDIT: Also I think VectorMan was the last game they released, not Monkey Ball.