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Sega CD save ram mod with 509 Blocks?

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by PhyChris, Jul 27, 2024.

  1. PhyChris


    I was just about to FRAM mod my sega CD consoles and add a manual bank switch, but then I found THIS
    It looks like the extra address lines are connected directly to the 68K address pins. they say the BIOS they use will address the full 256Kb space. over 500 blocks internally.

    has anyone looked into this before? is there a modded BIOS floating around that can address 256Kb onboard save ram?

    Update: ApolloBoy86 "Leo Oliveira's been working on a region-free BIOS that can address the full 32 KB capacity of an FM18W08, though I don't think he's publicly released it yet. I've done this on a couple of model 1s and it works pretty well."

    Update: I modded mine :)
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2024
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