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Sega Festival in Japan will have "surprise announcement"

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by 360, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    UPDATE: Sega is hyping this up as something "huge" via all their sub-divisions. Megaton incoming? Thanks goes to TimmiT:



    And the Sega news just keeps rolling in. We have the Sonic event at SXSW on March 16, all that chaos about Microsoft and Sega - and now:


    Source is Gematsu here via ResetERA here

    The last Sega Fes was held in 2016 where the Soul Reverse arcade game was announced in addition to championing and promoting the return of the legendary Sega AM2. So it's highly likely this event will cover what AM2 have been up to which many speculate is Virtua Fighter 6. It's Japan and it's an arcade focused event, so if VF6 doesn't happen strongly expect an arcade game or two from Sega's teams. Sega have been on fire recently with Daytona 3 and House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn so their arcade output is still alive and kicking. Highly expecting VF6 but would welcome anything else.

    Notably Sega have been pushing Virtua Fighter recently in their marketing (on Twitter and so on) so many speculate VF6 is one of the announcements.

    Anyone else hyped for this?
  2. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Oh, it's that Sonic from Sonic Forces. Whee. :v:

    Isn't it a bit early for celebrating the Saturn's 30th anniversary, anyway?
  3. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    lol, yeah - quite bizarre to see Sega using key art from Sonic 06 in their promo here. On ResetERA they were shouting "Sonic 06 remaster" even though this is an arcade event and the very notion is ridiculous. As for the Sega Saturn no idea on that one, but yeah an anniversary celebration seems odd given we're what, multiple years early here?

    That said Sega's recent arcade output has been fucking great so I'm excited to see what they announce here. Between this and SXSW we have some exciting announcements coming up.
  4. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
  5. Ashura96


    There is no Daytona 3. Just countless remakes of the original.
  6. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Daytona 2 is a genuine sequel is it not? Vague memories of playing it at my local arcade and thinking it was awesome and wishing the game had a home port which never came.

    Speaking of home ports it's criminal Virtua Cop 3 never got ported. Ghost Squad got a port on the Wii but Virtua Cop 3 with its awesome bullet-time gameplay remained stranded in arcades. If I ever come in to an insane amount of money one of the things I'm going to buy is a Virtua Cop 3 cabinet. I was amazed when I played it years ago.

    Looking forward to Sega's upcoming announcements. Whatever they announce, whether it be Virtua Fighter 6 or something else, I hope they intend for there to be console ports.
  7. Ted909


    the future kick your ass Member
    He might mean the fact that Daytona 3 was more of a remake than sequel. I mean, 2 of the 'new' tracks are just redressed mirrors of the advanced and expert courses, the original tracks are in there too, and upon closer inspection thanks to the accidental release of the game on PC, it's using the original engine. That's definitely a remake to me. but Daytona 2 was a proper sequel.
  8. Ashura96


    Yes Daytona 2 is a proper sequel, but it might as well not exist at this point given SEGA's zero effort on making it available outside of the arcade.

    Daytona Championship USA did have "3" in the title but it was dropped before release, and probably best that they did.
  9. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Ah okay - see what you mean now. Yeah such a shame Daytona 2 never received a console port given it was such a good game. Seems lost to the abyss now like Virtua Cop 3. Strange how Sega ports much-requested games like Afterburner Climax but leaves other hit releases like the above in arcade limbo.

    Still looking forward to this event and whatever announcements may come regardless.
  10. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Also strange how they let both OutRun 2 and After Burner Climax fall into delisted-digital-games limbo. =(
  11. Ted909


    the future kick your ass Member
    It's a combination of the facts that they can't be bothered to get the Daytona licence back again, they've lost the original source code (like most of their games from that point :argh: ) and they think the Model 3 can't be emulated well enough yet, even though Supermodel is pretty much perfect now and M2 would be very happy to port it!

    And it's a real shame. These are just gonna be lost to time, as arcade machines can't go on forever. A lot of the Daytona 2's disappeared from my local arcades around the time DCUSA was released (only one remains!), and I can't remember the last time I saw Virtua Cop 3!

    And speaking of arcade game ports- if Virtua Fighter 6 is announced, will there be a home port coming soon after? The state of arcades, even in Japan, is not what it used to be, and I'm not sure they will port it. It was in a bad way even when VF 5 was around, and I'm not sure Sega would consider doing the same for VF 6- it would do less well in arcades, and the sales wouldn't be great either.
  12. Mentski


    Pff. Member
    Parts Unknown
    Being a mysterious face.
    The Ferrari and Boeing/Northrop Grumman licences those two games require mean delisting is inevitable. Unless they renew the licence of course, but with games like that having such a niche audience in this day and age, I'm guessing Sega didn't forsee a return on the investment.
  13. Ashura96


    At least Virtua Cop 3 can be run on a modded Xbox :ssh:
  14. Sir_mihael


    This is good timing. I'm in Tokyo on the 11th April for a week or so and it looks like a fairly open event.

    Expect some shaky iphone video/photos from me in a month's time then. :v:

    I'm just there for the Puyo merch really...
  15. Zeether


    If they couldn't be bothered to get the Daytona license why is that new arcade game out? :v:

    Also I swear to god every person responsible for trashing source code at Sega should be shamed.
  16. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    If Virtua Cop 3 somehow gets a home release, however unlikely that may be, seriously my gaming life would be complete. Adored 1 and 2 on the Saturn. Criminal it didn't get a home port. So we have SXSW rapidly approaching for the Sonic focused announcements, and then this event will tell us Sega's arcade plans. Plus E3 which could be major. Exciting time to be a Sonic/Sega fan.

    Good to know. Enlightening even. But I haven't owned an Xbox since something like 2003? Honestly hoping for an official home port at some point. Though given the time that has passed that's unlikely I suppose.
  17. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    So there's an update on this. It looks like one of the announcements or perhaps the main announcement itself is a new Shining Force game that Sega is now teasing.

    The event is in a fortnight so we'll see what Sega announces at the show. This may nullify the possibility of Virtua Fighter if Shining is what they're planning to announce.
  18. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Sega could negotiate a new license for OutRun (is anyone really sweating it if an OutRun game has a fast car that's not a Ferrari in it?) and just pull a CoD and make an After Burner in SPAAAAAAAACE thing to continue those franchises. They should.

    Or someone should, I dunno, kickstart those games or something.
  19. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    I feel you dude. Outrun 3 needs to happen. 2 was just divine. I think with recent titles like House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn and the new Daytona happening Sega is clearly open to delivering new entries in their arcade legacy. I mean AM2 has to be up to something. Sega promoted them at the last Fes event so they must be working on something - whether it be Virtua Fighter or even Outrun.

    Also Yu Suzuki stated after Shenmue 3 he and his studio are interested in and intends to develop spiritual successors to Outrun and Virtua Fighter so there's that too.

    EDIT: Ah just thought - remember that Suzuki is the ex-head of AM2 and his studio YSNet are mostly ex-AM2 too so his future games are worth getting excited about.
  20. Ted909


    the future kick your ass Member
    It'll be a damn shame if the new game is just another Shining Force. Surely it's something of importance? I'm still holding out hope for a Switch version of 3D Classics Collection. Having that on there would be absolutely amazing.