If I disconnect the /CART pin on the SVP cart think the SEGA CD could detect it? when the /CART pin on a normal game is left floating and the system boots from the internal BIOS I should be able to read the cart from 0x400000 onward correct?
Theoretically? I know CD games are capable of reading data from carts via the main cpu, with the main example being BuRAM; they were like memory cards with a cartridge shell, and to do that they don't use the /CART pin In this case, I think the main issue would be the SVP itself; I'm not sure it knows that the cartridge is mapped to 0x400000, and communications between the MCD sub cpu and SVP would be rather annoying. I'm sure you can detects its presence, just not sure you can use it.
Thank you for the reply, I ask this question because I to am not sure how the SVP would see its 2MB rom. The SVP will freeze if it doesn't find the proper text string in the ROM header. 'SV' in place of 'SEGA' Will SVP see its rom at 0x400000 or will it look to the CD BIOS for the text string? I will know in a bit anyway. as soon as my CRT is back up and running I plan on adding a toggle switch to one of my mega drives 'B32 /CART' pin. I also have some experiments to try with SRAM