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SEGA de-listing Sonic games with bad scores

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Oct 7, 2010.

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  1. Spatula


    too cool for old school Member
    Fair enough, I never played sonic: the fighters. You've stumbled across my dark secret. Feel free to rub it in all you want, but I do still have 3 legitimate gripes:

    -the spindash functions nothing like it has in any sonic game
    -they didn't use any of the barrier shield animations from Sonic 3, which was a missed opportunity
    -Sonic is not a good character in Brawl.

    That last one can't be an accident, and it's definitely not cool. :argh:
  2. Vantoggle


    Meh, they'll probably rerelease the titles five years later under a “limited time offer” so they can get even more moneyz. Heck, Disney does it.
  3. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    None of the characters function like they do in any game in their respective franchises except Kirby, and even that is a bit of a stretch.
  4. Blue Emerald

    Blue Emerald

    Teleportation, yeah! Member
    So, I should probably keep my copy of Sonic Chronicles, as it will eventually become a collector's item? All right then. :v:

    Anyway, I'm cool with this. The only other Sonic games I plan to buy in the near future are Sonic 4 and Colors. Really been on the fence about getting All-Stars Racing, though.
  5. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    It's better than the unbalanced mess that is Mario Kart Wii. I wholeheartedly believe this.
  6. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    You're doing it wrong, then. I've held my own quite well against tourneyfags playing with so-called "top tier" characters.
  7. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    Honestly, it's not as bad as people make it out to be. I enjoyed it. Granted, it's no where even near as good as say, Sonic Adventure, but it'll keep your attention. At least do it for the opening cutscene where + - Sonic spins a chilidog in hand!  

    I hope they aren't de-listing Unleashed for 360, I actually want to try that one.
  8. That's good to hear.

    Now if we could just get a written apology for Sonic 06...
  9. Spatula


    too cool for old school Member
    There are Sonic players that do well in tournaments, but there's no denying the fact that they have some serious disadvantages to overcome.
  10. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    TR4Q (Tiers are for queers). I generally disregard "tiers" and who's in them. For years, Kirby has been my best character, a character who, until Brawl, was considered a lower tier (the Smash Bros. Dojo officially regards that fact). It's not the tier, it's how good you are with the character - and even then, I find that the best way to win a match is to make sure you're up on your blocking and dodging.
  11. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    On one hand, this is a good PR move to show Sega cares about the Sonic brand. On the other hand, I may want to own the PS3 version of Sonic Unleashed someday. :/ I was originally going to check it out at my local library but now I'm wondering if I should consider buying it solely for the fact Sega will discontinue production of the game. I'm so broke this fall so buying that would cut into my budget of games I want this fall.
  12. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    Earlier today I watched all of the Sonic 06 Cutscenes. I'd like to find the game's writer and rip out his heart. Good move on Sega's end by delisting these crapholes.
  13. Vantoggle


    The game had writers? All I can remember are a pair of orange legs, cartoon animals prancing around in motion capture, something about Ivan Ooze, and my eyes getting fuzzy with tears.

    Sooo, would this act be the first time a Sega rep has publicly suggested that they are ashamed of their recent games? I mean, I know it is rare that the worker bees are unaware that their product is bad, but heaven forbid they let us know that. I'm having trouble keeping track of all these announcements.
  14. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    Suggested? They've outright admitted it on several interviews already. They know their shit games were shit, even if they don't always admit it.
  15. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    Hmm interesting move, though if they aren't selling then it's obviously a good move to let em die, of course, pretending it never happened isn't helpful, because it did happen and the games have suffered the non-sale, so I'd like to see SEGA taking this as a learning curve of their mistakes and hopefully see them improve from that tad failure experience.
  16. CriticalMass


    This isn't "pretending it didn't happen". The sales aren't really the biggest problem either - the games were selling enough to keep the company going after losing a lot with their bad business decisions from +-10 years ago. Remember they were in the negative.

    If anything the decision is about the company realizing what happened - bad titles weaken the franchise as a whole, and in the long-term you get fewer and fewer sales even if you're still having a good profit margin. With a weak franchise, the company name weakens as a whole, and this also affects your other titles.

    There are many names for this chain of events. In neuroscience it refers to how our brain links information - part of our cognitive process is to associate and create shortcuts, so when a player sees a review of a Sonic game with a 3.0/10, his brain reinforces the links that "sonic = low quality", "sonic is linked to sega" so the result is that "sega = low quality". When a company is famous for low quality products it makes certain (but not all...) business relationships harder to maintain, as by that same neurocognitive process people will assume whatever company is associated with low quality too. It's a snowball with too many variables to mention, so I can't really go in more detail than that in a forum post.

    In business, one of the many names for this is "Mind share". You want your games to be good because, with a strong brand, people will be talking about it and increasing your future sales - not only of that specific franchise, but all others you own. When everybody thinks your products are good they'll try to convince more people of it.

    By cutting off the bad games and trying to "renew" the brand they show they're aware the company has been disconnected from these practices. I just really hope they know what to do next.
  17. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    Great summation. It's a somewhat roundabout way to say "Shitty by Association", but it's definitely more classy and smartsy.
  18. Um, you guys DO know this is only going on in the UK, right?
  19. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member

  20. This is an awesome pic.

    And I understand why they are doing it. They don't want people buying Sonic 06, which says on the box "Sonic's greatest adventure ever" when it really isn't.

    They want to start fresh again with Sonic Colors and 4, so they are "ridding" themselves of games they don't want people to associate with the brand.

    Mainly anything between SA2 and Sonic Unleashed.
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